Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 640 The Tomb of the Pharaoh

Luxor, located on the banks of the Nile River, was once the royal capital in the ancient Egyptian era.

The tomb of Tutankhamun, which is famous in Egypt, is located in the Valley of the Kings to the west.

This time with Lin Chen, there were four other bodyguards including Lei Long. They rode all the way through the desert in rented jeeps, and it took another half a day to reach their destination.

At this time, it was dark.

Kong Laozhou was exhausted and exhausted.

Lin Chen wanted to let him rest for a while, but he still insisted, so Lin Chen had to let Lei Long and the others take care of it.

After entering Luxor City, everyone first had an extremely simple meal, and then rested in a local bar.

During this period, Lu Li went out to contact the group of tomb robbers.

Soon after, two local people with crooked jujubes came back with Lu Li.

"Lao Kong, Brother Lin, these two are the Rasu brothers from the nearby Kuna village..."

After a pause, Lu Li said in a low voice: "They are a famous family of tomb robbers nearby, and the family has been a tomb robber for generations."

Nodded, Kong Lao said in bird language: "Hello, we are the buyer this time."

"Welcome, welcome!" The taller of the two brothers said in a bird language with a strong accent: "My name is Abdo, and this is my younger brother Mord."

"Hello, hello."

Lin Chen smiled and nodded, while taking out two red round objects and stuffing them into their hands.

"This is a meeting ceremony, please accept it."

The two brothers Abu Duo saw what they were holding, and they were surprised and thanked again and again.

Both Kong Lao and Lu Li were puzzled.

Especially Lu Li, he has been here for several days, and this is the first time he has seen these two brothers so polite.

"Brother Lin, what did you give them?"

Lin Chen smiled and took out the remaining bottle from his pocket: "Dragon Tiger brand cooling oil, this is the hard currency that the locals like most here, don't you know?"

After meeting with the two brothers of Abdo, everyone drove out of the city and began to drive towards the suburbs.

To inquire about the news, Lin Chen and Lu Li were in the car of the two brothers together.

"Mr. Abdo, I heard that your tomb was found in a diary this time?"

"Yeah, that diary seems to be the treasure record of the ancient tomb robbers. After confirming the location of the tomb, in order to control the price of the treasure, so as not to dig out too many treasures at once, they all made the location of the tomb. It was recorded. But later it may be due to the war, this diary went out." Abu Duo laughed.

"To be honest, if we hadn't obtained this diary, we wouldn't know that there are tombs in other places around Luxor besides the Valley of the Kings!"

Lu Li said from the side: "Brother Lin, according to the diary, this time the tomb was in the south of the Imperial Valley, and reached the intersection of Baishan and Baihe. Indeed, no tomb has been found in the south of the Imperial Valley, so if If a tomb was actually dug out, it might be a big discovery!"

"Of course it is a big discovery!" Abu Duo smiled, "When you get to the place, you will be pleasantly surprised. I am worried that you will not have enough money to buy the things we found."

The night in the desert was as cold as the north, so Lin Chen and the others couldn't help but wrap their bodies.

I thought I could reach my destination soon, but I didn't expect the car to drive almost all the way to midnight.

When everyone in the team was cold and sleepy, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them.

Immediately after that, the light spread across the city, and a camp made of tents appeared in front of them.

This is the camp of Abu Duo and the group of tomb robbers, and the tomb they found is on the edge of this camp.

After getting out of the car, Abu Duo asked, "Several people, do you need to take a break, or..."

Although Old Kong's face was a little pale, he immediately said, "No, we have to look at the tomb now!"

"Well, then please come with us."

Following Abu Duo, everyone came to a pothole, and soon everyone saw the entrance to the cemetery that had been opened.

Before the entrance, Abdul turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, this is the tomb we found this time. According to our judgment, this is probably a pharaoh's cemetery!"

"Pharaoh's cemetery?" Lin Chen was surprised, "Kong Lao, I remember Egyptian pharaohs, didn't they all sleep in the pyramids? Why..."

"That's just a part. In fact, before the birth of the pyramid, most of the pharaohs were actually like us. The emperors of Xia built tombs in the mountains." Kong Lao explained.

Everyone flashed their flashlights and followed Abu Duo down the stairs at the entrance of the cemetery.

Inside is a spacious underground space.

With the light of the flashlight, you can see the murals on the walls, as well as various sculptures and pottery.

Kong Lao wanted to stop and watch these things, but Abu Duo, who led the way in front, said: "Several people, you don't need to look at these things carefully. The most precious thing is in front! You are lucky, and you are the first one. Come here, if you come later, I'm afraid I won't see this thing!"

"The most precious thing? What is that?" Kong Lao muttered strangely.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

Seeing what was in front of him, everyone including Lin Chen was shocked.

The treasure mentioned by Abu Duo turned out to be a mummy coffin!

Abudo yelled a few local dialects to several of his men, and a group of people immediately pushed a small part of the coffin away, exposing the head of the mummy.

It turned out to be a mummy wearing a gold mask!

"Oh my God! Golden mask? This mummy turned out to be a pharaoh?"

"Yes, old gentleman, should you believe me now? Look at this mask, how exquisite the workmanship is? It can almost be compared with the legendary gold mask of Tutankhamun! This is a priceless treasure!

After that, Abu Duo waved his hand, and the men immediately re-covered the coffin.

"Ah! Wait..." Seeing the coffin closed again, Kong Lao showed a look of regret in his eyes.

Obviously, he was already tempted.

Even Lin Chen could see this.

Sure enough, Old Master Kong turned his head and said to them: "Xiao Lu, Lin Chen! If it were this mask! I believe we can reach an agreement with that museum!"

Having said that, Kong Lao asked directly, impatiently, "Mr. Abdo, how do you plan to sell this mummy?"

"Sir, the value of this mummy is not worse than Tutankhamun's mummy, so I think at least this number is necessary before you can take it down!" Abdo directly compared the number ten.

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