Jiang Feng Yuhuo Film and Television Special Effects Company.

In 2013, the entire special effects company was actually responsible for not many special effects films and television.

Mainly responsible for the special effects of "White Fox", and there are a few followed, but they are all small productions, or only a few special effects.

Nowadays, with the company's reputation rising, the special effects needed by ordinary films and television will not specifically come to Jiang Feng to catch fire.

In the eyes of insiders, this is a company that is more awesome than the colorful light source!

It is precisely because of this that Li Silin still has a lot of pressure in the new year.

There is also competition between subsidiaries.

Last year it was okay, with Maple Fire Chinese Net at the bottom, but this year it is the same.

Zhang Xiaoqiao sharpened his knife, tried to reform the website operation model, and IP, film and television began to intervene.

It made her very stressed.

But the current market situation is that there are still too few real special effects movies and television.

If you wait for those movies and television to come to you to do visual effects, it is better to find a way to find work yourself!

A few days ago, Zhang Xiaoqiao successfully bought the film and television adaptation rights of "Immortal Four", and Maple Fire Games cooperated with Taiyu Company to prepare to remake "Immortal Four".

So why is everyone rushing for this game?

It's nothing more than seeing that Jiang Cheng likes this game.

At the year-end debriefing meeting, everyone heard that he specifically ordered this game.

What the big boss ordered, everyone naturally paid attention to. (Universally applicable.) )

“...... In short, everyone should play the original game a few times to see the special effects of the game, and some classic action special effects can be designed first. At the mobilization meeting, Li Silin personally deployed to ensure that there were no problems with the special effects of this adapted film and television.

The supervisor is still Fang Qiliang.

In the "White Fox" project, he showed his ability and level.

After the expansion, the company has more than 60 people, and has established departments such as the post-production department, visual effects production department, sound effect synthesis department, and software technology research and development department.

Fully have the strength to undertake and even independently produce special effects films and television.

Bai Xiao, who was sitting on the side of the stage, was a little excited.

This is his first time participating in the production of a film and television full-course special effects, and "Immortal Four" is also a game he once loved.

Fang Qiliang made a statement, "Mr. Li rest assured, I will definitely lead the team to do a perfect job in the special effects of "Immortal Four". "

Well, this drama, President Jiang also attaches great importance to it, and he must pay attention to it and do the best special effects." Li Silin said.

It is Jiang Cheng's own company, even if it makes less money, it must ensure quality.


Bai Xiao sat a little curious, this legendary group general manager Jiang Cheng, he had never seen before.

Just as he was thinking, Li Silin's phone rang.

I saw that she immediately answered, "President Jiang." "

“...... What, you're at the company, okay, I'll be there.

Then, Li Silin got up and knocked on the table, "Okay, according to what I just said, everyone moved." Mr. Jiang came to the company to inspect, all gave me spiritual points! "

Eh, get moving, do you mean, download Immortal Four to play the game?

Bai Xiao was a little confused, followed the group to disperse, and sat back at his desk.

The whole environment is very nice, the location is spacious and the computer configuration is top notch.

Han Wuji saw that Bai Xiao came out and asked, "Brother Xiao, what's the situation?"

"Well, Mr. Li said that the company wants to produce the special effects of "Immortal Four", let's download it and play it more." Bai Xiao said truthfully.

While speaking, I logged on to the official website and downloaded the dubbed version of the game.

After installation, he paid for it first, and Bai Xiao put on the headphones and started the game experience.

The music of the start interface sounds.

Inexplicably bleak.

"President Jiang, why did you suddenly have time to come to the company? I remember you didn't come over for almost three or four months, right? Li Silin accompanied Jiang Cheng and said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't worry about having you."

"It warms my heart to hear that." Li Silin smiled happily and said, "After the expansion of enrollment last year, there are now 63 employees, or organize a meeting to listen to President Jiang's speech."

"Che, what do I say, I'm just here to see." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and raised his eyes to look at the work station area.

A conspicuous and familiar full-screen game suddenly appeared.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised and moved forward.

Li Silin looked at it and felt a little dizzy, who is this, still playing games?

"Immortal Four, it's been a game for a long time." Staying closer, Jiang Cheng said abruptly.

"That's right, after the bridge side won the film and television adaptation rights of "Immortal Four", it docked with our side, and was ready to start shooting, so I asked the special effects engineers to familiarize themselves with the game first." Li Silin explained.

"Hmm." Jiang Cheng stopped and watched the other party play the game.

Real dishes.

A small maze that actually ran for so long.

"Just go to the right in the stone sinking creek cave." Jiang Cheng spoke.

Han Wuji didn't wear headphones, raised his foot and kicked Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao glanced at it with some doubt.

I saw Han Wuji constantly blinking his eyes to show himself, "Your eyes are dry?

However, the faint coercion made him react, and he turned his head and saw the beautiful boss Li Silin.

The handsome man with thick hair in front of her could not be the group boss Jiang Cheng?

Swallowing his saliva, "Eh..." Jiang

Cheng glanced away and saw his nameplate.

"PE Special Effects Engineer Bai Xiao".

Jiang Cheng was stunned, this young man is the Baixiao Baixiao, right?

Well, although the person is not very tall and fatter, his facial features are quite straight.

Li Silin reminded, "This is General Manager Jiang, the general manager of the group company. "

Mr. Jiang is good."

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth lifted lightly, and he reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, "Bai Xiao, well, it's very good."

Then he turned to Li Silin and said, "Being so serious and familiar with Immortal Four must be a good seedling, so you should put more pressure on him, add more tasks, and exercise and train him."

"Okay." Li Silin nodded in reply.

However, what does Jiang Cheng mean by this, I don't understand it.

Later, in Li Silin's office, Jiang Cheng listened to the work reports of Li Silin and the managers of the financial and personnel departments.

It is considered to be a look at the operation of the subsidiary on the spot.

"Nowadays, the special effects film and television atmosphere in China has risen, and a lot of funds have entered this area, and the publisher of "The Great Saint Returns" has contacted us and is ready to be responsible for the special effects production by us." Li Silin said.

Jiang Cheng thought back, and he already had some memories of whether this was released this year or next year.

However, with the rise of domestic special effects, there may also be many new movies of various kinds, and even the box office may be different.

These things are not something that Jiang Cheng can control and is familiar with.

"If you want to make special effects well, if you try your best and you feel that you are not doing it perfectly, you can talk to me." Jiang Cheng nodded and reminded.

The small supercomputing in his own body, in addition to simulation experimental research and research, special effects production has not continued.

Li Silin and the others answered.

Jiang Cheng left and went to Fenghuo Culture Media to learn more about the adaptation of "Immortal Four", and had in-depth exchanges with Changqing and put forward his opinions.

It must be recreated on the basis of respecting the original game, the main story cannot be dispersed, and the side stories can be fleshed out.

Changqing: The big guy's request is so difficult! What to do?


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