Li Weiguo thought for a while, but did not understand why Jiang Cheng would come to make such a suggestion with them.

Led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the lithography machine industry alliance was established.

Zhang Bai sighed first, "What Xiaojiang said also makes some sense, now the upstream, middle and downstream lithography machine industry chain enterprises, are all doing their own thing, our Hua Guo was originally behind Omi in this top cutting-edge technology, if it is still slowly chasing, I don't know when I will catch up." "

Now Moore's Law is gradually failing, and everyone is crowded on the way to 7nm and 3nm.

At this point in time, if we do not catch up, the future will be more difficult.

Li Weiguo nodded, "Xiaojiang, your idea is very good, I will talk to Dean Bai."

"This kid also suggested that we Mizuki set up an integrated circuit academy, which is a master who does not make people worry." Xu Wei glanced at Jiang Cheng, but his tone was somewhat preferred.

It seems to be criticism, but it is actually praise.

"Thank you, Academician Li." Jiang Cheng said gratefully, but then asked weakly, "In addition, Academician Li, can you help Optoelectronics on your side?" That

was his original purpose this time.

Xu Wei didn't speak, he knew that this kid would not let go of this good opportunity.

Li Weiguo thought for a moment and said, "I am not particularly familiar with Director Xian of the Ivy Chun Light Machinery Institute. However, OPPLE Optoelectronics is a listed company, and the shares of Ivy Guangji Institute will definitely not be taken out, are you sure you want to invest in it?

"Don't 10% want to let it out?"

"I don't know about this, I can help you ask." Li Weiguo said with a smile.

Xu Wei saw that the matter was over, so he got up, "Then Academician Li, see that you still have something, the two of us will not bother."

Zhang Bai stopped Jiang Cheng, "Xiaojiang, just now I was communicating with Lao Li, it's your multi-dimensional pulse neural network, and I'm wondering if I can study it as a new architecture and apply it on the chip."

Jiang Cheng knew that what Zhang Bai said was not the smart chip of the ISP chip.

This smart chip, in fact, uses the algorithm of the neural network on the MCU system to improve the level of intelligent discrimination through training.

But what Academician Zhang Bai said is at the level of hardware architecture or circuit design.

Li Weiguo nodded, "I think Lao Zhang's idea is feasible, but it is estimated that it will also encounter many difficulties." "

Jiang Cheng touched his nose, does our new model really have such a big prospect?

"Xiaojiang, after you go back, study this aspect." Zhang Bai said with a smile, "It just so happens that this is a new aspect of the intersection of computers and microelectronics, and you also learn this, so you should have more research."

"I see." Jiang Cheng answered.

Li Weiguo nodded, "Xiaojiang, you leave your contact information, if there is any news, I will contact you." Also, if I have the opportunity, I will also come to see your new research. "

OK, it's done.

After Jiang Cheng left his contact mobile phone number and email number, he followed Xu Wei out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

On the way, Xu Wei pondered for a while, but still couldn't help but ask, "Xiaojiang, you are studying that multi-dimensional pulsed neural network over there, what is it?"

"It is a model of a bionic pulsed neural network, through multi-dimensional structure information transfer, so that the pulse can achieve efficient processing of information transmission and sharing." Jiang Cheng introduced briefly.

Xu Weidao, "Go back and show me that paper." "

Okay." Jiang Cheng naturally responded.

However, there was some pressure in my heart.

One is the big topic requested by Professor Luo Ruihua, and the other is the new direction proposed by Academician Zhang Bai.

Alas, simply studied together!

Crossing, that's where it got to the side!

Aren't all cross-cutting papers now better written?

Therefore, Jiang Cheng began to think hard about the big topic again.

----(σ≧︎▽︎≦︎)σ。 -----

blink of an eye, it was approaching summer vacation again.

Yu Xinran's affairs in school were almost done, and he began to recruit employees and set up a research and development team.

For the average employee, she conducts her own interviews.

For professional designers and engineers, she called Jiang Cheng to help.

By June 20, the company had been initially established.

The company chose to be next to Jiang Cheng's current seventh-floor temporary building.

This allows the two to travel together.

Zhang Xiaoyong drove the commercial car and drove Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran to the headquarters.

Jiang Cheng was persuading her to arrange bodyguards.

“...... However, now that the company has become bigger, you, as the general manager, should pay attention to safety. Jiang Cheng was very resolute on this point, "I have already recruited people, I will report to you later." Seeing

this, Yu Xinran could only agree. Well, I know. When

I arrived at the company, I brought a selected female bodyguard to Yu Xinran as soon as possible.

"President Yu, I am Lin Yun, and I will be your bodyguard and driver in the future." A tall woman with a high ponytail and a short-sleeved power suit holds a boxing.

Yu Xinran nodded, "Good." Then

, after looking at Jiang Cheng, he left.

She is not a character who likes to hide behind and be a little woman in the family, and hopes to advance and retreat with Jiang Cheng in her career.

Although he is about to graduate, after all, he has been the general manager of the company, and he is also handy.

According to the standard of the general manager of the subsidiary, Yu Xinran was also arranged a car, which is known for its safety.

After arranging this, Jiang Cheng's heart was slightly more at ease.

Jiang Cheng first handled the affairs submitted by the assistant building to the evening, listened to the report, and then went to the EDA R&D and design department.

This is an extremely important part of the upstream of the lithography machine industry.

Nowadays, most of the foreign EDA tools are bound to the foundry, and they will verify whether the software you use is genuine and the latest version.

If not, sorry, you can't do it.

The design can be made, and if you want to manufacture it, the annual EDA fee must be honestly handed over.

The products Jiang Cheng needs are more demanding, and will form a closed loop with the lithography machine industry alliance to design, tape-out, production, and packaging.

"President Jiang, look, the preliminary design has been completed." Bing Shaoqing, who has always been silent, pointed to the screen in front of him with some excitement at this time.

Jiang Cheng looked at it and saw that it was a relatively perfect software.

After opening, the interface is relatively simple and clear.

The design table occupies a large area on the right, several commonly used tools are under the menu, and several are floating on the side.

On the lower left side is the circuit description, through the button can quickly call up waveform test, circuit simulation and other tools, easy to find problems.

When designing, rich components, extremely high degree of freedom, and simulation make designers smoother.

The circuit design intelligent prompt has also taken shape.

Although it is worse than the perfect software in Jiang Cheng's heart, it is enough as a preliminary software.

"Okay, then I'm going to come for acceptance." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised lightly, and he began the great business of acceptance.

Bing Shaoqing's face was still calm, and he glanced at Shen Hao, moved the chair together, and sat on either side of Jiang Cheng.

In vivo simulation laboratory wide open.

The design software quickly designs circuits in the simulation lab, and then simulates to form construction drawings.

Subsequently, in the simulation lithography machine, simulated lithography is carried out.

Although it is a relatively simple circuit, Jiang Chengcheng can be lithography and manufacturing freely, and the simulation laboratory is so capricious.

And the finished product is used for reverse thrust and testing.

For five days, Jiang Chengdu stayed in the EDA design department, looking for problems and bugs, and then fed back to Bing Shaoqing and Shen Hao's team.

Then find ways to improve and modify together.

June 25, 2014, 9 p.m.

In the entire bright EDA R&D and design department, everyone broke out into continuous and long-term warm applause.

Maple SF circuit design and simulation software V1.0 version officially developed!

It will be released to major chip design manufacturers in China.

And this is a milestone for Maple Fire!

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