RF chips are actually similar to fast charging chip research and development.

Whether it is to achieve fast charging or to achieve high-quality RF transceiver, it is not only a chip problem, but also a supporting problem.

For example, mobile phones with Maple Microelectronics fast charging chips, chips alone cannot achieve fast charging, but also need to be equipped with special power adapters, charging data lines and charging interfaces, and the chip will automatically detect relevant protocols.

If not, then in order to protect the battery, only 5V/1A charging speed will be accepted.

Then there is no point in fast charging.

The same goes for RF chips.

To realize 2G, 3G, 4G full-band RF transmission and reception, as well as signal enhancement, signal and noise reduction, it is necessary to have a complete set of components such as RF switches, amplifiers, and filters.

Well, and the antenna.

In today's mobile phones, the antenna is hidden.

There are usually two thin wires above everyone's mobile phone, which is reserved for the antenna.

Today, the RF module developed by Jiang Cheng contains nearly 20 chips, 3 amplifiers, 4 RF switches, 6 filters, and other small devices.

The cost is not low at all.

Jiang Cheng expects that within 1 million batches, the cost will be around 90 yuan.

If it is more than 10 million batches, the cost may be controlled at about 70 yuan.

Of course, how to price the specific price, the company has a team dedicated to accounting costs, and must ensure profits.

Guo Xiaoming had already prepared the propaganda manuscript, and after Jiang Cheng's sample test was successful, he began an overwhelming propaganda.

Because of the problem of unified standards, fast-charging chips have been assigned to Maple Microelectronics' operation and continuous research and development.

Today, the only product that semiconductor companies can bring out is today's RF devices.

For this product, the company has been developing for more than half a year, and the capital investment has reached more than 10 million yuan.

But overall, the results are clear.

Jiang Cheng has applied for nearly 100 patents.

It is believed that one day, Jiang Cheng will walk ahead of those foreign enterprises and block their progress with patents.

Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river.

It's time for them to get a taste of how hard it is to move a single step.

Finally, after reviewing the cost in detail and planning the profit range, Jiang Cheng made a reasonable price for the entire set of RF devices.

Below 100,000 pieces, the price is 150 yuan / set;

Below 1 million pieces, the price is 145 yuan / set;

Below 10 million pieces, the price is 136 yuan / set;

More than 10 million pieces, it is 120 yuan / set.

The profit reached more than 136%.


Zhu Hai, Meizhu Company.

Huang Yang looked at the various quality problems that broke out on the Internet, and his heart was very irritable.

He originally wanted to retire, but Meizhu's current realm is indeed very dangerous.

Overstock, management chaos.

So that the new MX2 mobile phone has so many quality problems.

You know, this is a perfect phone.

But there were so many problems, so he opened all the company's quality supervisors in the first place.

It's just a pity that the increasing amount of repairs has increased their costs, and consumers' hearts have been broken.

"What is the procurement for, is the quality of RF and baseband so poor? One by one on the Internet, have you ever experimented with the signal problem? Did you find any problems?

Huang Yang stood up and pointed at the executive and cursed.

Vice President Mo Tianqing's face was very bad, "Mr. Huang, not all mobile phones have this problem, it is unlikely that it is a problem with the entire batch of purchases."

"Then tell me, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Huang, I mean, there is no point in pursuing the problem now, you have also opened it, if you think it is not okay, open us all!" Mo Tianqing said with a cold face.

Huang Yang was not so angry, "Okay, don't pull those useless ones." Is there any way you can break this game? Now that there is a lot of inventory, I plan to reduce it by another 200 yuan.

Mo Tianqing sighed, "Although we have no profit anymore, it is good to be able to return the funds."

"It's just some small winds and waves, we have made MP3 to now making mobile phones, what wind and waves have not seen, just get through it." Huang Yang was deflated and drew a cake. "It's really not possible, let's just raise the capital."

Mo Tianqing thought for a while and spoke, "Speaking of financing, several companies have contacted me and asked about our company's willingness to accept investment.

Huang Yang's face remained unchanged, "What company?" "

Taomao, there is also a maple fire," Mo Tianqing saw that Huang Yang was a little unfamiliar, and explained, "It is the company that develops fast-charging chips."

Huang Yang nodded, "I know, isn't that company just established less than a year ago, hmph, such a big appetite?" However

, in his heart, Meizhu is his private property and a treasure-like thing, and he is reluctant to share it with anyone.

"Investment is impossible, I can only accept financing, our Meizhu market value is at least 50 billion yuan, I can only take out 10%-20% to finance, the financing company must not interfere with the normal operation of the company, only enjoy the share dividend rights." Huang Yang said directly.

Mo Tianqing was a little helpless and did not speak.

If other companies take out three or five billion, accounting for only 10%, and have no rights except dividends, fools will be willing.

What's more, Meizhu is now going downhill.

Last year's shipments were just over 1 million units, and the revenue was only more than 2 billion, but I thought it was worth 50 billion, which was really beautiful.

Mo Tianqing continued, "Fenghuo Company released another propaganda article, saying that it has developed high-end ground RF chips and RF devices, and has applied for many patents, and it is said that the signal data is very good." "

RF chip? It's not that hard. Huang Yang was noncommittal.

"The general one is not difficult, the high-end is difficult. Especially for filters, they need to purchase foreign brands. Mo Tianqing explained.

"Hey, it's R&D RF chips again, and you want to invest in us, this Maple Fire Group wants to enter the Chinese mobile phone market to compete by yourself!" Huang Yang smiled, "However, the mobile phone industry in China is just a cheap business, and some speculative businessmen play monkey marketing every day." "

Refers to Sang scolding Huai.

Mo Tianqing naturally knew who Huang Yang was talking about.

Alas! Get used to it.

"Okay, MX2 will reduce the price tomorrow, first deal with this inventory crisis," Huang Yang waved his hand, "As for the investment willingness of Taomao and Fenghuo, you reply to them, 3 billion up to 10% of the shares of the A round of financing, if you are willing to come, if you are not willing to pull down."

Mo Tianqing was just the executor and nodded, "Good."

"Sanxing, fruit, huawei, lianxiang, rice, blue and green, so many factories are fighting in China to seize the market, and there are so many layman companies who want to come in and get a piece of the pie, don't they know that the mobile phone market in China is a road of no return?"

The winner is king, the loser is the curse.

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