The release of Maple Fire Technology's first product, Maple Fire Kind 1, really triggered a lot of repercussions.

In terms of brand positioning, some people even compare it with rice mobile phones.

One is born of fever, and the other is worry-free.

Rice mobile phone is more appetite for young people, especially young people who have just graduated and worked, and many people like this cost-effective, playable mobile phone.

But the Maple Fire Kind 1 is different.

“...... As you can see, in my hand, is the just released Maple Kind 1 mobile phone, the color of Hanyu white, can be said to be very good, the feel is also good, of course, because of the cost restrictions, the back shell is plastic..."

In the BI station, a digital evaluation UP master, engaged in machine evaluation is holding the mobile phone to explain.

"As you can see, the proportion of mobile phone screens is really good, and there is a feeling of brightness."

At this point, the barrage also started.

"Brother Ji, turn on the machine quickly and take a look."

"That's right, the appearance is medium-sized, there are not many highlights."

After introducing the appearance, the UP master turned on the machine.

"Well, this section starts with good special effects, the special effects of maple and fire unfold, and finally it becomes an abstract LOGO shape, which is very NICE." Brother Ji nodded a like.

The barrage of people popularized science.

"Jiang Feng's fishing fire special effects studio is their home, can the special effects still be done?"

"That special effects company is very good, I heard that it is now working on "Sword of Immortals 4"."

"That's my dream, don't be crippled, I'm afraid!"

"Same, I'm afraid of breaking..."

Brother Ji looked at the barrage, and said with a smile, "I know that everyone is looking forward to "Immortal Sword 4", in fact, the UP master is the same, but let us believe that Maple Fire Company, I heard that "White Fox" was filmed as a ghost, and they all rescued it, which is really something to look forward to. After

entering the main interface, "this full-screen gesture is very good, the feedback is fast, and there is no stuttering." However, it takes a short period of getting used to, and I sometimes think about pressing the chin button now.

"Of course, he also provides a virtual three-button option, which should be very good."

Subsequently, video, gameplay and battery conditions were tested, "... In general, it is a very good mobile phone, the price is not very expensive, but there is no need to worry about it, normal applications and videos are very good, relatively large mobile games are not very powerful, suitable for people who do not toss mobile phones and do not play big games. "

There were a lot of bad comments from the barrage.

"Cut, the game can't be played, what's the use."

"It's just, this machine doesn't work."

"It's worse than rice 2s."

"To compare, it should be 3 to rice."

"It seems that everyone has a comparative idea of Rice 2S, Rice 3 and Maple Fire Kind 1, so in the next issue, we will do a mobile phone horizontal review to see which mobile phone is better." While

speaking, he waved his hand to turn off the live broadcast.

In the past few months, since the trial live broadcast of the BI station, the traffic of the entire BI station has also increased, from the original two-dimensional, has been expanding, and now the game, music and other fields are richer content.

However, like BI, you need to burn a lot of money in the early stage, Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Company only invested in some shares, but there are several rounds of financing in the future, and if Jiang Cheng does not continue to invest, the shares will be diluted.

There were disturbances on the Internet, and Jiang Cheng did not have time to pay attention to them.

He was going to host a foreign investor.

Jack Owen.

General Manager of TeLag Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.

Mo Tianqing, as the general manager of the subsidiary, personally went to pick up the airport, and it was almost at the seventh-story Xiaoxia headquarters of Fenghuo.

This is an investment company that is said to be relatively strong, and it is interested in the newly established Maple Fire Technology (mobile phone) company and wants to participate in the Series A financing.

Yes, when Maple sold 260,000 mobile phones, Jiang Chengcheng decided to let its subsidiary Maple Fire Technology open up financing.

After the news was released, many capitals showed strong investment intentions.

In round A, Jiang Cheng is ready to take out 20% of the shares of Maple Fire Technology to raise funds.

The preliminary valuation of the subsidiary reached more than 2.5 billion.

As long as 500 million Chinese yuan is raised, Jiang Chengcheng has the money to continue to quickly develop a second mobile phone, and the SOC chip, the research and development progress will be greatly accelerated.

After a while, the commercial car stopped in front of the Maple Fire Headquarters and walked down a white fat man, estimated to have about 200 pounds.

Behind him, he was followed by a black female assistant.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently, "Hello, Jack."

"Dear Jiang, you are more handsome than I thought."

Jiang Cheng smiled and led a few people upstairs to the conference room.

Along the way, Jiang Cheng briefly introduced the company's situation.

"I heard Yang say that your company has great development potential, I have the intention to invest, I don't know how much Fenghuo Technology Company needs for Series A financing?"

This Jack Owen is naturally Yang Ziqian's friend.

But Jiang Cheng didn't expect such a big guy.

This time, I came to participate in financing.

In this way, Jiang Cheng can invest his money in the United States.

Otherwise, what is the use of having so much money in the United States?

Jiang Cheng is personally difficult to get.

"We only took out 20% of the shares this round." Jiang Chengdao, "At present, Canglang Capital and Morningstar Capital will come to participate.

Jack waved his hand, "I'm going to invest it all myself!" Then I need 10% of the shares, 50 million meters, how?

"Yes." Jiang Cheng agreed very directly.

Mo Tianqing felt a little confused on the side, talking about cooperation, is it so fast?

"OK, what a pleasant cooperation. I heard that Chinese cuisine is very good, I think I need to have lunch before leaving? Jack got up and reached out to shake Jiang Cheng's hand.

"Tianqing, you arranged to come." Jiang Cheng reminded.


Because it is a wholly-owned subsidiary, whether Maple Fire Technology Company finances or not, it is not his turn to decide, Jiang Cheng agreed, and they just did as required.

As soon as Mo Tianqing left, the atmosphere became better again.

"OH, Jiang, I feel that the air in Hua Guo is really good, and I want to work here for a long time." In Jack's eyes, Jiang Cheng is Yang Ziqian's friend and the person who recommended him to become a professional manager.

He guessed that Jiang Cheng was a friend or someone else behind the company.

Because he was authorized to participate in the A round of financing of Maple Fire Technology Company, even the requirements for how much capital and how many shares he held were set.

It's nothing more than a formality.

"There are still many companies to invest in in Huaguo, Jack, you can build the company in China." Jiang Cheng just needs an investment company to put the money in, and as for where Jack works, he doesn't limit.

"Well, I'm in love with it."

"When will I call Yang Ziqian back." Jiang Cheng said funny.

"No problem, he should finish his graduate studies and will come back in the second half of the year."


Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, this senior, that is a good man in cloud computing and big data!

Really returned to China, then you must not quickly dig it?

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