At the beginning of the first quarter of 2014, Jiang Cheng felt completely different from last year.

There are a lot more things.

Even though he has been extremely decentralized, setting up multiple subsidiaries and putting these general managers in charge of their own day-to-day operations, he still finds that his affairs have increased rather than decreased.

The double Dr. is very time-consuming.

Studying for a PhD is really not like an undergraduate, as long as you study in class and take exams.

Instead, we should continue to learn cutting-edge knowledge and innovate according to the direction of research.

And the company's piece is the development of mobile phone SOC chips and EDA design software, which makes him very energy-consuming.

And throughout it, there is also the research and development of the lithography machine, which has been haunting the heart, like a heart disease.

Time really waits for no one!

This year is already 2014, less than 4 years before the trade war.

The research and development of lithography machines is an action of the entire industrial chain, and Jiang Cheng has no way to rush in alone and one company.

At present, Maple Microelectronics' fast charging chips have been directly used by 4 mobile phone manufacturers in China, 6 mobile phone manufacturers have joined its standards, and more than ten other electronic manufacturers have also used.

One financing has been completed, and a total of 10 Chinese enterprises have participated in the investment.

The current shareholding structure is like this.

Maple Fire Group Company holds 40% of the shares;

Warwick also increased its capital, still accounting for 20% of the shares;

Kushuai Company holds 15% of the shares;

Huaxing Company holds 15% of the shares;

Then, other sporadic small mobile phone manufacturers joined, spending some money, accounting for some shares, a total of 10%.

The current board of directors of Fenghua Microelectronics, according to the current share situation, the chairman is still Jiang Cheng, but the general manager is hired, named Lu Xinsheng.

Through open investment, Maple Microelectronics has actually obtained more than 2 billion yuan, plus Maple Micro fast charging chips are very profitable, and the turnover last year alone exceeded 12 billion yuan, and the profit was about 400 million.

According to the meaning of Jiang Cheng's communication with the directors, the company will invest at least 30% of the profits in research and development every year, and the rest of the money will be dividended.

And in the first three years, no dividends were paid, and all were invested in research and development.

In addition to the continuous research and development of fast charging chips, Maple Micro has started research and development on memory cards.

To this end, Warwick also transferred several engineers to participate in research and development.

The relevant protocol is based on the memory storage protocol of the open source and free storage technology standard JEDEC, and on this basis, further research is carried out to propose new standards and protocols.

For related design appearance, Jiang Cheng recommends R&D and design with reference to the size of the Micro-SIM card.

As for the data requirements, the sequential read rate can reach 100MB/s, and the sequential write rate can reach more than 50MB/s.

However, in addition to this piece of research and development, the company still has a lot of funds, and is still discussing how to use it in the future, which piece of research and development is more appropriate?

Jiang Cheng's current plan is to enter the DRAM and NAND flash memory market.

In my impression, Changxin and Changjiang Storage, which were domestically produced in the previous life, were both established in 16 years.

But Jiang Cheng now has some money, at least it can be advanced to 2014, with a 2-year time advantage, plus Jiang Cheng's internal computer simulation laboratory.

He believes that faster and higher breakthroughs can be achieved.

However, for the investment and development of this field, Jiang Cheng also needs to pick a time to personally visit Warwick.

At the same time, it is also for the establishment of the lithography machine industry alliance.

He had wanted to see Ren Fei for a long time.


Professor Xu Wei's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Even the number of scoldings is less.

At least when Jiang Cheng was studying along, he felt that the other party was quite pleasant, and he was not as good-tempered as Senior Ding Chengjun said.

As for the senior I saw last time, he was trained....

Jiang Cheng also felt that it was normal, after all, it was people who made big mistakes in their own experiments.

And every time Jiang Cheng was learning the knowledge of semiconductor physics and devices, although Professor Xu Wei had a straight face, his eyes softened.

Looking at his operation experiment again, even on his face, even his eyebrows were stretched.

Even looking at Ding Chengjun was much more pleasant, and his voice became smoother.

"Today we will go to the precision instrument laboratory." Professor Xu Wei said directly after the guidance was completed.

Then he walked ahead.

Ding Chengjun glanced at Jiang Cheng and followed quietly.

Jiang Cheng was a little happy, this legendary medium precision instrument laboratory, he finally wanted to follow!

Basically, it can be said that he has passed Xu Wei's test and can follow him throughout the project.

Along the way, Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

"Senior Cheng Jun, does the teacher have a research project in the Jingyi Department?"

Last time, Ding Chengjun talked about this matter, saying that the big guy Professor Xu Wei had a close connection with the laboratory of the Jingyi room.

Ding Chengjun said, "Do you know the focus of the tutor's research?

"I know, it's mainly about the aspect of resistive memory cells." Jiang Cheng nodded.

So Ding Chengjun followed him and did the SRT project, which is also in the area of memory.

"Last year, foreign studies said that a novel microchip was successfully developed, which can simulate the process of brain processing information in real time." Ding Chengjun said in a low voice.

"You mean neuromorphic chips?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

This piece is extremely cutting-edge research.

It's from the latest published paper.

"Yes." Ding Chengjun was already surprised.

This little junior brother of himself is already regarded as an inhuman pervert by him.

These cutting-edge knowledge, he knows is normal, not knowing is abnormal.

"The mentor wants to study this?"

"Yes, the mentor sees this as a new direction to be able to break through the von Neumann structure." Ding Chengjun nodded.

Jiang Cheng raised his thumb, "Mentor Zhenniu, when I first saw it, I also felt that it was a very novel research direction, which was specially placed in an important library. "

The important library is actually a classification of a large number of documents and books that Jiang Cheng has memorized in the brain.

At that time, he also felt that this idea was similar to his own research on the principle of simulating physical computers of mutated biological cells in the body.

After a while, several people arrived at the Jingyi Department Hall.

"Professor Zhu, did I finish that thing?" Arriving at the precision testing technology and instrument laboratory on the second floor, Professor Xu Wei, who was walking in front, greeted a handsome middle-aged man in a suit.

"Yes, fortunately, it is not insulting." Professor Zhu Yi got up and led them into the laboratory.

"Is that your new PhD student?" Zhu Yi, who was walking in front, glanced at the new face, and the two chatted.

"Well, Zhi Bosheng, it's called Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng then spoke, "Professor Zhu, hello!

Zhu Yi nodded and smiled, which was regarded as a greeting.

He continued to talk to Xu Wei about the test data.

However, these Jiang Chengdu do not know much, only know that it may be materials that help the research of resistive memory.

When he changed his lab clothes and entered the laboratory, Jiang Cheng saw that there were really many instruments inside.

However, many of them are precision instrument testing equipment.

Something caught his attention.

It was a workpiece platform with two pallet-like things, supported by the machine jib and able to move.

This made Jiang Cheng feel a little familiar, and a simulated lithography machine appeared in his mind.

Is this not a double workpiece table for lithography machines?

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