"How do you feel about that roommate of yours, weird."

After returning to Wan Liu's house, Yu Xinran couldn't help but speak.

She also went out for an exchange for a year, but she didn't want to go out even more.

But Xu Siyuan seems that his heart is no longer here.

In addition to Jiang Cheng's ability to arouse his interest, Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian have weakened a lot in his eyes.

Is it just one year, has changed so much?

Jiang Cheng sighed, "Probably, there is nothing to linger on him here."

Yu Xinran pouted, "Now that many people have returned to China, he is good..." "

But maybe he will come back after studying abroad and studying for a doctorate, don't you think Yang Ziqian is back?" Jiang Cheng shrugged and stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Today, the other three people in the dormitory are working on graduation projects and preparing for graduate school.

But what they and Jiang Cheng are studying now are not the same.

The success of the memristor has allowed Jiang Cheng to prepare dozens of them in the ultra-technology laboratory in the body, and the process is more advanced, reaching 28 nanometers.

The circuit design in the memristor is still being deepened on the basis of the experimental circuit.

As for the lateral spin valve, this is a difficult point, Jiang Cheng has basically solved this problem in the internal computer.

In the studio, Jiang Cheng closed his eyes lightly and continued to start the chip design business.

This chip is not the same as a normal CPU.

Jiang Cheng designed a central chip, which is not composed of memristors, but a chip designed based on the RISC-V architecture.

Most of these circuit designs are derived from the Phoenix 101 chip used in Maple Fire.

It is mainly used for instruction scheduling and complex logic operations.

Around the central chip, 6 memristor chips were preliminarily designed.

They act as key storage-computing integrated nodes, connected to the central chip through circuits.

Some basic operations are calculated directly by the memristor and the results are fed back and stored.

According to Jiang Cheng's current analog design, each memristor can store 10 GB of data, set up a special storage unit, these common data, when needed, can be directly calculated.

It does not have to be calculated by the central chip.

Equivalent to, for general data calculations, six memristor chips can have six threads that can respond extremely quickly.

And the storage capacity is much larger than some current memory chips.

Through the deep learning algorithm designed by Jiang Cheng, it is believed that the memory and computing integrated performance of the memristor can be used to the extreme.

But logical calculations are only a small part of it.

Memristor chips, under the architecture set by Jiangcheng, more importantly, can achieve higher artificial intelligence.

Although it is only 6 memristor chips, it constitutes a simple multi-dimensional pulsed neural network, and each chip is one of the neurons.

Information can be quickly transmitted, and through the 3P hybrid training method in the MCU chip-level system, the bit error can be filtered, and how many simulated neurons in the memristor can be trained to determine the optimal answer.

For example, through this chip, in the algorithm of recognizing images, in the past, through the multi-layer convolution of convolutional neural networks, judgment is made. But in this chip designed by Jiang Cheng, after training, these memristor chips can quickly judge and recognize.

Compared to the past, the accuracy and speed of judgment can be improved by at least 50%.

It would be a huge leap forward.


Maple Fire Group Company.

Jiang Cheng gathered ten backbones from Maple Fire Semiconductor, plus seven engineers recently recruited.

"Today, I want to announce that our CISC chip R&D department of Maple Fire Group has been formally established, and we will immediately start the R&D and design of our first desktop-level chip!"

The crowd applauded with joy.

Chen Feng was also present and felt a little excited.

After the establishment of the CISC chip research and development department, there have been no employees, and Jiang Cheng has not issued a real research plan.

But today, Jiang Cheng took the initiative to propose it and quickly set up a team.

"President Jiang, what kind of architecture are we going to use for our chips?" Chen Feng was a little curious and asked.

Nowadays, such as the domestic Huaxin architecture is self-developed LongArch, although the compatibility is worse, but with the continuous deepening of research and development, the performance has slowly caught up.

"A completely new architecture." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly.

"New architecture?" Everyone became a little curious, and the employees transferred from Maple Fire Semiconductor stared at Jiang Cheng even more eagerly.

"Yes! I call this a neural network architecture. Jiang Chenglang said in a loud voice, setting a name for the architecture of this chip.

Don't engage in any English name, it's a simple and direct, neural network architecture.

Everyone couldn't help but talk about it, the name of this structure, they heard of it for the first time!

"I will have in-depth exchanges with you about the specific design ideas and plans, but you need to sign the strictest confidentiality agreement to ensure that our research cannot leak half a sentence." Jiang Cheng said solemnly.

This chip, Jiang Cheng is very important.

If successful, it will greatly shorten the processor process of Jiang Cheng catching up with foreign Intel and agricultural enterprise manufacturers.

And, in some areas, absolute superiority is achieved.

As for why, RISC-V's central chip has been developed as a desktop-level processor, and more importantly, under the current conditions, this neuromorphic chip cannot be made smaller, and it needs a desktop-level motherboard to be able to carry it.

Although the RISC-V architecture is a reduced instruction set architecture, with the help of a memristor chip, it is no problem to use it at the desktop level.

It's just that the system needs to be transformed, and it needs to be based on the Linux system.

And this system, Jiang Cheng's impression that the future domestic system will do the best, is the Shendu operating system.

To this end, Jiang Cheng has arranged for Wei Zhicheng to go to Jiangzhou Shenzhidu Company to discuss acquisition or holding matters.

This company has only been established for 3 years, and it is still in a difficult period of entrepreneurship.

Chen Feng felt that Jiang Cheng had made a huge determination, and his heart paid more attention to it.

You know, Jiang Cheng now has deep meaning for the arrangements of the head office and subsidiaries.

Originally, it was logical that the research and development of mobile phone chips were placed in Maple Fire Semiconductor Company, but why did the research and development of CISC chips have to remain at the group headquarters and be established as a special department?

Chen Feng guessed that it was because it was different from the current mainstream technology.

Including EDA design software, which is not only an industry at the top of the industry chain, but also different from mainstream technologies.

If Jiang Cheng knew what Chen Feng was thinking, he would also give a thumbs up and praise.

Yes, in Jiang Cheng's plan, Fenghuo Group, as the parent company, is to study deeper and more future technology.

He did not exist in the world of Jiang Cheng's previous life.

At least not the commercial technology released at the time.

"Our purpose is also very clear, to design a six-core RISC-V architecture central chip, as the main chip, the main frequency frequency is required to reach at least 3.5GHz

or more," Jiang Cheng calmly and powerfully put forward his request

, "6 memristor chips as auxiliary chips, each chip storage should reach at least 2G or more, and the main frequency frequency should be above 2GHz."


"Memristor chip? What is this?

"Main chip, auxiliary chip, is there such an architecture?"

For a while, everyone was confused by what Jiang Cheng said.

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