Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 603 Relaxation Before the War


Zhou Ruoyun froze for a moment: "Grandpa, what do you mean by this?"

"Hehe, just tell that kid just as I said, he will understand it himself."

After that, the old man hung up the phone.

Zhou Ruoyun looked at her mobile phone with a confused expression.

What do you mean by Grandpa?

The country has noticed those companies...

Could it be that the country also feels that those P2P companies are unreliable and start to make people stare?

It must be so!

Zhou Ruoyun was overjoyed immediately, and eagerly wanted to tell Lin Chen the good news.

So she hurried out of the office and went straight to the headquarters of Stardust Group.

From the Dust Cloud Foundation to Stardust Investment, it takes only ten minutes to run through a river-crossing tunnel.

However, when Zhou Ruoyun hurried to the office, he unexpectedly learned that Lin Chen was seeing guests.

"Meeting guests? Who?"

"It's Miss Su."

Su Ningyu?

That's okay, Zhou Ruoyun waved his hand and walked directly in.

However, as she approached Lin Chen's office, she suddenly saw a scene that made her somewhat unacceptable from the floor-to-ceiling windows next to the office.

I saw Lin Chen and Su Ningyu sitting on the sofa in the office at this time.

However, Su Ningyu was sitting, while Lin Chen was lying down, resting on Su Ningyu's knees.

The flame in Zhou Ruoyun's heart was immediately extinguished. She didn't know why, and instantly she didn't mean to see Lin Chen.

So Zhou Ruoyun left her words directly at the front desk, asked the front desk to relay it to her, and then left first.

Lin Chen and Su Ningyu were completely ignorant of this matter.

Today, Su Ningyu originally came to say goodbye to Lin Chen. Next, she will go to Myanmar to purchase jade.

Like Zhou Ruoyun, Su Ningyu was also a little worried about Lin Chen's recent situation, so she wanted to come and see him once before leaving Donghai.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the office, Su Ningyu saw Lin Chen's eyes flushed.

Upon seeing this, she immediately thought Lin Chen was under too much pressure and insisted on giving him a head massage.

But in fact, Lin Chen was only because of Feihua back and forth recently.Xia and the other side of the ocean, the jet lag did not reverse, but some insomnia.

But since it was a blessing, Lin Chen did not refuse.

Lying on Su Ningyu's knee, Lin Chen closed his eyes, feeling bursts of relief from his tight scalp.

"How?" Su Ningyu asked.

"Very comfortable. Have you studied specifically?"

As Su Ningyu continued to massage Lin Chen's temples, she whispered, "Well, I used to help Grandpa when he was uncomfortable and not energetic."

"How is the old man? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Very good, I often mention you."

"Oh, all right."

Su Ningyu pressed it for a while, and asked softly, "Are you under a lot of pressure recently? You look so red."

"In fact, it's okay, what pressure can I have?"

"So many people out there scold you."

"What is there to worry about about some clowns who jump on the beam? The more fierce they are now, they will cry when the curtain falls in the future."

"The curtain falls?"

"Yes, when those P2P companies collapse, these people will pretend to be dumb."

"Will P2P companies really fall? You don't know, I have investments in Mingyue Group."

"Then you can quickly talk to Uncle Su after you go back, let him pull his hand as soon as possible. No one will be spared when the building is about to fall.

"Yeah." Su Ningyu nodded, took the matter down, did not continue.

A few minutes later, Su Ningyu's slender jade fingers moved away and rotated vigorously.

Lin Chen immediately felt a little refreshed, and couldn't help but let out a comfortable cry.

"Ah~ Ningyu, what about you? Why are you suddenly going to Myanmar? Is it impossible to buy rough stones?" Lin Chen asked.

The strength in Su Ningyu's hands became heavier: "In fact, I was hiding from others."

"Hidden? Aunty introduced you a new boyfriend again?"

"No, it's Chen Ziyan, she is looking for me again."

Chen Ziyan?

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment before remembering that this was like Su Ningyu's former Lily lover.

"Didn't you and her make it clear?"

"Yes, but Chen Ziyan may have inquired about our situation, knowing that we are not true lovers, so she came to me recently. I can't persuade her, so I can only hide away for a while."

Lin Chen knew that Su Ningyu's troubles had something to do with him.

Although Lin Chen used to pretend to be Su Ningyu’s boyfriend and persuaded Chen Ziyan to resign, but later Su’s mother opposed Su Ningyu’s contact with Lin Chen, and the contact between the two was less. Multiply.

"Do you need my help?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's okay, I just go out and hide for a while, she is also the boss of a group after all, it is impossible to follow me around the world." Su Ningyu smiled.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, or I'll accompany you to see her again, you are so good, you can even massage, it's a good deal to find you as a girlfriend." Lin Chen opened his eyes and smiled at her.

Su Ningyu looked at him angrily, then patted him on the chest and said: "Get up, look at you and make fun of me. Press it!"

"Then why are you blushing?" Lin Chen looked at her with a smirk.

Su Ningyu blushed, stood up and left.


Although Su Ningyu was gone, the massage she gave Lin Chen really worked.

At least afterwards, Lin Chen's spirit was much better than before.

That night, Lin Chen turned on the computer at home by himself. Because Su Ningyu's massage inspired him, he decided to start his fourth move against Wu's family in advance to build momentum!

That night, Lin Chen opened the Hua of that day.Xia’s stock market trend chart, writing and drawing with pen and paper in hand, calculating all the possibilities, and then making a record.

After that, Lin Chen opened his Weibo and began to write about his first Weibo since the public opinion storm broke out.

"The P2P platform, which was born on the basis of the bull market, will also end with the arrival of the bear market. The big waves wash the sand, and the sinkers are gold. How much of those P2P platforms are real gold?"

In this Weibo, Lin Chen clearly pointed out that this wave of the big bull stock market that started last year may have come to an end. From the international situation and recent policy trends, the end of the bull market has already begun. Prelude, the arrival of the bear market is not far away.

After that, those P2P platforms that have been relying on the bull market to maintain a high rate of return will face a serious situation of making ends meet. Once the capital chain of these companies exercises, the P2P platform will not be far off.

I only hope that at that time, the bosses of the P2P platform, as well as the experts and professors now called Huanchang, and the celebrities who endorse, can stand up and make up for the losses of all victims who have been deceived.

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