The 2014 Lunar New Year was slightly earlier than usual, with Chinese New Year's Eve on January 30.

Because of this, this year's final exams have become more compact.

However, Jiang Cheng has completed all the undergraduate courses.

Looking at the busy figures of everyone, Jiang Cheng felt very good.

It's that the library suddenly can't find a place.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Cheng overhauled the first draft of the paper that Wang Sichen had brought over.

Although Wang Sichen followed the project throughout the process, his understanding of this new model was naturally not as deep as Jiang Cheng's, and in his paper, it was only briefly mentioned as a research method.

But for Jiang Cheng, the key to the paper is to propose this model, and the experiments are only used as a basis for verification.

Turning on the computer, Jiang Cheng slowly modified himself.

He was alone in the dormitory, and Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian both went to take the exam.

However, just over halfway through the modification, Mo Tianqing's phone called.

"The second batch of engineering prototypes is ready? Okay, I'll come over. Jiang Cheng was a little happy, and directly threw the paper into the computer, ready to change it when there was time on the road.

When Jiang Cheng arrived, the inside and outside of the laboratory were already filled with happy air.

"This feels, it's very good!"

"I thought 5.3 inches would be a bit big, but I didn't expect it to be comfortable to hold."

"Then you don't want to think about it, President Jiang's design level is very high."

"If it weren't for this processor, we would have priced it a little higher." Mo Tianqing felt a little pity.

By the time they released the phone, the processor was a little old.

And in order to reduce costs, some hardware purchases are ordinary, not the latest research and development products, in addition, Jiangcheng's own RF, baseband and ISP chips, because self-use is the first product, profit margins are not large.

Otherwise, it must be set at least 1999 yuan.

Jiang Cheng came in at this time, "How about the use of this batch of engineering prototypes?"

"President Jiang, you are here!"

"Mr. Jiang, this batch feels perfect, and it can be taken directly to the market." Mo Tianqing handed Jiang Cheng a prototype.

It is a black prototype, the whole body is integrated black, the back cover is imitation leather plastic, but it feels good to the touch.

Jiang Cheng lit up the screen, and the UI-style interface belonging to Fenghuo's own characteristics appeared.

Swipe left and right, gestures, are very smooth, open video playback, is also very good.

"Have you tested them all?"

The developed mobile phone must also withstand many tests such as vibration, drop, temperature shock, temperature storage, salt spray, key life, dustproof, waterproof and so on.

Of course, Jiang Cheng also knows that his mobile phone does not need to talk about waterproofing.

The main thing is to accumulate mobile phone development experience.

"It's all tested, and the performance is okay." Mo Tianqing introduced, "These licenses have also been obtained, and a batch of relevant hardware has been purchased, and everything is ready." "

Have you negotiated with Foxconn?"

"After negotiating, that is, we have only prepared a volume of 200,000 at present, and they will only divide one or two production lines for us, and the speed of early distribution will not be too fast." Mo Tianqing explained.

"It doesn't matter, let's see how the market reacts first." Jiang Cheng is also short of money now!

Fortunately, Bitcoin was sold and there was some funding.

Otherwise, the hardware cost of these 200,000 units is also a cost of nearly 200 million!

Therefore, although Jiang Cheng has confidence in this mobile phone, after all, it has not been tested by the market, and its own brand is also new, so it is naturally impossible to stock too many goods.

"Okay, ready to announce." Jiang Cheng ordered. "Maple Fire Media and Maple Fire Games, I will also let them cooperate with the publicity, you take out the promotional content."

"Okay." Mo Tianqing then asked, "The press conference was originally scheduled for February 22, in Hall 3 of the China Convention Center, I sorted out a list of invitations, can you see these media, and who else should you invite in the industry?"

"It doesn't need to be too large-scale, and the cost is controlled within 3 million yuan." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Instead, the propaganda on the Internet should be more careful." By the way, has the Maple Fire FIUI community been built?

"It's been set up and uploaded to our V1.5 version of the ROM, but now there are very few people, mostly our engineers entertaining themselves." Mo Tianqing smiled awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter, take your time, when there are problems in the system reported by users, we must arrange people to collect and summarize in time, in the early stage, we will update every half a month or so, and update a version every half a year." Jiang Chengdao, "I looked at it, our own APP is still a little few, now we have built several software stores, pictures, themes, and only optimized the three applications of calling, information, and contacts."

"Okay, I'll push them."

"Okay, let's wish the phone a big sale!"

Jiang Cheng was very happy, and then after arranging some other things, he took another prototype and went to the group headquarters on the seventh floor.

The so-called group headquarters is still only administrative, financial and personnel operations, and other departments are still waiting to be set up or someone else's.

Towards the end of the year, it's time for a debriefing meeting.

As for the annual meeting, let the subsidiary arrange it by itself.

"President Jiang, according to your meaning, please review the preliminary adjustment plan of the group department."

Fang Ya stepped on high heels, walked into Jiang Cheng's office, and handed him a document.

Short hair and black professional clothes made Jiang Cheng feel that Li Silin was second.

It seems that when Li Silin was in charge of personnel and administration at Maple Fire Game Company, her influence was still quite deep!

"Well, sit down." Jiang Cheng nodded and took the information.

Fang Ya was transferred from a subsidiary by him.

When I was in Maple Fire Game Company, I also felt that this little girl was good, capable and calm, considering that after the formation of the group, there has been no good administrative staff, so I transferred her.

Of course, it is about sorting out and adjusting the group departments.

In Jiang Cheng's eyes, Maple Fire Group is firstly the parent company of investment holding, and secondly, it wants to do special technology research and development.

To this end, Jiang Cheng's preliminary design is as follows:

the group has 1 general manager, of course, Jiang Cheng.

2 deputy general managers, currently vacant, will be sought from subsidiaries or headhunters. One assists in daily operations and subsidiary development, and one is responsible for cutting-edge technology research and development.

It has set up the general manager's office, which is under the administration department and personnel department. The director of the office is temporarily headed by Fang Ya.

Set up the group finance department, the director is recruited by Zhou Shaocheng, who has group finance experience, as the director, and the deputy minister is Li Li, who was transferred from Maple Fire.

The director of the community operation department of the group is vacant, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Maple Fire community and the management of the user unified account database.

The legal department of the group, with Gu Yiran as the director, only brought 1 lawyer, Zhang Wei.

The investment and finance department of the group, still headed by Wei Zhicheng, is responsible for the group's investment behavior.

The Group's EDA Software Design and R&D Department was newly established, which will focus on upstream design software.

The newly established CISC chip R&D department will cooperate with the new EDA software development to design complex instruction set chip architecture.

Commonly known as computer CPU.

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