Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter Sixty Declared War of Wu Family

Since the news that the P2P companies under the Guanghui Group have started to run, the myth of the P2P platform has finally been completely shattered.

Even the gray-haired old lady on the side of the road will no longer trust any P2P company.

The once glorious P2P has become a mouse on the street, everyone shouts and beats.

With the collapse of P2P, the situation of the stock market is also deteriorating.

In the wave of national stock speculation, a considerable amount of money in the stock market comes from P2P companies.

Some of the money is P2P companies directly using investors’ money to invest in the stock market, and part of the money is money lent by P2P companies to companies with so-called investment projects. The money goes around in the hands of these companies and eventually flows into the stock market.

It is under the impetus of these hot money that the stock market has its former prosperous scene.

But now P2P companies are falling and running, whether it is those who have not run or have run, in order to raise funds, they need to recover the money they invested in the stock market. For this reason, a large number of stocks need to be sold.

These selling behaviors eventually became one of the culprits that contributed to the decline of the stock market.

On January 4, just after the New Year's Day in 2013, the first day the stock market opened, the market was still in depression and trading volume was sluggish.

The long-term bear market has made people lose sight of hope, and many small companies have even given up the habit of looking at the market.

However, in this still sluggish day, there was a stock that suddenly turned red in an unconventional way.

And it didn't take long for this stock to release a huge amount, and it was directly sealed to the daily limit!

This stock is the stock of Korn Ferry Group.

Korn Ferry Group suffered a major setback for its share price because of its involvement in the P2P runaway wave.

And because of the bankruptcy of the previous group's plan to bet on the P2P platform, the share price today is almost half less than that of its heyday.

Therefore, the stock change of Korn Ferry Group immediately aroused great attention from the outside world.

Some people wonder if Guanghui Group sees the stock falling too much, and the executives intend to increase their holdings to rescue the market?

Some people also said that there will be any good news for the Korn Ferry Group to announce?

Under the divergent opinions, there is one news that has attracted the most attention.

The daily limit of Guanghui Group is because some people are absorbing a lot of stocks, and some people want to buy Guanghui Group!

Acquiring Guanghui Group?

Although this news can explain why the share price of Guanghui Group has soared suddenly, it is not consistent with common sense.

This is because although the market value of Guanghui Group has fallen by nearly half, it is still one of the largest large companies in China.

How easy is it to buy them?

However, at noon, Guanghui Group issued an announcement stating that the company had received notice from Stardust Group that through secondary market transactions, its cumulative share of the company’s shares accounted for the company’s total share capital of more than 5%, reaching 5.7%.

The so-called placard refers to that investors continue to purchase stocks of a listed company in the capital market, and publicly raise the placard after reaching a prescribed ratio of 5% or an integral multiple of 5%. It is a regulation of the A-share market such as the Securities Law Required.

According to the "Securities Law", after the investor's shareholding ratio reaches the required requirements, it shall, within 3 days from the date of the occurrence of the fact, submit a written report to the supervisory authority and the stock exchange, notify the listed company and make an announcement. And fulfill the obligations stipulated by relevant laws.

This is to protect the interests of small and medium investors and prevent large investors from manipulating stock prices, insider trading and hostile takeovers.

Therefore, the act of raising a placard is sometimes also a signal of acquisition.

So, is Stardust Group's placard this time to acquire Guanghui Group?

This issue has aroused the attention of countless people.

It has become a topic of discussion in various financial programs.

However, in these programs, most experts are not optimistic that this placard is a signal from Stardust Group in order to acquire Guanghui Group.

Although Stardust Group has been opening up and developing rapidly in recent years, its chairman, Lin Chen, has become the country’s foremost young wealthy man and is considered to be among the top ten on Forbes this year. The position has become the youngest Forbes rich man ever.

But with the current scale of Stardust Group, wanting to acquire Guanghui Group seems a bit like a snake-tuning elephant, impractical.

And acquisitions are all for the long-term development of the group.

Ke Guanghui Group has a big business, and it involves a large number of businesses, and the most important thing is that these businesses hardly overlap with Stardust Group.

In other words, even if the acquisition of Stardust Group is successful, it will not help their existing business much. In that case, what reason does Stardust Group have to acquire them?

In short, the outside world generally believes that the Stardust Group's purpose of raising the placard this time is that the Stardust Group may be mainly for investment.

And no matter what the purpose is, anyway, for Guanghui Group, this placard is big news.

Therefore, when the market resumed that afternoon, Guanghui Group did not unexpectedly, all the way to the daily limit to close.

But this time, the media and specialists are a little fan of bystanders.

On the contrary, it is within the Guanghui Group, who is the authority, that the purpose of the Stardust Group's plaque is clear.

"Dad! This Lin Chen is definitely going to attack us!"

In the office of the chairman of the Guanghui Group, Wu Hui said to his father anxiously.

Wu Jian lifted his eyelids and glared at him dissatisfiedly: "You still need to talk about it? Do you think I am the brick house outside?"

"Unexpectedly, they actually raised their cards."

Although he knew that Lin Chen was absorbing their shares for a long time, Wu Jian never paid too much attention to it. After all, Lin Chen’s wealth and their Wu family were just between the uncles and the other. He wanted to win the Guanghui Group. There is no possibility.

But now Lin Chen actually raised a card...

From the secondary market alone, even if Lin Chen has money, he cannot collect enough shares to shake Wu's family. So what is his real purpose...

That night, Wu Jian held a family meeting. All the participants were the Wu family who held shares of Guanghui Group.

Wu Jian looked at everyone with a solemn expression: "Everyone, Stardust Group officially launched the company today. Although their purpose is not yet known, it does not rule out the other party's attempt to acquire our company!"

"Acquisition of our company? Brother, what are you kidding about, our Guanghui Group is so large that others can acquire it?" It was a cousin of Wu Jian who spoke, and his words immediately received support from many people. They all spoke, saying that it was impossible to buy something.

"Don't underestimate the Stardust Group, their wealth far exceeds your imagination!" Wu Jian slapped the table and stopped their nonsense.

"I don't care what the purpose of the Stardust Group is. This time I am convening a family meeting to remind you of one thing! This time the Stardust Group's placards can be big or small. I hope that in the face of interests, everyone will Remember one thing, that is that you are all members of the Wu family! I don’t want someone to only care about immediate interests and forget that they are a member of the Wu family, understand?"

Wu Jian looked around everyone.

Everyone in the Wu family nodded and said yes, supporting his statement.

However, among the crowd, there was one person with a mocking look in his eyes.

Wu Jian, Wu Jian, you know that the days of giving orders in Wu's house like this can't last long.

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