After letting Zhang Xiaoyong drive the company car away, Jiang Cheng drove his white BMW X3 and took Yu Xinran to the old five seasons to eat shabu.

Along the way, Yu Xinran curiously asked about Yang Ziqian and Jack Owen.

After knowing that this was the senior of Mizuki University that Jiang Cheng met at the CVPR conference in Portland, and his friends, he also thought it was quite amazing.

was actually pulled by Jiang Cheng to be an agent of an investment company.

When he arrived at the place, Jiang Cheng saw a 200-pound white fat man from afar, and he was learning to use chopsticks to hold meat!

A straight, thin-faced man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt next to him was calmly listening to the other party.

"Senior Ziqian!" Jiang Cheng beckoned and pulled Yu Xinran over.

Yang Ziqian glanced up, first Jiang Cheng in a plaid shirt, and then the temperamental beauty beside him.

Oh? It's incredible that an IT man who studies computer can actually find such a beautiful girlfriend?

"Jiang Cheng." Yang Ziqian nodded slightly, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Owen picked the dish awkwardly and was burned, "Oh no, Jiang, you scared me."

"Owen, you have integrated very quickly, and you even know the place of the old five seasons." Jiang Cheng sat down and said in English.

Yang Ziqian said lightly, "I recommended it."

"yes, Yang is a foodie." Owen laughed and said, "So I love being friends with Young." He would take me to taste food from all over the world.

Yang Ziqian ignored him, one time in Chinese, the other in English, he was also tired, and immediately asked Jiang Cheng directly, "This is?"

"Girlfriend, Yu Xinran." Jiang Cheng introduced.

"Hello, senior." Yu Xinran said generously.

Yang Ziqian nodded, "Let's eat first, let's talk after dinner." As

he spoke, he very carefully took a piece of meat, put it in a copper pot, shook it gently, and tapped the table with his left hand, counting the time.

After 10 seconds, remove it on time and put it in the dipping sauce in the bowl.

When eating, he was also very elegant, not at all as overwhelmed by Owen's unfamiliar chopsticks.

Of course, Jiang Cheng glanced at it and was a little unaccustomed.

He directly clamped the meat with big chopsticks, put it in the pot to cook, and when it was almost done, he clamped it up and separated it with Yu Xinran.

Owen didn't seem to want to stop talking, muttering, "I think I need a clip."

Yang Ziqian shook his head, "If you want to stay in China, learn chopsticks, otherwise you won't be able to eat any food." Owen

was a little distressed, and could only observe a few people and learn slowly.

Jiang Cheng ate for a while, then asked, "Senior Ziqian, don't go out when you return to China this time?"

"Why, do you want to recruit me to your company?" Yang Ziqian put down his chopsticks and did not plan to eat anymore.

"Yes, I wonder if you want to?"

"What treatment, what position?" Yang Ziqian did not answer directly, but asked Jiang Cheng instead.

"Maple Fire Group Company's Maple Fire Cloud and Big Data Department, manager, monthly salary of 60K, equipped with a car." Jiang Cheng directly stated his conditions.

He has also checked Yang Ziqian's ability level, and in terms of big data and cloud computing, he is already a relatively in-depth researcher in China.

Of course, this salary is not high in the United States, but in China, this level is already relatively high, and it can be compared with the general manager of the subsidiary.

Yang Ziqian did not reply directly, but asked again, "The paper "Research on Model Construction and Simulation Based on a New Structure of Pulsed Neural Network", is yours?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded. But I thought, why did everyone ask this paper?

"Okay, I agree." Yang Ziqian responded, and then took a cup of tea and drank it carefully.

Jiang Cheng blinked, then a smile appeared and he raised his cup, "Then Senior Ziqian is welcome to join our team."

Yang Ziqian nodded and said, "Last time I invested in bitcoin, I also tried to buy some after you later, and the income was quite good."

"Oh, how much is sold?"

"About nine hundred meters." Yang Ziqian thought for a while, and then said, "It's just hundreds of thousands of meters."

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth lightly raised, "Next time I have the opportunity, I will take you to fly again."

Yang Ziqian's eyes were a little surprised, "Oh? Do you still value Bitcoin? "

I'll talk about it later." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, not planning to continue talking about this topic.

Owen looked depressed next to him, "Yang, do I have to learn Mandarin?"

"Of course."

"Then you have to teach me."

“...... Don't. Yang Ziqian shook his head. You can go and sign up for a class, and in two or three years you can be Hua Guotong.

"OH, two or three years, that's too long." Owen was distressed.


After recruiting Yang Ziqian, Jiang Cheng was in a very good mood.

Although his hair is still bushy and shows no signs of baldness, this does not prevent him from being a big bull in cloud and big data.

California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. graduate.

They who returned from studying abroad, in this era, are very popular.

Wanliu Nest.

"Jiang Cheng, what do you think of these designs?" Yu Xinran's own sketches drew the appearance of several products and handed them to Jiang Cheng.

Several sheets of white paper with two bracelet designs on them.

One is the strap buckle type and the other is the magnetic type.

Both watches, small dials, although simple sketches, but both very well designed.

In addition, there is a squirrel-style smart companion toy, and one is a tanuki-style.

"It's all very good-looking, just develop it together." Jiang Cheng said that Yu Xinran's aesthetic is very good, "It's the bracelet, let's see if we can make it one, can't take it out, of course, but the bracelet can be replaced." Jiang

Cheng had the impression that the original rice bracelet was like a soybean that could be cut out.

But if you take it out more times, it will be easy to drop.

Yu Xinran nodded and answered, "What about charging?" "

Make a magnetic charging contact."

"Well, got it." Yu Xinran laughed, "It's still your idea."

"In fact, if it can be solved technically, it can be made into a smart bracelet like a decorative bracelet." Jiang Chengdao.

"I'll try again when I get back." Yu Xinran nodded, and then said, "By the way, Brown of Bio-Tech Investment Company is going to come to China, and I plan to let him invest in some smart homes."

"Okay, just let it go." Jiang Cheng gently scratched her nose, very supportive of her idea.

The money is also her hard-earned in the United States, so she is at her disposal.

"Well, got it." Yu Xinran was prodded by him and leaned on Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

After a while, he said faintly, "Jiang Cheng, when are we going home?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned, and then he thought that the summer vacation would soon arrive.

And Yu Xinran has not returned home for almost a year.

Jiang Cheng did not have an undergraduate exam, and his exam results were calculated based on the results of the exchange, but he did not have to prepare for anything to study.

Then go back early.

"Tomorrow, let's drive back." Jiang Cheng thought about it and said.

Yu Xinran raised his head and looked at him with soft eyes, "It's so far away, it's too tiring to drive back."

"It's okay, don't you think I'm very strong now?" The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised.

Yu Xinran's face turned slightly red, "What."

"I learned some military body boxing and Bajiquan with Xiaoyong a while ago, and occasionally practiced, and I felt that my body was stronger." Jiang Cheng shows the lower biceps.

"You are either researching or busy with company affairs every day, you want to exercise your body, and your dreams are based on a good body." Yu Xinran said.

"I understand." Jiang Cheng nodded, "And now that the company has equipped a car, the X3 has been bought for 2 years, and it has only run more than 8,000 kilometers, so it is better to drive back to my father." "

Hey, his Great Wall pickup truck has been driving for ten years, the blocking handles are all pulped, and it's time for him to replace the shotgun with a cannon."

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