It's National Day again.

Sitting in the office of Maple Fire Network Technology Company (Maple Fire Games), Jiang Cheng looked at the scenery outside the window, a little abrupt.

More than two years have passed since he was reborn.

However, it turned out that Jiang Cheng's office had been changed to Chen Feng, the general manager of Maple Fire Network Technology Company.

"It's been almost two years since the company was founded." Jiang Cheng whispered to himself.

This company was first established by Jiang Cheng, and the development of games is also to make money and earn the first pot of gold.

The result was still very successful, and Jiang Cheng relied on the Maple Fire game and made a lot of money.

Although Jiang Cheng basically did not spend too much thought on management this year, and the daily operation was handed over to Chen Feng, he still had a clear grasp of the usual operation situation.

In 2013, under some planning and prompts from Jiang Cheng, there was only one casual game, which was the card game "The Legend of Towers", of course, the copyright and Weishe had been negotiated.

The online mobile game "Honkai World" has been officially launched in the summer, and the number of online people is rising instead of falling, and it is estimated that more and more people will enter this two-dimensional Valkyrie world.

The company also took advantage of the trend to make a move, and it was very popular.

With the help of the Maple Fire PE special effects software produced by Jiang Cheng, the engine has developed the first generation of Maple Fire game engine, but the first generation of engine Jiang Cheng is not satisfied, and it is still being perfected and preparing to launch the V2 version.

Through monthly reports, Jiang Cheng still remembers revenue and expense data.

In the first three quarters of 2013 alone, domestic revenue reached 390 million yuan, and net profit was as high as 170 million yuan.

Foreign game operators have represented several models such as "Metro Cool Run", "Snake Battle", "Sim City" and so on, and the current foreign revenue has accumulated more than 28 million meters, which is also nearly 200 million yuan in Chinese currency.

This chicken that lays golden eggs, even if Jiang Cheng does not put too much thought into it, managing the direction and handling the overall situation, but it is still the most profitable one in the company owned by Jiang Cheng at present.

"I'll mention only two goals for next year." Jiang Cheng turned his head, looked at Chen Feng, and said, "The first is Duanyou, using our second-generation engine to make a game, the specific game is determined by yourself, but a team must be arranged to develop the game "PUBG".

Chen Feng was a little curious, "President Jiang, you still have to talk about planning in this game, otherwise those young people don't have this level." "

It's a tactical competitive shooter sandbox game where 100 players parachute from an airplane to a map, gather resources, engage in battles, and over time, the safe zone shrinks, ending when the person wins." Jiang Cheng spoke concisely.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, "This is a little different from CF now, President Jiang's thinking is really amazing!"

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "The requirements of this game are to make the best special effects and picture quality, at least two to three years higher than the best graphics cards in existence, while taking into account different hardware and providing different picture quality choices." Give the team about a year to develop, and strive to officially launch in the second quarter of 2015.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, leaving more than a year to develop, he already fully understood how much Jiang Cheng attached great importance to this game.

"Don't worry, I'll take time to guide you on this game." Jiang Cheng saw his pressure and smiled slightly.

"That's good, if you go out with President Jiang, it is estimated that it will not take a year." Chen Feng grinned.

This boss is too capable, whether it is the level of technology research and development, or the level of game planning, all of them are the top in China, and the company management is also very powerful, personnel, finance, the group grasps very tightly.

Jiang Chengke ignored his praise, and said directly, "The second request, the mobile game department, I don't care about the casual mobile game, you look at it yourself, online mobile game, you refer to the battle mode such as "Dota" and "League of Legends", and then simplify it and change it to the mobile game version."

Then, looking at him with a thoughtful expression, he continued, "The game map does not need to be too big, the skill mechanism can be changed, 1 passive skill, plus 3 active skills. As for heroes, they can evolve from Chinese historical figures. The development time is within one year, that is, in the fourth quarter of next year, and it must be tested in the open test.

"Understood, Mr. Jiang, what is this game called?"

"The King of God."

"Great name! Majestic! Chen Feng praised.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised lightly, "Just take the meaning, many famous people in history are for the stars in the sky, and in the game, gods descend to the battlefield to compete for the king Shenyao." "

Hehe, you have to change it.

Let's not engage in any other messy characters, just famous people in Chinese history.

Chen Feng wrote it down one by one, and then said, "Duanyou's Maple Fire Engine V2 version has been preliminarily developed, does President Jiang have time to guide it?" "

Oh, perfected?"

"Yes, the first generation version does have too many bugs, but at your request in the second generation, I let them strive for excellence, and it has been basically completed." Chen Feng followed aside, while reporting, "These little rabbit cubs are all recognized by you!" The

two walked towards the Duanyou Engine Department.

The original old employees on the road all got up when they saw it, "President Jiang, you are coming!"

Jiang Cheng looked at it, it was Zuo Zhang.

The nameplate on his chest is no longer the person in charge, but the position of the head of the mobile game department.

"yes, come and see, how are you doing?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile.

"It's good, the company's treatment is good, and our game is hot." Zuo Zhang smiled.

My heart is still full of pressure.

With the growth of Jiang Cheng's business, he is already the group boss at the top of the company, and it is said that there are several companies.

"Good job." Jiang Cheng patted Zuo Zhang's shoulder.

By the time we arrived at the end game engine department, more than a dozen programmers were already waiting.

"President Jiang."

"I heard that your V2 version is out, let me take a look at it!" With a smile, Jiang Cheng pointed to a computer in front of him.

"Okay!" At the head of the engine project, Zhao Yunfeng, stood out under this grinding, and finally he was in charge of the entire development project.

However, his hair is very bald and he already wears a wig.

Open the Maple Engine Launcher, the interface inside is very simple, mainly to create games, animations, lighting, materials, particles, sounds, rendering.

Of course, in it, Zhao Yunfeng shows the core skills of this engine.

Material fidelity, intelligent compensation, camera following, collision optimization, and more.

"Well, it's a little better than the previous version." Jiang Cheng nodded, "You can use it to develop the game first, and at the same time, the material library and parameters should be collected and trained as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I feel that with this game engine, we will make games more realistic and faster."

Zhao Yunfeng was very excited, finally!

For a whole year, they were all working on this project, and finally got Jiang Cheng's initial approval.

Of course, there are also many shadows of Maple Fire PE special effects production software, but good things can naturally be picked up and used.

What's more, film and television special effects have a lot in common with game special effects.

In today's job market, film and television special effects artists have become less and less popular, and the pressure of competition has begun to increase, and the market needs special effects for so many films and television every year, monks are more meat and less meat, how many special effects studios are waiting to be fed!

Except, of course, Jiang Cheng's Jiang Feng Fishing Fire Special Effects Studio.

The success of "White Fox" has sent him to the altar!

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