Of course, because it is the first day, there are still many pre-sale users who pay the full amount, so it is normal for the sales volume to be larger.

But whether the new mobile phone EX1 of Maple Fire's new mobile phone can be hard and rigid rice mobile phone, and even Warwick's mobile phone, is still an uncertain thing.

However, Jiang Cheng also believes that with the word-of-mouth fermentation of Maple Fire EX1, it will definitely make more people like it.

Continue to work on your scientific research career.

Jiang Cheng's vacation was over, and he immediately returned to the Institute of Microelectronics to continue the research of a new type of memory-computing integrated memristor.

Although the proposal of the 3P hybrid training model initially solves the first problem, there are many subsequent problems.

The next step involves the design and development of the memristor , this piece, Jiang Cheng is not very in-depth, more to follow and learn.

It's just that his learning is a little perverted fast.

All of a sudden, time began to become regular.

Throughout the summer, Jiang Cheng still participated in research at the Institute of Microelectronics for most of the time.

Of course, when there is something, Jiang Cheng will also take a leave, after all, there are still many things on the company's side.

And this scientific research project will not produce results for a while.

Especially the development of the memristor device, even if Jiang Cheng has a powerful plug-in, it can only accelerate the selection time of whether the material is good or not, whether it can be used, and he has no way to directly say that this method does not work well.

When he himself had not yet simulated a new path to success, Jiang Cheng did not make his own suggestions.

On this day, Jiang Cheng took time and went to Maple Fire Network Technology Company (Maple Fire Games).

After more than half a year of game design and development, Maple Fire Duanyou has completed the production of the "Deep Space" game and is undergoing internal testing.

In addition, a remake of "Immortal Four" has also come out.

Jiang Cheng sat directly in the position of the horse soldier, opened the game, and watched the remake of "Immortal Four" first.

"President Jiang, this dubbing piece of the remake of "Immortal Four" was just completed yesterday." The new general manager of Maple Fire Games Company is the former vice president Zhou Chengan.

He also knows that Jiang Cheng has feelings for this game, so he pays more attention to the redesign of this piece.

After the game was completed and there were no bugs in the closed beta for many times, as soon as the dubbing was good, he reported to Jiang Cheng as soon as possible.

At this time, Zhao Yuanfeng of the Maple Fire Virtual Engine Department and Ma Bing, the project director of the remake of "Immortal Four", all gathered on the side and watched Jiang Cheng experience the remade "Immortal Sword IV".

Most of these music retain the original classic music, but because the map is later enlarged after the remastered, some new soundtracks have been added.

Like the opening Qingluan Peak, the original version is relatively small, but after the remake, it is more like a beautiful and suitable mountain for seclusion.

"Well, the style of this picture is close, the effect of mountains and forests, and waterfalls is good." Jiang Cheng commented.

Manipulate the characters again, and feel that the whole character modeling is not bad, in line with the classic wild man costume and beautiful face of the original.

With the blessing of the latest virtual engine, the characters are more realistic and delicate.

The texture of the clothes and the skin of the characters are very good.

The voice is matched by Xu Duba, Jiang Guangtao, Ji Guanlin and others, and when the plot and dialogue are ongoing, there is no need to press the buttons, and some are like movie CG, each plot position and camera movement performance is very good.

Zhou Chengan explained, "In this part of the plot, we hired a professional director to guide, so that the whole game has both a sense of player operation and a sense of movie immersion. "

Hmm." Jiang Cheng soon began to fight monsters.

At this time, the horse soldier introduced, "We did not return to the original turn-based, but through the virtual engine, we created real-time battles, but took into account the original skill effects. "

By pressing the shortcut key, you can switch between weapons, skills, and there will also be fairy skills later.

Jiang Cheng felt a little satisfied.

"Overall very good." Jiang Cheng praised, "Copy a copy to me, I will clear the level when I have time to see what else needs to be improved."

Ma Bing scratched his head and said, "Mr. Jiang, you have to take some time, we have made the map bigger in this game, and the main story and side stories are richer." "

In some of the design aspects, it's somewhat similar to Final Fantasy.

Project director Ma Bing is still the first time to focus on this game, because Jiang Cheng attaches great importance to it, and he spends a lot of time and energy on this game.

Just to make it more refined.

For this, the hairline has moved back by 1 cm.

Under Zhao Yuanfeng's introduction, he also prepared the whole wig.

At this time, he took a USB flash drive and copied the game for Jiang Cheng.

"It's time to publicize it, and we will do it with Daewoo Company," Jiang Cheng nodded, "Is the price set?"

"The price of the digital version was preliminarily set at 169 yuan." Zhou Chengan said, "Another boutique version is 199 yuan." As

for the cost, Zhou Chengan preliminarily calculated that the production cost of the remake also cost nearly 50 million yuan.

This is still made in the company, and many of the special effects that cost extremely much money would be higher if the project was produced at the normal rate.

Jiang Cheng nodded, did not suggest the price, this money was naturally also proposed by Zhou Chengan and their comprehensive various costs. "How are PUBG and Kings Shine going?"

"In terms of overall progress, the progress of King Shenyao is faster, close to 80%, and PUBG is also about 70%, and it is expected that in November this year, it can be tested internally." Zhou Cheng'an said.

"Well, these two games are important, show me." Jiang Cheng got up and took the USB flash drive copied by the horse soldier.

Zhou Chengan answered, and then took Jiang Cheng to look at it one by one.

From the perspective of the special effects of the picture, Jiang Cheng feels that there is no big problem, that is, some character design and action design are still a little dissatisfied.

"The mobile game "King Shenyao", we define as a free-to-play game, the acquisition of individual heroes can be exchanged for gold coins earned by the player's activity," Jiang Cheng explained to them his concept of this game, "The skills of these heroes should be attached to the stories of historical figures, and the balance should be done well, and the differences should be highlighted." "

It's like a Dota, a plug, a sheep skill, although several heroes have similar skills, but the control time, skill casting range, etc. are different.

What Jiang Cheng is most worried about is the serious homogenization of heroes and the sparse balance of heroes.

In the beginning, forty or fifty heroes are enough, and later as the version is updated, new heroes can be released regularly to increase the popularity of the game.

Zuo Zhang, director of the mobile game department, wrote it down one by one.

He is the director of the mobile games department, which are under his direct supervision.

As for the game "Absolute Survival", there are still many unperfected, Jiang Cheng just looked at it and made some suggestions.

He didn't just want to reach the level of his previous life, he wanted to do better than that.

"The plugins of these games must spare no effort to crack down, and we must also spend more effort on game package reinforcement encryption and server game data verification to strive for better." Jiang Cheng emphasized.

Hanging this kind of thing, Jiang Cheng can have it himself, and others are not allowed to open it.

Hmph(ˉ(∞)ˉ) Haw....

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