Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 684 The Worst Situation

When participating in the auction this time, Lin Chen would naturally not carry a gun, but Lei Long and the others did.

After all, before Lin Chen came to Subia, he had a foreboding that there would be danger, so Lei Long and the others brought many weapons.

But now most of these weapons are in the hotel, Leilong only has a few handguns and light weapons that are easy to carry.

Hearing Lin Chen asking for a gun, Lei Long was taken aback, but he still took out a handful of Uzi.

"Boss, you don't want to fight with them?" Lei Long asked.

"The regular army is unreliable! We will all be done if we don't help them!" Lin Chen said.

"Lin Chen!"

Su Ningyu held Lin Chen: "Let my people help you?"

Su Ningyu also brought a few bodyguards here, and they were all good domestic players. Although they didn't have light weapons like submachine guns, they all brought a few pistols.

Lin Chen glanced at the situation outside, then shook his head: "No, you need protection here. Let your people protect you. In a hurry, don't go out without me!"

After that, Lin Chen lowered his head and rushed out with Lei Long.

The exchange of fire outside is vigorous, and the form is already a bit one-sided.

The rebels that appeared this time looked like elite elements, and they completely suppressed the regular army.

Seeing that the regular army is no longer able to support it.

Suddenly, a new force came out from the side.

The sudden appearance of Lin Chen and his group made the rebels rub their hands in a hurry, and many people fell in just an instant.

Upon seeing this, a general responsible for organizing the defense on the regular army side immediately waved his arm to signal their people to seize the opportunity.

But at this time, another truck rushed in from outside, and a large number of rebel soldiers jumped out of the vehicle and joined the fighting.

"Fuck! How many people are these guys?"

Lei Long couldn't help yelling while changing the bullet.

Lin Chen was also a little worried. The rebel army had reinforcements. On the other hand, the regular army did not see any helpers. What happened outside?Is the whole country in Subia already in chaos?



Lin Chen cursed, suddenly realizing that everything can only depend on them now.

Uzi's bullets were consumed very quickly, and Lin Chen didn't miss the bullets in his hand. He turned around and was Yiren, his eyes then fell on the corpse of a regular soldier in the distance.

His eyes flashed over the probability that he would be hit when he rushed out, and he seized the opportunity. When the probability of being hit was less than 10%, he rushed out toward the corpse and quickly picked up the gun next to the corpse. Rolled behind a column again.


Lin Chen's sudden move just now scared Lei Long and the others.

But they were relieved to see that their boss was okay.

At the side, a foreign bodyguard who came to help with Lin Chen saw what Lin Chen had done just now, but couldn't help but stun Lei Long and the others: "That's your boss? Are you sure? It's not your head, right?"

"That's our boss!"

"Fxck! His actions still need protection?"

The battle is anxious, although bodyguards from major companies have joined the battle and become a new force in the regular army.

Although their strength is generally better than those of the black uncles, most of these bodyguards are equipped with pistols, and their firepower is weak, unable to exert their strength.

Seeing this, the regular army also noticed that they were about to arrange for someone to send guns to the bodyguards, but unexpectedly, the rebels on the opposite side suddenly took out a bazooka.


Someone yelled at the scene, and the next moment, a screaming sound was heard, and a rocket flew over the line of fire and exploded at the regular army.

RPG is famous and well-known throughout the world. It is loved by all kinds of militants, as well as poor and small countries in war-torn regions such as the Middle East and Africa. In this kind of offensive and defensive war, it is undoubtedly the strength to siege the city.

As soon as the RPG came out, the morale of the regular army immediately weakened a lot.

Seeing that the situation is not going well, on the regular army side, a second lieutenant said to the commanding general: "General, the situation is not in seconds. I suggest that the guests in the hotel should be evacuated immediately. The hotel also has a back door to pick up the guests. With the car still there, we can have someone send them away through the back door!"

Although most of the participants in the auction this time are only the agents of various companies, since they are the agents, that is, the representatives of the big companies, they cannot easily get into trouble, especially the female customer who just took the two diamond mining rights.

So without thinking about it, the general nodded and said, "Immediately organize an evacuation!"

The second lieutenant moved quickly, and it didn't take long for those who had been hiding at the auction site to be transferred out first.

Immediately afterwards, another group of soldiers fled to Su Ningyu who was avoiding.

Hearing that he was about to evacuate, Su Ningyu couldn't help looking at Lin Chen who was still at war, and wanted someone to inform them.

"Madam, time is running out, I will let someone inform over there," a soldier said.

Hearing that, Su Ningyu had to follow them to leave.

At this time, Lin Chen, who was fighting with the rebels, naturally noticed Su Ningyu's situation.

But he didn't think too much, just as the regular army was transferring guests.

No one came to inform him to evacuate.

But it didn't take long for the situation on the scene to change.

The rebels, who had been aggressive, even rocket bombs, suddenly seemed to have received some order, and they started to retreat.

They fought and evacuated, and after dropping the corpse, they finally jumped into the car and returned from the hotel entrance.


Seeing the rebels withdraw, cheers erupted from the regular army. They thought they had repelled the rebels.

"Boss! We won!" Lei Long also touched his sweat and came to Lin Chen's side.

He also didn't expect that he had been discharged from the army, and he could still fight people with real guns.

There was no smile on Lin Chen's face. The rebels retreated too strangely. They clearly had an advantage here, so why did they suddenly retreat?


Lin Chen grabbed a soldier and asked, "Where are the other guests?"

The soldier looked confused, apparently unable to understand English.

Lin Chen could only ran to find the general who seemed to have the highest rank on the scene. At this time, this general was arguing loudly with him over the radio.

When Lin Chenliang identified the guest as the guest, he immediately put down the radio, and then asked a little surprised: "Sir, why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to evacuate?"


Lin Chen's heart burst: "What evacuation?"

"I have arranged for all the guests to evacuate from the back door. Didn't anyone inform you?"

The general looked angry. He recognized the guest in front of him. This was the guest who had won the exploration rights for the Subia Gem Mine. If something happened to him, wouldn't the hundreds of millions of dollars be ruined?

Just when both of them looked confused, suddenly a soldier rushed over and said anxiously: "General, General! Something went wrong!"

"What happened?"

"Guests! Those guests have been hijacked!"

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