For Jiang Cheng, it is still the stage of laying the foundation and engaging in research and development.

He didn't expect to blow out this year, which is unrealistic.

To put it bluntly, research and development is to invest money, people and time.

Although Jiang Cheng can conduct a large number of simulation experiments through the simulation laboratory of the internal computer, it helps to avoid some detours.

But no matter what, the road still has to go.

It is impossible to jump to the finish line all at once.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng spent a few days playing the remade version of "Immortal 4", which felt very good and basically met the requirements that Jiang Cheng expected.

The characters speak and move, and they are no longer astringent.

It's comparable to a blockbuster.

The mirror movement is very comfortable.

In addition, the sound is very well matched.

The main line has not changed much, only slightly increased some plot; The side story is a little richer, which can make people more exploring.

In the end, several people fought Xuanxiao and Shu Yao, and they reached the peak.

Players do not have certain skills and skills, and the high difficulty above cannot pass the level.

Of course, this is just a pediatric for Jiang Cheng.

On August 28, the remastered version of "Immortal 4" was officially released; "Immortal Four" film and television is also officially broadcast on the star.

Pulling Yu Xinran to watch two episodes, Jiang Cheng felt that he could.

The acting is online and the adaptation is reasonable.

It doesn't follow the game exactly, but the main story is roughly the same.

Special effects, not to mention.

Just look at the barrage of the BI station.

"Hua Guo Xian Xia special effects ceiling."

"I want to say, is Maple Fire Media really not bad money? This special effect is a move from a movie-level special effects, right? "

How many minutes is the movie, how many shots are there?

But the TV series has 44 episodes!

Doesn't it cost money to do special effects?

Don't you have to raise people?

Don't you have to pay rent?

Of course, these Jiang Chengdu just watched it and knew that the drama was good and the reputation was not bad.

The audience will vote with their eyes, and when it is time to click three times, it will definitely be one key three times.

"Aren't you watching?" Yu Xinran is addicted to watching, and some want to continue watching.

"No, you can take a look first, I still have to complete the book." Jiang Cheng gave way and let Xinran continue to watch the play.

The annual big member, can chase up to ten episodes at will.

Looking at the barrage, a large piece of "rich is so willful", "I just show my membership color..." took

the laptop, and continued to close the final epilogue.

"Hmm." Yu Xinran looked at it, knew that he was compiling a book, did not bother, put on headphones, and continued to read.

Of course, what Jiang Cheng is engaged in is the course to be given to the new batch of first-year students in the direction of artificial intelligence next semester.

The title of the book is Multidimensional Pulsed Neural Networks.

Author, Jiang Cheng.

This book, Luo Ruihua has urged him several times.

The ISBN has been applied, just waiting for his book to be in place, so that a batch can be printed first.

The library should be put and the first student should use it for study.

Of course, other schools have to buy them if they want to use them.

The price is naturally more expensive.

Now, Jiang Cheng has already ended, and the entire book, Jiang Cheng used software code, and the illustrations in it were all drawn by himself.

Of course, a lot of the content was made by Jiang Cheng using the computer in his body to make time.

Otherwise, with his busyness of conducting research during the day and also doing research at night, where will there be extra time for the whole book!

The last few sentences, just about to finish writing, the phone rang.

Jiang Cheng glanced at it, but it was Academician Li Weiguo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

I felt a little strange in my heart, this old man said well when he went, saying that he would help him ask about the light machine, but it has been two months, and there has been no reply.

Could it be that you are old and forget?

But after all, people are big guys, and Jiang Cheng is not easy to urge.

"Hey, Academician Li, hello!"

"Xiaojiang, there are two things to tell you." Li Weiguo's voice remained steady.

Jiang Chengma returned to his senses, took back the hand that continued to code, and listened carefully, "You say, I listen." "

I have contacted the director of Optoelectronics Institute last time about the issue of OPPLE Optoelectronics' shareholding, and they are willing to take out 10% of the shares, and the requirement is 300 million." Li Weiguo said simply and directly.

300 million?

Jiang Cheng was a little stunned, but he was still a little high.

The annual profit of OPPLE Optoelectronics is not high, it is estimated to be more than 10 million yuan.

Jiang Cheng did not reply directly, but said, "Then Academician Li, what about the second news?" "

I know that your kid feels high," Li Weiguo smiled and said, "The second thing, regarding the lithography machine industry alliance, our Dean Bai also attaches great importance to it, and is ready to organize a meeting of relevant industrial chain enterprises in December to discuss the establishment of the alliance." "

December, it's not bad.

"Great! With the Chinese Academy of Sciences taking the lead, I believe we will be able to promote the localization of lithography machines as soon as possible. Jiang Cheng was happy at the moment.

Li Weiguo was also slightly joyful, "The list is still being discussed, and the follow-up will also communicate with relevant enterprises, so don't be too anxious."

Later, he added, "Now many bigwigs attach great importance to this area, and are ready to organize relevant funds and insurance to jointly invest, so that potential enterprises can let go of research and development."

"Thank you, Academician Li!" Jiang Cheng expressed his gratitude, although it was a little slower, but in fact, he could also understand that this kind of upper-level decision-making definitely required great caution.

As for OPPLE Optoelectronics, Jiang Cheng said that the price is too high. "At present, our company has no spare money to reinvest for the time being, 300 million yuan is too much, and the Institute of Light and Machinery has to ask Academician Li to help reply."

"Oh, Xiaojiang, do you think it's expensive?"

"Yes, I have seen OPPLE's financial statements, in June this year, the total assets are only 900 million, the liabilities are 100 million, the annual operating profit is estimated to be more than 100 million, and the net profit is even less." Seeing Li Weiguo asking, Jiang Cheng also replied directly.

Although Jiang Cheng is still rich, he is not so casual to throw money around.

300 million, Jiang Cheng requires at least 20%.

Li Weiguo answered, "Okay, I understand, if you still want to vote, but the price is not satisfactory, you have time to go to OPPLE Optoelectronics."

"Okay, thank you, Academician Li."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng thought carefully in his heart.

Build a lithography machine alliance, this time there will be an official lead, naturally it will be better.

But how to promote the effectiveness of this alliance is a question worth studying and exploring.

Yu Xinran put down the headphones, "Is it the matter of the lithography machine industry alliance?"

"Yes, it can be said that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been mobilized to take the lead." Jiang Cheng smiled, "In this way, there is more hope to condense a rope and accelerate the development of the lithography machine."

"Hee-hee, I don't know much about this, I believe that what you do can succeed." Yu Xinran encouraged, stopped the video, and looked at the book compiled by Jiang Cheng.

The book, with a total of 256 pages, was converted to PDF format, basically only one proofreading and direct printing.

It combines some of Jiang Cheng's lectures in class, from shallow to deep, from the concept of pulsed electrical signals and biological neural networks, gradually deepening, to the knowledge of multi-dimensional pulsed neural networks.

It is a theoretical popularization book.

Of course, Jiang Cheng's own network model is only a preliminary explanation in one of the chapters, not all the content.

To study in depth, it is also necessary to carefully select and be studied by Jiang Cheng.

It's like a research group.

Just remembering the new semester and helping with classes, Jiang Chengcheng had a headache.

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