The company's small supercomputing is mainly used for chip circuit design verification, data testing and other purposes, and is also used for scientific experiments.

At present, it is still relatively rarely used.

Even Guo Xiaoming didn't quite understand why the boss suddenly wanted to calculate the whole supercomputer.

But this small supercomputing is here, which is a good thing after all, and some experiments that require a lot of calculations can be applied for small-scale supercomputing.

"President Jiang, Mo Tianqing, vice president of Meizhu, came and said he wanted to see you." After coming out of the supercomputing room, Guo Xiaoming came over and said, "Will you see?" "

Mo Tianqing?" Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Did he say anything?"

"I didn't say specifically, maybe there was some important cooperation, right?" Guo Xiaoming shook his head, if it was not an important matter, it is estimated that a vice president would not come over.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Go to the reception room, I'll come over." "

Just replaced the computer in the body, Jiang Cheng still had a trace of sweat on his face, so he went to the bathroom to tidy up a little, and then went to the reception room.

Mo Tianqing was not tall, his forehead was bald, he had a small tuft of beard on his chin, and he was about forty years old.

Wearing a dark red shirt with black denim.

"President Jiang, this is Mr. Mo Tianqing, vice president of Meizhu." Guo Xiaoming stretched out his hand and introduced.

Mo Tianqing got up and said, "President Jiang, let me state that since yesterday, I am no longer the vice president of Meizhu.

Jiang Cheng was a little strange, reached out and shook the other party's hand, "What is the situation?" In

the past, Jiang Cheng was only familiar with the computer field, but in the mobile phone field, he only knew some brands, and did not know the details of the insiders.

"I've left my job. Now the vice president of Meizhu is Li Dong. Mo Tianqing laughed self-deprecatingly. A homeless person without identity, is President Jiang still willing to meet?

Jiang Cheng did not answer his question, but asked, "Can you ask why you left?"

"Huangyang people are good, have ideas and ambitions, but sometimes they are too paranoid and have too strong a desire to grasp." Mo Tianqing said very directly, "I have always advocated paying attention to online publicity, plus the way of specialty stores and franchised stores to broaden channels, but our business philosophy is very different. Coupled with a lot of problems in management, I feel that I can't stay there.

Jiang Cheng thought for a few seconds, "What does Mr. Mo mean by coming to our company?"

"Vice President Guo and I have contacted me about investment before, and I think Jiang always has the intention to enter the mobile phone industry, so let's try my luck." Mo Tianqing shrugged.

Rather a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

While Huang Yang said that he wanted to retire, he always held on to Meizhu, his own ideas have not been implemented, and the company has mismanaged, and the quality of mobile phones is frequent, which makes him very uncomfortable.

But if Maple Fire Group wants to enter the mobile phone industry, then he will not be a phoenix tail, but will probably be the CEO of a company.

"I did intend to enter the mobile phone industry, but it was too slow to create a new brand. I wanted to take a stake in Meizhu, but his requirements were too high. Jiang Cheng smiled slightly.

"That is, he thinks very beautifully, 10% to 20% of the shares, only dividend rights, but open his mouth to three or five billion." Mo Tianqing sneered.

Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Mr. Mo, do you think it's better to buy a brand or create your own brand?"

"I suggest that he created his own brand, but the rice company has grown up just over three years ago, and he is using the Internet online sales model." Now is the last moment of the wind, miss this year, want to establish a new brand, it will be more difficult. Mo Tianqing suggested.

"You are familiar with the entire mobile phone manufacturing process and material procurement, right?"

"Of course, although I am mainly responsible for marketing and marketing, I am familiar with the mobile phone manufacturing process and have a good relationship with mobile phone raw material manufacturers."

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, "But to engage in mobile phones, in addition to these, we still need more talents." "


Mo Tianqing heard this word very keenly, and his heart was slightly pleased, but his face remained unchanged, "In Meizhu, I still have many friends, and I can ask them to come together."

Jiang Cheng got up, "Well, then congratulations to President Mo on joining Fenghuo."

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for trusting." Mo Tianqing's originally calm face was finally a little excited.

"I will arrange for someone to register Maple Fire Technology Co., Ltd., but I will not invest too much in the early stage, and I need to devote myself to developing a good product and look at it after the market starts." Jiang Cheng reminded.

"Understood." Mo Tianqing nodded.

After the two sides left contact information, Jiang Cheng also made up his mind to simply create a mobile phone brand himself.

He is impressed by future mobile phone trends.

Large screen, thin, plus easy-to-use and stable system, camera, fast charging, fingerprint, face recognition, these will be the focus of a mobile phone.

Here, Jiang Cheng already has fast charging and radio frequency technology, and face recognition is his old profession.

People Rebs can assemble a mobile phone with a MIOS, Jiang Cheng still has so many technologies, is it possible to make a mobile phone?

He didn't believe it.

Soon, Jiangcheng's Maple Fire Technology Co., Ltd. completed the registration, the LOGO and the LOGO of the Maple Fire Group are the same, a piece of maple on a fire, abstract logo, pinyin: FENGHUO written below.

Jiang Cheng concurrently serves as CEO and director of product R&D department, and Mo Tianqing temporarily serves as deputy general manager, responsible for administrative management, procurement, marketing, marketing and other work.

Of course, in the early stage, it was necessary to prepare the company's site decoration, and the company chose Jinfeng Building and rented a whole floor, which has a research and development laboratory, mainly for mobile phone research and development, assembly and experimentation.

If there is no problem with the R&D design, it will be handed over to Fusconn for OEM.

Socialized division of labor, a lot of things, you really don't have to do it yourself.

Of course, this is on the basis of free trade.

At the same time, there is a need for extensive recruitment.

In addition to the 12 people pulled out by Mo Tianqing from Meizhu, 10 people were also recruited, and the company that was founded had more than 20 people, which was basically able to ensure operation.

The news that Meizhu executive Mo Tianqing left and took away 12 engineers, marketing and marketing talents soon broke the Internet.

Mo Tianqing said in an interview that he and Huangyang's business philosophy are incompatible, but Jiang Cheng, the general manager of Fenghuo Group, has decided to join Fenghuo and help Jiang Cheng establish the Fenghuo mobile phone brand.

This stone stirred up thousands of waves, making the already eventful Meizhu even worse, and suddenly fell into a trough.

Inside the Meizhu Company, Huang Yang cursed again.

"Shaft! It's really shameless, just forget it, actually dig people away, I'll top your lungs! Huang Yang was so angry that he smashed down the things in front of him one by one.

Several executives looked at each other without saying a word.

"Let me out, I Meizhu has since withdrawn from the fast charging standard of Maple Fire Company, and formed a mortal feud with Maple Fire Group, and will not die!"

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