In the mobile phone chip research and development laboratory of Maple Fire Semiconductor, a burst of applause broke out at this time.

After shaving his beard, Lin Feng, who had grown to three centimeters again, stomped his foot happily, "Fuck, finally!" Let's design this chip. "

A full set of chips that integrate 4 processor cores, 1 GPU, 1 ISP chip, and 4G five-mode baseband.

The GPU is Vivante's GC5000, which is an improvement over the previous generation, but compatibility issues remain.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng already has mature experience for him, coupled with the help of ISP chip F221, which perfectly solves the image display problem.

Not only that, Guo Xiaoming has bought this structure for a permanent license.

In the future, we will continue to conduct in-house research based on this structure.

Chen Xiao, as an integrated baseband chip these modules, together with the project to participate in the final attack, this time busy, "Let's not patronize and be happy, quickly tell President Guo and President Jiang, it is estimated that they have been waiting for this news for a long time."

"Yes, I'll report it right away." While speaking, Lin Feng called Jiang Cheng and Guo Xiaoming.

Guo Xiaoming is checking the progress of the project construction at the sea route, and he will immediately say that he will come back to see it.

This is the first self-developed chip design of Maple Fire.

The new chip, based on the RISC-V structure, can be compared to the Dragon 800, and the power consumption is even lower from the theoretical performance.

After a while, Jiang Cheng and Guo Xiaoming arrived almost at the same time.

"Quick, open it and let me see." Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand with a hint of excitement.

Lin Feng was naturally ready and pointed to the screen.

That's the EWB design tool, and it's a highly finished mobile phone chip design.

Jiang Cheng sat at the front and began to review the circuit design and program code.

Guo Xiaoming raised his thumb, "You good boys, not bad!" I thought we wouldn't finish it until the second half of the year. I didn't expect it to come out in April.

Lin Feng smiled excitedly, "President Jiang and you support our project so much, ask people to give people, ask for money to give money, we are just three shifts, and we have to speed up the completion." "

Of course, everyone can see the hard work of this R&D team.

Even Chen Xiao, their IC R & D team, after joining in, is a little uncomfortable.

It feels like Lin Feng's team is really rushing for time, day and night.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to chat with them at this time, so he conveniently simulated the entire computer, including the software information inside.

The entire set of chip design data is taken out and the simulation begins.

The supercomputing power in the body is greatly opened, and 60% of the computing power is directly completed.

With 10 virtual machines, the simulation operation of different degrees and directions was started.

Among them, there is a virtual machine, which is trying to support and adapt the new architecture with Android system and Lunix system.

After all, no matter how good the SOC chip is, it needs to run the system on it.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes lightly and did his best.

Sweat began to roll down his face.

Everyone was surprised to see Jiang Cheng like this for the first time.

"President Jiang, you..." Guo Xiaoming stepped forward, anxiously preparing to ask about the situation.

But Lin Feng stretched out his hand to stop it, "President Guo, I estimate that Jiang is always thinking with his brain, and we still don't bother at this critical time." "

So?" Guo Xiaoming was stunned.

"That's, Mr. Jiang is powerful, these designs, he can find out the problem by looking at it." Lin Feng said proudly.

"Pure brain computing? President Jiang is really a god and a man! But

seeing Jiang Cheng's sweat, Guo Xiaoming hurriedly asked people to get electric fans and saline.

But he took the lead and took the folder and fanned him.

I don't know if it's hot, but it's always good.

For a time, the engineers around the perimeter all had their own talents, either holding circuit boards or white paper, and some directly fanned with clothes.

But it was stopped by Lin Feng.

Your girl's clothes are all sweaty and smelly, this is to smoke President Jiang to death, right?

After a while, the electric fan was sent over, and when the electric fan was blowing, everyone who was still sweating with air conditioning was relieved.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes.

Fortunately, the mobilized computing power is not much, although the sweat has come out some, but it does not affect the body, and the power guarantee is also extremely stable.

Now, he has abandoned the storage battery and replaced it with a more powerful uninterruptible power supply UPS, which is full of 30KW of power.

Enough for Jiang Cheng full power for more than 2 months.

Every time the fully charged UPS is simulated, it is necessary to simulate charging again after two or three months, which can save Jiang Cheng a lot of things.

Although this power supply is tens of thousands, it is super value.

"President Jiang, are you all right?" Guo Xiaoming asked hurriedly and handed over the saline again.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and drank some water, only then said, "I pondered for a long time, and I feel that the overall problem is not big, and there are still a few places to pay attention to, such as back-end optimization, and there is still room for improvement in scheduling and instruction integration."

"However, for our first product, it was basically a success."

"Great!" Lin Feng clenched his fists and jumped up.

The surrounding engineers also cried with joy.

Jiang Cheng's recognition is the greatest success.

Although they have tested and verified it many times, they are still worried about what else is wrong.

Because, Jiang Cheng is really awesome.

Sometimes, test engineers joke that with Jiang always there, we can all be laid off directly.

The process technology is 28 nm, just as Huaxin International built a new production line, which can produce 28 nm processor chips.

"Take Huaxin International tape-out as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng ordered. "In addition, let the FIUI system research and development team come to see the fit."

The crowd fell from joy back to reality.

Yes, although the chip is self-developed, how can this processor architecture be adapted and compatible with the current Android system?

Lin Feng was a little apprehensive, "President Jiang, this new processor, we will contact the system research and development department on Mo Tianqing's side and let them complete the adaptation as soon as possible." "

Well, this is also a big project, but due to the forward-looking design of our initial design, I think this architecture, support for Linux will be very good," Jiang Cheng nodded, which was the result of many simulations in the internal computer, "We can start with a compiler."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, "This is a good way, in this way, we can first let the processor support the existing system, and then continue to develop and get rid of the Android camp."

"Yes, our ultimate goal is to build our own system." Jiang Cheng said approvingly.

Guo Xiaoming was a little worried, "However, listening to Tianqing, now that the Kind1 mobile phone is almost sold out, it is waiting for our chip." "

It's time, can it be time?

Jiang Cheng frowned and said, "Kind 1S, I asked them to prepare the goods of Lianfa Brother." At

the beginning, Jiang Cheng also considered that the chip could not be delivered on schedule, so he arranged to purchase a batch of MediaTek MT6595 chips.

This chip integrates a baseband chip and supports FDD/TDD LTE networks, which is also called an octa-core.

Although the price is not as cheap as that of Lambton, it is not as cheap as the previous chips.

However, for Jiang Cheng, it was just a transition.

"So our self-developed chips are only used for high-end machines?" Guo Xiaoming said.

"Of course, high-end machines must use our own chips." Jiang Cheng said as a matter of course.

Just like Warwick, even if the K2V3 chip is not good, it has to be sold at a high price.

Because the chip cost is there.

The value of self-research is also reflected there!

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