After hearing He Tingbo's evaluation of Modu Microelectronics, Jiang Cheng was a little silent.

Above the dinner table, it was a little quiet.

"Don't hide a few people, I invested in 10% of the shares of Modu Microelectronics half a year ago."

Ren Fei was slightly stunned, and said with a hearty smile, "President Jiang, I don't know, what new progress has been made in the research and development of Magic Capital Micro in the past six months?"

"Nope." Jiang Cheng shook his head.

But the heart is white to the other party, not the last time I communicated with you, you said that you supported a magic capital micro-enterprise.

Ren Fei seemed to see Jiang Cheng's thoughts, and said, "If you want to invest in him, I agree, but it must be controlled by a few of our chip design companies."

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "As a state-owned enterprise, Modu Electric will not easily give up the control of Modu Micro.

"Then you need to borrow power." With a smile, Ren Fei looked at Jiang Cheng with wise eyes.

Jiang Chengma reacted, "You mean to use the power of this alliance enterprise to open up financing?"

"Modu Microelectronics, the current market value should be between 2.5 billion and 3 billion, when the financing is opened, the valuation should double." Ren Fei smiled and said very formally.

As a complete machine R & D and manufacturing enterprise selected by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Industry in the lithography machine industry alliance, just because he is the vice chairman unit, the valuation can skyrocket a lot, coupled with the official and other funds to invest in the shares, will greatly push up its valuation.

Jiang Cheng nodded, this estimate is relatively accurate at the current point in time.

Ren Fei continued, "If it can only be a complete machine enterprise, then we must let Moduwei get rid of the control of Modu Electric, and we Warwick will prepare a huge amount of capital investment in order to occupy more shares." "

If you can complete two enterprises, although Ren Fei did not say, Jiang Cheng could estimate it.

That is to simply clean up yourself and dig all the talents.

At this time, the waiter had already served a few dishes, and a few people temporarily put aside the matter and began to eat and chat.

"This is Chen Fu Health Silver Ju Soup, Lotus Fragrant Baked Fish Fillet, Braised Pork, Marshal Shrimp Roll," Jiang Cheng glanced at it and introduced, "I heard that it is a signature dish, let's try it?"

Ren Fei took the chopsticks and tasted them, nodding with a smile, "The color, aroma, and taste are good."

He Tingbo also praised again and again, "It is worthy of a state banquet." "

It took some thought to invite Ren Fei to this banquet.

Although Jiang Cheng has also entered the mobile phone industry and is a competitive company with Warwick, the two do not have that kind of competition.

First, Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire mobile phone is still growing, and everyone is a self-research representative, so they can't help but feel sorry for each other.

Second, the huge market in China is enough to support several mobile phone brands.

When it was almost over, He Tingbo asked, "Mr. Jiang, is your EDA design software commercial?"

"Of course commercially." Jiang Cheng nodded and motioned for Shen Hao to introduce.

Shen Hao had already eaten, sat boredly, looked at the mobile phone, saw Jiang Cheng's signal, and said busily, "Mr. Ren, Mr. He, our Fenghuo SF circuit design and simulation software has been developed to V2.0 version, the components and instrument libraries have been updated, the intelligent design, simulation and simulation are more perfect, and after the preliminary conference, it will be put on the official website for commercial use."

Jiang Cheng added, "In fact, the original purpose of designing this software was to improve chip design and simulation verification capabilities, and for now, the effect is still good."

Ren Fei said with a smile, "President Jiang's level, I very much recognize it. Tingbo, at that time, you must also organize personnel to study hard, this is our first successful commercial EDA design tool in China.

He Tingbo nodded and answered.

Next, let's talk about investment.

Warwick's purpose is still very clear, that is, the whole machine, lens, silicon wafer three industries.

It can be regarded as they recognized and adopted Jiang Cheng's suggestion.

A private banquet was over, and Ren Fei was also very happy, and he and Jiang Cheng reached some common investment intentions.

For him, he can't look at other companies that have no core technology and do not bother to develop independently.

Although Jiangcheng's enterprise has a lower market value, its potential is endless, somewhat like Warwick in a few years.

With a little time, you can grow into a leader in several industries.


In the evening, the popularity of the establishment of the lithography machine industry alliance on the Internet began to decline.

News from the entertainment industry and the financial industry poured in.

In particular, the magic index, which exploded by 5% on the day, is even more ridiculous.

Also the lithography machine industry alliance, this is how the stock market responded.

But the Chinese stock market has always been like this, the regularity and the general environment come instead, I don't know whether it is really the lack of confidence of shareholders, or those who do the bankers deliberately "gift".

However, although Jiang Cheng did not pay much attention to the stock market in his previous life, he also knew about the 15-year bull market and stock market crash.

Jiang Cheng didn't remember the specific time node, but he had the impression that the magic index fell sharply after reaching 5,000 points.

Since then, the era of repeated horizontal jumps of 3,000 points has begun.

Now the market has begun to rise, and there is a faint smell of a bull market.

Jiang Cheng has arranged for Wei to set up institutional clients to buy shares.

At the same time, the remaining money in his hand is also purchased through the internal computer.

As for what stocks to buy, Jiang Cheng only remembers that there is a Boom technology, and he finally found an opportunity to buy more than 3 million yuan, just wait for the market to sell when the market is almost 5,000 points.

As for short-term operations, Jiang Cheng did not have this idea and energy.

Just as he continued to attend the first conference of the Lithography Machine Industry Alliance, the lawsuit between Fruit and Maple Fire was finally about to go to trial.

On 10 December, at 9 a.m., the court session was held.

Before the trial, Mo Tianqing also made a special call to Jiang Cheng, although he was laughing, but there was still tension and uneasiness in his heart.

This is fruit.

An extremely powerful enterprise.

"Lawyer Zhang, have we read all the materials, is it no problem?" When entering the courthouse, Chen Heping from the legal department of Fenghuo Mobile Phone asked a little nervously.

Next to him, Yushu stood a lawyer in a dark purple suit, Zhang Wei.

He acted as the lawyer in this response.

I saw him say lightly, "Well, don't worry." But

as soon as I reached the door, I saw dozens of reporters, cameras, carrying long guns and short cannons.

"Hello, is it Lawyer Zhang who appeared in court from Maple Fire Group to answer the lawsuit?"

"We are from the news, can you ask what do you think of this trial?"

"I'm a reporter for Southern Holiday, what do you think of the plagiarism incident?"

"I heard that the lawyer appointed by Fruit is Han Feng from the famous Jinhe Law Firm in Kyoto, are you sure you will win this case?"

The twitter kept chirping.

Chen Heping stopped in front, "Please let the trouble go, now I don't accept the interview, thank you!"

Zhang Wei put on his glasses, his face grim, "Everyone, you can be interviewed after the court, now we need time, OK?"

"Is it fair to say that you don't have the confidence to win the fruit, do you?" A reporter with a cap, asked aloud.

Zhang Wei, who was just about to leave, stopped and looked at the other party, "This friend, I will let you see how stupid your words are just now."

Then, Zhang Wei turned around handsomely and stepped inside.

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