In the laboratory, Ding Chengjun showed Jiang Cheng various projects of semiconductor physics experiments from simple to difficult.

But to his surprise, all the operation procedures and matters that need attention, Jiang Cheng only needs to read them once and remember them all.

Even when Jiang Cheng started it himself, the experimental process still couldn't fault it.

It hit him a little hard.

There is such a demon existence in the world?!

In just one afternoon, the project experiment has learned more than a dozen.

And Jiang Cheng also liked the feeling of semiconductor experiments.

When I experimented with the equipment when I operated it myself, I simulated these devices into the internal computer.

Looking at these semiconductor materials, under the instrument detection, some have different feedback, and some also show various crystal structures.

In the simulation laboratory in the internal computer, these semiconductor materials have no secrets in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

Jiang Cheng tried, and he was able to see the physical motion of the atomic layer.

With this powerful help, Jiang Cheng feels that he has unparalleled advantages in semiconductor material preparation and material testing.

Throughout the afternoon, a quiet teaching, a serious study, but also a somewhat chic atmosphere.

It wasn't until dinner time that Jiang Cheng left the laboratory with some reluctance.

Please Ding Chengjun to a light meal, when parting.

"Senior Chengjun, I have time every afternoon, and I will come to you to learn when the time comes." Jiang Cheng looked happy and said to Ding Chengjun.

Ding Chengjun nodded silently.

Although his experimental level is very high, it is estimated that he cannot withstand Jiang Cheng's oppression.

At most half a month, all kinds of basic project experiments Jiang Cheng can be mastered.

Further down, you can try to study semiconductor and metal doping or different types of semiconductors, and carry out the development of semiconductor materials with new functions.


Subsequently, Jiang Cheng turned his focus to neural networks.

Combined with the newly proposed multi-dimensional pulsed neural network structure model, he combed through a lecture of more than 20 pages.

Prior to this, Luo Ruihua has selected a research group of 10 people and is ready to carry out in-depth research in this direction.

The next day, in the small classroom, Luo Ruihua took the freshly printed Journal of Mizuki University (Natural Science Edition) and distributed it to 10 carefully selected students.

The most important thing in this edition of the journal is to publish a research paper on a new model of multidimensional pulsed neural networks written by Jiang Cheng.

The paper was not published in English and was not widely disseminated.

When Jiang Cheng arrived, Luo Ruihua was emphasizing discipline with the students.

Except for Wang Sichen, Su Yiman, and Xu Han, the others were all senior sisters of graduate students.

Jiang Cheng also saw 2 familiar faces, Luo Yongnian and Lu Qing.

This is an old friend who attended the CVPR meeting with him.

“...... In short, multi-dimensional pulsed neural network is a new model and a new direction, which will surely greatly promote the development of artificial intelligence. When everyone is selected, they must strengthen their sense of confidentiality and absolutely not spread relevant learning content through the Internet. It is all the more necessary to seriously study, speed up mastery, and strive to be in the forefront.

Luo Yongnian saw Jiang Cheng and took the time to secretly beckon him and motioned for him to come and sit down.

But the next moment, he heard Professor Luo Ruihua preaching, "The teacher who taught everyone is here, everyone is welcome!" "

Luo Yongnian: ?? ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞

The crowd applauded obediently.

Among the ten people, Jiang Chengcheng knew five, and the other five were all men, and their hair was not bushy.

Jiang Cheng stood on the podium and introduced it generously.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Cheng, and I am a direct doctoral student of Professor Luo Ruihua. Today, I will talk to you about the pulsed neural network. While

speaking, he took a whiteboard pen and wrote several classical model formulas for the traditional study of pulsed neural networks on the blackboard.

"As you know, SNNs, unlike other neural networks, use pulsed signals, which are a series of discrete signals that occur at a point in time, rather than continuous values."

After Jiang Cheng lectured, Luo Ruihua also walked to the front row and sat down.

It should be said that he is still familiar with Jiang Cheng's multi-dimensional pulsed neural network.

But listening to it here can give him a deeper understanding of the theoretical basis of this research.

Jiang Cheng then distributed the handouts he had written.

Starting from the basic content of traditional pulsed neural networks, biological neural networks, and computer neural networks, everyone's interest has been mobilized.

Soon, Jiang Cheng talked about the design verification of multidimensional structures.

A large list of mathematical symbols and neural network graphics were written on the blackboard.

Jiang Cheng's writing is very beautiful.

Neat and artistic, it makes people look at it with pleasure.

It's just that everyone can't keep up with the rhythm a little, and it's a little hard to watch.

After two lessons, Jiang Cheng has just started the construction part of the multidimensional neural network model.

It also involved Professor Zhu Chunsong's mathematical model design definition and verification formula, which made the students in the audience listen to the clouds.

The only ones that are better are Luo Yongnian and Wang Sichen.

Luo Yongnian has a certain research on pulsed neural networks, while Wang Sicheng has followed Jiang Cheng to carry out experimental verification.

After class, Jiang Chengcheng began to assign homework.

“...... Well, since you have a certain understanding of the multi-dimensional pulse neural network model construction, the two topics on this blackboard, please go back, do it seriously, and hand it in at this time the day after tomorrow. There

was a bitter wail from the audience.

Luo Ruihua got up, "Xiaojiang, you said very well!" Have the potential to be a teacher.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "I'm afraid I won't be able to talk about it." "

The handouts are also very well done, I took them," Luo Ruihua waved his hand, and then patted him on the shoulder, "Practice them well!"

As soon as Luo Ruihua left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Yongnian walked in front of Jiang Cheng and praised with his thumb. "My brother is really not an ordinary person, and now he can be our teacher."

"It's too prestigious." Jiang Cheng said modestly, "It's just that I have done a little research on neural networks."

"You're a little bit of research, then we don't know what we're studying." Luo Yongnian said, "I remember that you published another paper at the CVPR conference this year, and that paper was an excellent paper!" "

Base, don't six."

“...... Brother, we have been on a plane together, and we want to open a small stove for me!

In the next ten days, Jiang Cheng studied semiconductor physics experiments while guiding the research group to conduct in-depth research on the new model of multi-dimensional pulsed neural networks.

By mid-February, the entire research group was familiar with the new model of multi-dimensional pulsed neural networks.

Everyone named this model structure: Jiang's multidimensional pulsed neural network structure model (J-MSNN structure).

At present, the preliminary research direction: intelligent chip design, image intelligent recognition, face intelligent recognition, fingerprint recognition, multi-dimensional pulse and computing, etc.

This team, Jiang Cheng will lead them to continue research and strive to register various patents.

Through the first-mover advantage, in terms of multi-dimensional pulse neural networks, it blocks the way for later commercial developers.

Academia knows no borders, but patents do.

These blocking points should also be guarded by the Chinese!

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