Wei Zhicheng's voice is more magnetic, and he talks about the investment situation without hurry.

The general managers of several major subsidiaries were a little surprised, never expecting that the first profit was Maple Fire Game Company, but unexpectedly, the investment and financing department of the head office opened its mouth with 760 million.

Everyone listened carefully, wondering what other companies Jiang Cheng had invested in.

"Invest another 50 million yuan to acquire 15% of the shares of Huiding Technology."

Will top tech?

Everyone expressed some surprise, this company has not heard of it.

Jiang Cheng nodded, this investment will top technology, the key is still for the technology of screen fingerprints.

At present, most of the mobile phones on the market are back fingerprints, and a piece is concave for identification.

But Jiang Cheng knows that the future must be the world of screen fingerprints.

This company was a step planned by Jiang Cheng in advance.

"Douyin, a short video platform, we have to take the lead and do it quickly." Jiang Cheng tapped the table, "The 4G license has been issued, next year will be a year of fierce competition, everyone must find ways to promote it in accordance with the set goals and tasks, and strive to create higher performance."

Jiang Cheng paused, and then announced an appointment.

"At present, all departments of the group company have been set up and improved, according to the work of each subsidiary, I announce that Chen Feng will be promoted to the deputy general manager of the group company, responsible for daily operations, enterprise development planning, project construction and other work."

Chen Feng was not surprised, because Jiang Cheng had already talked to him.

Today is the official announcement.

Everyone also had a bottom in their hearts, except for Li Silin, everyone could not compare with him in terms of qualifications, and they could not compare with him in terms of performance.

In addition to Wei Zhicheng of the investment and financing department of the group company.

"Thank you for Mr. Jiang's trust, I will, as always, be responsible for doing all the work seriously." Chen Feng got up and first expressed his gratitude to President Jiang.

The crowd applauded.

As for the new general manager of Maple Fire Games, Jiang Cheng will choose from the existing 2 vice presidents, but the specifics still need to be investigated.

At the same time, the establishment of the Group's EDA Software Design and Development Department and the Group's CISC Chip R&D Department were announced.

In Jiangcheng's plan, the group company will mainly research and develop the technology of the neck, including the preliminary design of complex instruction set chips, EDA software research and development, and the subsequent establishment of a lithography machine research and development department.

Of course, he knew that it was difficult for him alone to continue to study the lithography machine.

He plans to join forces with related enterprises, jointly invest in the establishment of a company, or jointly invest in Modu Microelectronics to specialize in the research and development of domestic lithography machines.

He had the impression that Modu Microelectronics only developed a 90nm lithography machine in 18 years, and the progress was too slow!

----(°ο°)~@ After the ----

summary meeting, Jiang Cheng will also go home.

As for the company's annual meeting, Jiang Chengdu could not participate, and each subsidiary took the lead in organizing itself.

January 23 is the Northern New Year, and it is suitable for marriage, travel, cleaning, moving, marriage, engagement and so on.

Generally speaking, like important holidays, the days are very good.

Sometimes, Jiang Chengdu doesn't know whether Mr. Feng Shui chose a good day or a holiday date.

This day was the wedding day of Qin Jin and Zhang Luochen, and Jiang Cheng was 2 days ahead of schedule and took a plane back on January 21.

Only this time when he went back, Jiang Cheng was alone.

Yu Xinran exchanged in the United States, but the holidays were only about Christmas for about two weeks, and the time was too tight to rush back.

On the way, Jiang Cheng continued the great cause of improving and revising the paper.

This paper, which Jiang Cheng intends to create a new direction, was changed by Jiang Cheng a lot, and finally named it as a model construction and simulation research based on a new structure of pulsed neural networks.

The structural pattern of this multi-dimensional pulsed neural network is simplified by Jiang Cheng and named MSNN network.

After getting off the plane and getting on the bus, Jiang Cheng sent the revised paper to Luo Ruihua through the email of the computer in his body, and informed him on Wei Xin.

The main thing is that there is no way, when he sent an email to Professor Yang Mingde before, he often forgot to check later, or Wei Xin reminded the teacher to come, don't forget.

Now that there is a highway, the time from Linzhou to Guanglin has been shortened a lot, from four hours to more than two hours.

However, in order to reduce the high-speed fee, the bus often only takes half of the highway.

When it was close to Guanglin, Luo Ruihua made a direct call.

"Jiang Cheng, I read your paper, is this network structure really that efficient?" As soon as Luo Ruihua made a call, he asked directly, "I can basically understand the pulse train and model structure, but I still have some problems in terms of feedback connection and multi-dimensional transmission..." "

It's like this, teacher, the pulse neural network I think is more in line with the biological model of neuronal information transmission, based on this, I am in the feedback mechanism..."

Between words, a bunch of professional terms, plus various mathematical symbols.

Jiang Chengcheng explained on the phone, and the big guy Luo Ruihua looked at Jiang Cheng's paper on the computer and compared it.

When he got out of the car, Jiang Cheng hung up the phone.

And many people in the car looked at him with different eyes.

Well, it seems to be a little loaded.

However, it is also understandable that a new model structure, Luo Ruihua has not touched, in just over an hour can find the key point, obviously tight.

"Jiang Cheng, maybe you have really opened a new door in the field of computer artificial intelligence."

Jiang Cheng thought about Luo Ruihua's words at the end, and felt a little excited.

It turns out that I can also become a big guy!

This time back, the car turned out to be all on the highway, and the time was shorter, plus Jiang Cheng had been talking, but Jiang Yiping couldn't determine when he would arrive at the station.

At this time, Jiang Chengcheng had no one to pick up.

As soon as I got out of the car, many motorcycle drivers rushed over.

Jiang Cheng took a car directly and went to the new house of the Jade Pavilion.

The three storefronts in front of the community have been connected together, and the decoration reads "Little Jiangnan Grocery Store".

The nearly 180-square-meter South Grocery store has more shelves and more space.

Because it is a storefront on the first floor, there is a loft above, but there is no decoration to live in, only a lounge is left, and a lot of goods are stacked.

Chen Ru was wearing the off-white long down jacket that Yu Xinran bought for her last year, and was talking to customers.

Squinting, a familiar handsome man walked into the store.


I didn't collect the money in my hand anymore, and I rushed straight over.

Smiled happily and grabbed Jiang Cheng's two shoulders, "It's more handsome again." "

Mom!" Jiang Cheng was also very happy and looked at her seriously, "I feel that you are also younger and more beautiful!"

"What, it's the clothes she bought young, she also bought me a lot of foreign cosmetics, heck, I asked her not to spend these money, I can't read English." Chen Ru smiled, and her heart was very happy.

"Lady, your son!" The guest put down the money, took his things and prepared to leave.

"Yes, my son, studying at Mizuki University!"

"So good, awesome!" The guest showed envious eyes, and then left.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "Mom, where is Dad?"

"Didn't he pick you up?" What about people?


Cheng saw this, and the phone rang.

But Jiang Yiping couldn't make a phone call, he couldn't estimate the time, and he had just arrived at the station now.

Let Chen Ru count for a while, saying why didn't he go to the station earlier.

As for Jiang Cheng not connecting the phone, is it my son's fault?


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