

At the same time, Jiang Cheng made a preliminary definition of multi-dimensional pulse train and multi-dimensional pulse transmission process, and put forward his own ideas and formulas.

The supercomputing turned on 60% of the computing power, and it was only slightly heated.

But Jiang Cheng felt that his brain cells and computing power were more active than ever.

It's a very good feeling.

Next, it took a few days for Jiang Cheng to initially sort out his brilliant model.

Of course, some are conjectures that have not been thoroughly demonstrated.

Later, he will refine and refine this model, and strive to put forward his own theory in this regard.

Jiang Cheng faintly felt that this model would be of great use.

At least in the design of intelligent chips, he feels that if this model is used, it is very helpful for machine intelligent recognition and image intelligent processing.

Instead, I remembered that it was a scientific research project, should I ask people to come together?

Jiang Cheng thought about it in his heart, and he still planned to find a few more juniors and sisters, under the leadership of Wang Sichen, to continue to engage in experimental data.

It also happens that his model still needs to be verified and improved.

So, after contacting Wang Sichen, he expressed his willingness to follow Jiang Cheng to conduct research.

Graduate courses can also be postponed to the evening for self-study, but Jiang Cheng's research project is very beneficial.

After the last project, Wang Sichen felt that he had gained a lot in machine learning.

At the end of October, Jiang Cheng organized a small seminar in the laboratory.

In addition to Wang Sichen, there are 2 sophomores.

The man's name is Xu Han, his hair is still relatively normal, but his forehead is slightly sunken, and the small bay has not expanded into the Mediterranean Sea for the time being.

In the two-character class, the grades are also on the high side.

The woman's name is Su Yiman, she looks pretty good, at least among the few girls in the computer department, she is on the upper side.

Both were recommended by Wang Sichen.

Jiang Cheng tested the two before the experiment.

What is somewhat surprising is that Su Yiman's level is also very good, and Jiang Cheng has seen more understanding among women who study computers.

However, Jiang Cheng has not seen many women learn computers.

On the small whiteboard, Jiang Cheng explained while writing his preliminary model construction.

But, below are three pairs of somewhat confused eyes.

"These knowledge points have some intersection with computer neurology and biological neurology, after you go back, find these books by yourself and study and study by yourself."

In the end, Jiang Cheng had to list five or six books in the back and let them go back to study on their own.

"Can I gnaw it down in a week?"

The eyes of the three widened, a week, six books, is this a fairy?

"Then half a month, on November 11, I will come to the school to take the exam, during which we are preparing for these tests." Jiang Cheng still softly added a little more time, but still let the three of them take time to collect and sort out various test libraries.

Including face library, machine learning question bank, and more.

As for Double 11?

What double eleven is it to calculate people's overwork?

Jiang Cheng remembered last year's Double 11, dominated by Professor Luo Ruihua's several examination questions.

Hehe, this good fashion should be passed on well.

Wang Sichen was also a little confused, and took two even more confused juniors out of the room.

Su Yiman asked weakly, "Senior, why can't I understand Senior Jiang Cheng's research, did I learn a fake computer?" "

Eh," Wang Sichen barely maintained the appearance of being able to understand the part, "Yiman, Teacher Jiang has studied artificial intelligence and machine learning very deeply, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it at the beginning, you have to put pressure on yourself and study yourself seriously."

Then he paused, and then said, "In the last project, Teacher Jiang also threw out the algorithm he had initially researched at the beginning, and I didn't understand it very well, but it took me more than a week to learn by myself, and I slowly caught up."

Su Yiman smiled and emphasized, "I understand, Senior Jiang Cheng is to let us pressure ourselves and improve our ability to actively learn." "

Uh-huh." Wang Sichen nodded, "Yiman, let's go to the library in the evening to study these books."

Xu Han on the side rolled his eyes, feeling that this Senior Wang was not pure in his mind.

However, honestly, he said that he did not intend to interject.

Su Yiman said happily, "Okay, with a senior, our self-study will definitely be more efficient, Xu Han, you say?" "

“...... Ah, yes, yes, yes. Xu Han nodded repeatedly.

"So what time is Senior Senior?" I came with Xu Han. Which library has these books? North or South? "Unlike the coercion I felt just now, Su Yiman at this time was like a machine gun, chattering.

Wang Sichen: Meow, I just want to learn by myself with you.

"Okay. 7 p.m. Wang Sichen scratched his head and said.

-----(ー_ー)!! ----

during Wang Sichen's frenzied self-study, Jiang Cheng and Professor Luo Ruihua reported some ideas for their projects.

However, for the model proposed by Jiang Chengxin, Luo Ruihua expressed great interest.

"In the past, some people have studied this aspect, but there is no way to continue research on how to transmit, according to the traditional model algorithm, I feel that the efficiency is much lower, so this piece is abandoned." Luo Ruihua thought for a while and said, "If you can establish a complete argumentation system and verify these theories, I believe you can open up a new path." Looking

at the young man in front of him, his heart was full of joy.

It's really excellent, just knocking and knocking, ready to give me a whole new theory, new structure, new model.

If you hit it with a hammer, won't the results blow out?

"Okay, teacher, I have now completed the preliminary demonstration and am ready to carry out experimental verification." Jiang Cheng interrupted Luo Ruihua, who was a little distracted, and said directly.

"Okay, this is the new theory you proposed, I won't go in and participate, just give guidance, go and break in, the future is yours." Luo Ruihua waved his hand and signaled Jiang Cheng to leave.

As soon as he participates, the results of this theory in the future may be picked by people with intentions.

But without participation, the future lights will converge on Jiang Cheng alone.

This is the honor he deserves.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Teacher, don't worry, I will strive to produce results as soon as possible." "

Hmm." Luo Ruihua was full of relief and watched Jiang Cheng leave.

With his vision, he feels that this theory and model system, if established, may open a new door to countless computational people.

And Jiang Chengcheng is a pioneer.

Jiang Cheng didn't think so much.

This time is also a bit of a coincidence, under Luo Ruihua's Duntun teaching, he also wanted to create something new, and happened to get new inspiration in solving the problem of energy supply, which made this thing.

While waiting for the experimental process, he extended his learning to the aspects of system design.

Jiang Cheng initially decided to use Warwick's K2V3 for the chip of the Maple Firemobile phone, but he still needs to lead the team to continue research on how to optimize this core and build his own UI system based on Android 4.2.

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