On the morning of February 8.

Jiang Cheng took an inspection team of 8 people and took 2 commercial vehicles of the company to the Huaxin International (Beijing) factory in Yizhuang.

At half past ten, Jiang Cheng and his party arrived at Huaxin International.

The vice president of the other party, Peng Lin, was waiting on the first floor, and beside him was an elegantly dressed woman with a wheat on her collar.

"President Peng, I'm causing you trouble!" Chen Feng spoke first, and then introduced, "This is Jiang Cheng, the general manager of our Fenghuo Company.

"President Jiang, so young!" Peng Lin stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Cheng first, a little surprised.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Your company is a leading enterprise in our semiconductor industry, it is an honor to have the opportunity to visit and learn!" "

Prize after prize!" Peng Lin smiled, and nodded to Chen Feng and the others, "Then let's visit directly, and we will arrange lunch in the staff canteen, and then go directly to have a light meal." "

Excuse me." Jiang Cheng said politely.

Then he followed Penglin. The hall is extremely high, and the walls on the sides are all glass, which is very bright.

The woman next to her began to explain.

"Hello leaders, I am Xia Ying, now we are in the place of Huaxin International Integrated Circuit Manufacturing (Kyoto) Co., Ltd., our company is the world's top four integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises; The company was established in Kyoto in 2002, it has been eleven years, in 2004 there was a 12-inch integrated circuit production line, and the first phase of the second phase of the project has been completed, and a new integrated circuit production line with a monthly production capacity of 35,000 pieces has been purchased..."

“...... This is the power management chip produced by our foundry," Xia Ying explained, "Now with the improvement of the company's process, it is already possible to manufacture 28nm IC chips. "

In the showcase, there are six or seven kinds of power IC chips.

Peng Lin pointed to one of them and said with a smile, "This Jiang should be familiar with it, right?" "

Well, it's our company's fast-charging chip." Jiang Cheng nodded and smiled.

"The design level is very high, I heard that your company has received a lot of orders? Our Huaxin international process is much higher than Huaxinwei, Mr. Jiang, you see? Peng Lin and Jiang Cheng walked ahead, talking.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "There is no negotiation yet, but President Peng's news is well-informed."

"Where, where!" Penglin laughed.

The exhibition hall is still quite large, displaying all kinds of OEM products, including various computers, mobile phone chips, and even some of the company's production processes, such as sanitation facilities waste liquid storage tanks, sewage treatment models are also displayed there.

In the glass cover on one side, several wafers are placed from small to large, ranging from 4 inches and 5 inches to 8 inches and 12 inches.

"This is monocrystalline silicon wafers, and the larger the diameter, the more advanced the production line." Xia Ying introduced.

Many R&D personnel, including Jiang Cheng, are visiting chip foundries for the first time, and they are very curious at this time.

When he arrived at the production workshop, Jiang Cheng's heart couldn't help but get a little excited.

Under the guidance of the staff, Jiang Cheng put on a pale pink dust jacket and shoe covers, and the group then followed into the loop-shaped glass corridor next to the manufacturing area.

"This is the deep ultraviolet lithography machine we purchased from Asmail in 2004, that is, the DUV lithography machine, with a wavelength of 193nm, which can currently produce chips in 45nm process." Penglin introduced.


Jiang Cheng's originally excited heart fell back a little.

So far, it's still a bit backward.

"I heard that your company's newly purchased immersion ArF lithography machine can reach 22nm process, I wonder if I can visit it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Peng Lin waved his hand, "The production line has just been built, and the equipment has not yet been installed and debugged, so I can't take you to visit." "

This way." Jiang Cheng was slightly disappointed.

The corridor is hundreds of meters long, and only the two huge lithography machines in front can be seen through the glass.

The ASML logo is prominently written on the right.

"Although this production line is a little older, the process is very sophisticated, and the monthly production of wafers can reach 30,000." Penglin stopped and introduced.

"Can you go in and have a closer look?" Jiang Cheng asked, "I've always heard that the lithography machine is a pearl in industry, and I'm really curious.

Peng Lin pondered for a moment and nodded, "Then I'll accompany President Jiang in to take a look." "

As for the others, that's not okay.

To enter the interior, it was even more strict, Jiang Cheng put on a dust-free suit, and then went through the cleaning area before entering.

The lithography machine in front of him seemed to be bubbling with light, attracting Jiang Cheng.

"This is the operation control unit," the staff pointed to the operation table on the side, and then to the huge cuboid lithography machine, "This is the double workpiece table, the projection lens, the mask table."

Jiang Cheng approached and quietly stretched out his hand.

It's just that he wore purple protective gloves on his hands, although they were not completely insulated, but they affected Jiang Cheng's speed to some extent.

Peng Lin saw that Jiang Cheng was a little closer, and stretched out his hand to signal, "President Jiang, the lithography machine is a precision equipment, please ..." Jiang Cheng

just agreed to the simulation in his heart, and at the moment he was in the simulation process, naturally he would not be stopped, pointed his left hand in front, and asked, "Is this an objective lens, I don't know which brand it is?"

As soon as Penglin was interrupted, he replied, "It's a German Zeiss shot."

"It's really incredible." Jiang Cheng had finished simulating at this time, so he left, stayed at the console for a short time, reached over, and quickly simulated in place. "This lithography machine is the crystallization of the world's wisdom!"

"Yes, this 193nm lithography machine costs 30 million meters of gold." Penglin sighed, he also felt expensive!

Next, he looked at the equipment in other links, such as etching machines, cleaning machines, etc., and Jiang Cheng quietly stretched out his hand as usual, shh!

After the matter was done, Jiang Cheng did not stay any longer, left the production workshop, and continued to visit.

At noon, I had a real "light meal" at Huaxin International, a buffet-style meal, but the food was quite good.

"Mr. Peng, in a few days, our company will have a batch of fast-charging chips, baseband and RF chip orders, please give priority to scheduling at that time." Although it is only a backward lithography machine with the highest 45nm process, Jiang Cheng has achieved good results in this trip, and when he parted, he still verbally signaled the cooperation between the two sides.

Peng Lin said with a smile, "Your company is also an important partner for us, and we will definitely prioritize it." The

two sides waved goodbye.

Sitting in the commercial car, Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes slightly, carefully looking at this slightly outdated lithography machine in his mind.

More than 80,000 parts, dozens of lenses, powerful light sources and exposure systems are truly an industrial miracle that is excessively exquisite.

This is just a DUV, it is not an immersion DUV, what if EUV is extremely ultraviolet?

With the finished product simulated in the body space, it is reverse research and development, which can provide a powerful and incomparable boost for the development of domestic independent lithography machines.

However, Jiang Cheng does not plan to rush into the research and development of lithography machines now.

He needs to study thoroughly first, and conduct in-depth research on the lithography machine itself and its surroundings before he can talk about independent research and development.

The meal should be eaten bite by bite, and the steps should be taken step by step.

In the first half of this year, Jiang Cheng still focused on preparation.

His knowledge in the direction of chip manufacturing is still lacking, and he needs to focus on learning and research and development.

Of course, the timing is not right, at least you have to wait for the end of the exchange to return to China!

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