Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter Sixty Sixth Chapter

Seeing everyone sneer in front of him, Lin Chen was expressionless at first.

It was as if it was the first time I knew about this and I was shocked.

But shortly afterwards, a weird smile appeared on his face in the eyes of others.

"Then what you mean is that as long as I have more than 51% of the shares, who I want to be the board of directors?"

The mocking stopped suddenly.

The people on the opposite side had strange expressions, not understanding why Lin Chen would say this suddenly.

Wu Hui, who was sitting across from Lin Chen, had a bad premonition even more.


That feeling is coming again!

Whenever he felt that he had a chance to win, Lin Chen would suddenly give himself a strange feeling, and after this feeling, the situation would often change.

Just as Wu Hui's heart was cold and sweaty, he heard Lin Chen suddenly say: "Mr. Wu, when the matter is up to now, then you can come out."

Mr. Wu?

Everyone turned their heads, and then they saw Wu An, who had been hiding in the corner without making a sound, suddenly stood up, walked around the round table and sat on Lin Chen's side.


Wu An's departure shocked many people present.

Especially the Wu family, most of them were inexplicable at first, and then they looked angry.

"Wu An! You trash! You betrayed our Wu family?"

"You useless! Eat something inside and out!"

Obviously, as long as the Wu family is united, Lin Chen can't have any chance. Unexpectedly, in the end, a traitor would appear in the family, which made the Wu family feel resentful.

Wu Hui even tightened his fists.

On the other hand, looking at Lin Chen's side, everyone had a sunny smile on their faces, and the atmosphere on both sides turned around just a few minutes ago.

Lin Chen glanced at Wu Hui and the others contemptuously, and said, "Everyone, Mr. Wu An holds 14.1% of Guanghui Group's shares. Now, am I eligible to nominate?"

There was a whisper on the scene.

Stardust Group currently has 38.1% of the shares, plus Wu An's 14.1% of the shares, that is 51.2%, and already has a relative controlling stake!

The situation turned around suddenly?

Lin Chen coughed, and then said to Tang Xin next to him: "Xiao Tang, read our list of director nomination again."

Tang Xin nodded, took out a list, and read it.

Unsurprisingly, this list is completely different from the current board of directors of Guanghui Group.

All the names in the list were replaced by people from Lin Chen's side, and neither the Wu family nor the company's executives on the other side knew anyone.

The few names that occasionally have impressions are people who are closely related to Wu An, as well as Wu An himself!

"Second uncle, just one director's place, did you sell our Wu family?" Wu Hui slammed the table and stood up and questioned.

Wu An's face was as sinking as water, her expression unchanged.

Lin Chen smiled and answered for him: "No, no, no, with Mr. Wu's ability, how could it be just a director. We are not familiar with Guanghui Group. We still need a familiar person to abbot the overall situation. We leave the position for Mr. Wu , Is the chairman of the board!"

Wu An did not refute, her expression still indifferent.

On the Wu family's side, many people already looked depressed.

The overall situation has been determined. With Wu An on Lin Chen's side, it is a fact that Guanghui Group has fallen into the hands of outsiders.

Seeing them, especially Wu Hui's dejected and dejected look, Lin Chen, Zhao Wenxuan and others all looked refreshed.

"Wu Hui! Didn't you expect to have today?"

"From now on, let's be a rich man at home!"

"Fuck! What are you proud of? What about 51% of the shares? Guanghui Group still belongs to our Wu family!"

Wu Hui suddenly slapped the table and stood up and wanted to call the security guard.

But at this time, Wu Jian suddenly shouted: "Ahui! Sit down for me!"


"sit down!"

Wu Hui was scolded by Wu Jian, and sat down sullenly.

Wu Jian, who hadn't spoken much before, turned to look at Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, is this your method? I didn't expect that you would notice Wu An?"

Wu Jian's words are full of emotion and helplessness.

"My younger brother, because of my strategy, was forced to withdraw from the competition for the owner of the house, and was criticized as a waste of the Wu family for so many years. It is really not easy for you to get him to stand up and resist me."

"I heard that you mentioned that he found the same house back then? I don't know how you found it in the vast overseas country..."

Zhao Wenxuan and the others listened to Wu Jian nagging a lot, their expressions gradually changed, and Lin Chen's eyes became more solemn.

Everyone heard it, Wu Jian seemed to have something in his words.

"But, maybe you are still young, and you have forgotten the reason that brothers fought against their insults against the wall!"

"No matter what resentment Wu An and I had back then, the two of us are from the Wu family after all! The resentment between brothers cannot change the fact that both me and Wu An are surnamed Wu. Everyone keeps the blood of the Wu family. , And this Guanghui Group is a family business created by our father! The enemy is now, and the past grievances can be put down! What's more, it is a district chairman!"

Lin Chen frowned and asked, "Mr. Wu, what are you talking about?"

"It means literally." Wu Jian said disdainfully, turning his head to look at Wu An: "Brother, how long do you have to sit there? You can come back! Time is running out, today's farce can end sooner ."

Wu An nodded, then stood up and walked towards Wu Jian.

Lin Chen trembled when he saw this, "Uncle Wu?"

"I'm sorry, Lin Chen, just as my elder brother said, I am from the Wu family after all, how could it be possible to watch my Wu family's property fall into the hands of outsiders?" Wu An stood beside Wu Jian indifferently.

"But didn't we say yes? I will give you the chairmanship!" Lin Chen stood up and said.

"Wu An! Why are you going to betray us?" Zhao Wenxuan and the others also stood up with an angry look.

No one thought that this kind of thing would happen when this acquisition war was about to be won?

Wu An, who was obviously drawn by Lin Chen, turned his head and betrayed Lin Chen, and stood with the eldest brother he once hated the most?

Wu An shook his head indifferently: "Betrayal? Rather than betraying the Wu family, of course I have to choose to betray you. I'm also the chairman of the board. Why don't I be the chairman of the Wu family and become your puppet of Lin Chen? What?"

The chairman of the Wu family?

Zhao Wenxuan's eyes narrowed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone tried to understand how to understand. Wu Jian stood up from his chairmanship and exchanged positions with Wu An.

Wu An then sat down and sat on the throne that represents the chairmanship.

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