The wedding ceremony in Guanglinhak has slowly improved with the times, and many outdated customs have been simplified.

Although the bride price costs more than 100,000 yuan, the woman's family will generally return it in full or even in excess as a dowry for their daughter.

However, Zhang Luochen's customs are different, and Qin Jin has done this in college, so I heard that it cost a lot of bride price.

At noon on January 23, Guanglin Hotel.

The wedding of Qin Jin and Zhang Luochen was held very grandly, and Qin Jin on the stage was speaking affectionately there.

Although the two were a little ridiculous before, at least Qin Jin liked it, otherwise he would not have followed Zhang Luochen.

But Zhang Luochen broke his word.

It turned out that he swore that he would never look for a computer, but he didn't expect to find it faster than anyone.

However, she did not have that kind of hatred for Qin Jin, and under the fait accompli, she slowly accepted Qin Jin.

In addition, she has always been very agile, and in the family, the imperial throne is obviously higher.

Jiang Cheng sat at a table on the left, next to Jiang Ming's teachers.

"Teacher Jiang, is there any problem with your physical condition now?" Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand and asked.

Jiang Ming smiled, "There is no problem, that is, this tobacco and alcohol cannot be stained, which is less than a lot of fun."

Chen Guoqing said slowly and methodically, "The key is to worry less."

"Still teaching juniors?"

"It's my last senior year. After the next semester, I quit first, and the school leaders were worried that I would not be able to eat my health. Jiang

Ming was a little sad, because of his body, although he has always asked to continue teaching, the school leaders have been doing his ideological work, wanting him to retire and not engage in front-line teaching work.

Counting the age, he is also fifty-three.

Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "It's good to retire, when you have time, go for more walks, fishing or something, there is a big mountain pond in my hometown, you can go fishing there."

"Okay!" Jiang Ming answered, and suddenly said, "There should be time this year, right?" I would like to ask you to give a lesson to our senior class.

"Imparting learning experiences? In addition to reading books and brushing up on questions, I don't have any more experience to impart. Jiang Cheng said awkwardly.

The main thing is that the hanging of the computer in one's own body is impossible to explain and teach.

Jiang Ming waved his hand, "No, no, it's to talk to them about the university, Mizuki's study and life situation, and give them a longing and a yearning."

Jiang Cheng thought about it and agreed.

"When does the third year of high school start, I will also go out early in the first month, not necessarily how much time?"

"The fifth year of junior high school starts. Is there time? Jiang Ming asked.


Chen Guoqing was also very happy, "Then I also have to let the students in our class come and listen to it together."

Zhang Xingde slapped his thigh, "Let's simply suggest with the principal to go to the auditorium and let the entire senior students listen."

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, he really didn't expect that these teachers wanted to let themselves talk so much.

Do you think that the pressure of this class of high school seniors is not strong enough?

The wedding ended in half an hour, followed by the banquet.

According to the rules of Guanglin, relatives followed table by table to toast and smoke.

Qin Jin was wearing a handsome suit with very stylish hair, and Zhang Luochen held his arm and toasted in a red wedding dress.

"Dear teachers, let everyone laugh." Qin Jin was a little embarrassed, he was just a junior, and he had a wedding wine.

Jiang Ming was enlightened, "It is good to be able to cause trouble and take care of things."

"Male talent and female appearance, very matched." Zhang Xingde nodded to show that he was very good.

Biology teacher Li Wen did not speak.

He felt that Qin Jin didn't study biology well in high school, but the biology practice class was powerful.

Don't say it's the creature I taught.

Jiang Cheng got up and drank a glass of wine, "Grow old and be happy."

"Orange, wait for your wine!" Qin Jin drank a cup and patted Jiang Cheng's shoulder before heading to the next table.

After the banquet, Jiang Cheng helped clean up the meeting, knowing that Qin Jin was also busy for a while, so he left first.

In the afternoon, Jiang Cheng took Jiang Yi to go shopping.

According to what he said, he wanted to buy them clothes and asked him to take his aunt to see them.

After a shopping, Jiang Cheng felt that his feet were a little sore, but fortunately, he bought a new set of clothes for Yu Xuemin, Jiang Yi, and Grandma Xinran.

Then, in the evening, Chen Ru took him to go shopping again....

The owners of several shops looked at Jiang Cheng who appeared again, and were a little surprised.

This kid, here it is again?

How many moms do you really have?


----- (/ □ \) After the first moon of ----

, Jiang Cheng did not rush back to Kyoto.

This made Chen Ru very happy and made a lot of delicious food at home.

Jiang Cheng felt that he had gained two pounds.

The fifth day of the first lunar month is the time for high school seniors to return to the battlefield.

However, this time, everyone was told to go to the auditorium of Guanglin Middle School.

The auditorium is quite large, with nearly a thousand people seated, and the senior students are only more than 600 people, which is very spacious.

Jiang Cheng came over early and met Vice Principal Chen before, oh, he is now the full principal.

"Principal Chen, hello!" Jiang Cheng shook hands with him.

Principal Chen looked a little fat, and said with a smile, "I have long wanted to invite you, an outstanding graduate, to come to class, and it just so happened that Teacher Jiang Ming invited you." With your guidance, I'm sure they will definitely work harder.

"My level is limited, so I can only simply exchange some of my own experience, I don't speak well, please forgive me."

"Laughed." Principal Chen nodded and gestured, "It's almost time, let's sit down first."

Jiang Cheng sat on the left side of the middle of the stage.

In front of him was a notebook.

Jiang Cheng plugged in the U disk, but it was actually just a wireless network card, directly connected to the computer in his body.

"Dear students, today, we are very honored to invite your 2011 senior, Jiang Cheng, who is currently studying computer science at Mizuki University, to give you a lecture. Senior Jiang Cheng should be familiar to you, he won the provincial list of science and the city champion with a score of 711 points that year.

"But everyone may not know that before the third year of high school, Jiang Cheng's results were not good, and he ranked at the bottom many times, but he did not give up on himself, but worked hard to become stronger, and finally achieved amazing results, today, he came to communicate with you, please be sure to listen carefully and remember carefully." Next, let us welcome Jiang Cheng to teach us a lesson with warm applause! In

an instant, warm applause broke out.

Many people were a little surprised. It turned out that the handsome guy on the stage was Jiang Cheng.

It is a myth that has been passed down by many teachers and seniors.

Jiang Cheng got up and bowed slightly, then held a remote control pen in his left hand and a microphone in his right hand, and walked to the front of the stage. "Just now, President Chen's many reputations made me a little embarrassed, and it was not very convenient to sit, so I will stand and communicate with everyone."

"So, what topics are exchanged?" Jiang Cheng asked questions.

His voice was frustrated, there was not a little nervousness or crampedness on the stage, and Jiang Ming and several people in the front row felt for a moment that this was a big guy coming to give a lecture.

Principal Chen also withdrew from the podium at this time, sat in the center of the front row, and listened carefully.

"I know, the topic that everyone may want to hear, that is, what kind of study method and study secret do I have, from the last to the first? Am I right?

Jiang Cheng held the microphone to the audience.

"Yes!" Some faint voices came out.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "I can't hear it clearly, I feel that everyone is not enthusiastic and doesn't want to hear it very much, so let's not talk about this topic, right?"

For a while, the audience became lively, and someone said aloud, "Don't, just say this!"

"Yes, talk about this."

Jiang Cheng raised his hand and silenced, "However, the topic I want to communicate with you today is a little different from this," "

What I want to talk about is: Do you want to go to Mizuki University?!" Jiang Cheng asked in a crisp voice, "Answer me loudly this time." The

microphone was facing offstage.

The hearts of the students were lifted at once....

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