After hanging up the phone, Luo Ruihua's mind was still haunted by Professor Xu Wei's words.

Anger and dissatisfaction.

"Just because he's a straight Bo student?"

"Professor Luo! He is also your student, his level, do you still treat him as a student?

"If the selection is about seniority, then I can't say that I have to find the above reflection to reflect!"

The sound sounded like thunder in the ears.

Originally, he just wanted to let Xu Wei persuade him, but he didn't expect Professor Xu Wei to react so much.

No wonder Jiang Cheng was more inclined to run towards Xu Wei.

In the field of computer artificial intelligence, Jiang Cheng has created a new direction, but he only regards him as a student.

I still have the idea of guiding him to carry out scientific research projects, but I no longer know what research to guide him.

Because of Jiang Cheng's level, he can already independently carry out large-scale research projects.

However, Luo Ruihua thought about it, but chuckled.

"This kid, there are so many big guys helping him."

In his heart, Luo Ruihua also made up his mind.

What Old Ghost Xu dared to do, could it be that Luo Ruihua did not dare to do it?

----(◦'~ ́◦)----

Of course, Jiang Cheng was completely unaware of this matter, and although there was a momentary loss, he quickly adjusted.

Thinking about it, he is still a direct doctoral student, and it is easy to criticize these honors.

He has always kept a low profile, so he was only emotionally disappointed for a short while, and soon became cheerful again, thinking that he would come to a few papers.

Naturally, he didn't know that for the sake of his Jie Qing's affairs, several big guys began to fight with all their might.

For the paper, Jiang Cheng already has a plan, and plans to first complete the paper on the two pieces of node and path algorithm.

The first article is the most efficient path algorithm based on Jiang's multidimensional pulsed neural network.

The second part is the construction and implementation of Jiang's multidimensional pulsed neural network model under multi-node connection.

Both articles were selected from Jiang Chengquan's big topic and the development of neuromorphic chips.

It's not a particularly big topic, but it's also quite groundbreaking.

After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng focused on both purposes and began to sort out and write in the supercomputing in the body.

But before the person could take a few steps, Xu Dawei's call came again.

Instead, he was asked to go to the office.

Just listening to that sound, there is a bit of gunpowder.

When he arrived at the place, Jiang Cheng saw Xu Wei pacing in the office, his face solemn.

"Mentor, has something happened?" Jiang Cheng is a little strange, logically speaking, the research of memristors is still very smooth.

Xu Wei saw Jiang Cheng and said with a straight face, "Why don't you apply for Jie Qing and don't talk to me?"

Jiang Cheng understood in an instant, "Teacher Luo's application over there, I am young now, and the results are not much, they are all normal."

Xu Wei looked at him, "You really think so?

"Yes, besides, Jie Qing doesn't have a lot of money awards." Jiang Cheng smiled, that million, Jiang Cheng really can't look at it.

Xu Wei's face was a little better, "Okay, your results are not small, what should be fought for, I will definitely fight for you." "

Thank you, mentor." Jiang Cheng bowed slightly, very grateful to his mentor.

Whether it is Luo Ruihua or Xu Wei, they are all carrying themselves.

With his strong learning ability, he can quickly deepen in a certain field until the frontier of research.

You know, as Jiang Cheng studies deeply, many things can not be learned in books.

Xu Wei said lightly, "Thank me for what to do, the research of this memristor still depends on you."

"Hey, I did what I could." Jiang Cheng scratched his head.

"By the way, I revised the paper here, removed the key parts, and prepared to publish IEEE Electron Device Letters." Xu Wei mentioned.

I posted this article to make a name for myself.

Before that, Xu Wei planned to publish the Journal of Microelectronics, not to publish in top foreign language journals.

But after listening to Professor Luo Ruihua's words, he still felt that he had to make Jiang Cheng's reputation more famous.

Of course, with this paper alone, others want to directly study their step, not to mention whether they can be successfully studied, and even if they succeed, they will have to encounter many patents set up along the way.

"This journal has a more than 4 impact factor." Jiang Cheng said that the big guy is awesome.

"After this achievement, let's rest for a while, and then continue to optimize this memristor and then study and study." Xu Weidao did not plan to continue to conduct intensive research.

What's more, he has a lot of things.

Xu Wei paused and said, "If you have any good topics, you can mention it, form a research team, and do a doctoral graduation project." "

Graduation project?" Jiang Cheng was a little confused, was it so fast?

"Yes, at your level, do you still need to continue your PhD?" Xu Wei shook his head.

Jiang Cheng has completed all the courses for graduate students and doctoral students, and he has mastered them extremely proficiently.

Xu Wei has taken the school exam several times and feels very powerful.

Jiang Cheng touched his nose, "Hey, it just feels a little sudden." "

So, are you going to graduate with Senior Ding Chengjun with a doctorate?

Oh no, then you can't call it senior.

Hey, Brother Chengjun!

"Okay, go, think about the graduation project well, I can tell you in advance, I won't let you live if the topic is small." Xu Wei waved his hand and signaled him to leave.

Jiang Cheng blinked, a little speechless.

Again, is there a misunderstanding of both teachers at this time?

Actually set such high requirements for your own paper?

After leaving, Jiang Cheng felt a little headache.

Forget it, I'll talk about what comes to mind later.

At this moment, Mo Tian called. "Mr. Jiang, Fruit has already found a law firm in China to represent him in litigation, and it is estimated that he will have a lawsuit in a while."

"Oh, which court did they choose?"

"Haiding Court."

"What about our prosecution?" Jiang Cheng got into the car and prepared to go home.

"A lawsuit has been submitted, and we are ready to fight him in the Yizhuang court." Mo Tianqing smiled, this feeling is somewhat wonderful, and the two sides are fighting each other.

In China, the possibility of fruit winning is not great.

Jiang Cheng snorted lightly, "Let lawyer Zhang Wei lead the team to accompany them to fight, let's not mess up our own position, speed up the research and development of new products, and prepare for the Spring Festival conference."

"Understand, the New Year conference has preliminarily selected to release Kind 2, Q1 mobile phones; Maple Fire Tablet 1, Bluetooth headset, Maple Fire speaker, and child companion elf at the head office, smart watch, etc. Mo Tianqing was a little excited, "It will be a big press conference." "

With the company on the right track, Mo Tianqing has promoted the research and development of various products in an orderly manner.

Because of the continuous shipment of mobile phones, it has brought large profit margins, and also provided a strong boost for his next research and development field and rich product line.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Maple Fire Semiconductor's ISP chip is suitable for image processing, and I also let them develop a series of chips suitable for TV on the basis of Phoenix chips, and you have to organize personnel to research and develop Maple Fire." "


"Yes, TV, is also an important part of our establishment of intelligent interconnection in the future, we must be attentive, and the quality of the foundry must be guaranteed." Jiang Cheng said solemnly.

RISC-V chips will be more conducive to intelligent interconnection.

At this point, Jiang Cheng will push more aggressively and quickly than Warwick and rice.

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