Saturday, January 17, 2015.

It is suitable for marriage, moving, moving to a new house, breaking ground, settling in a bed, etc.

This day was also a great day, and the entire Fenghuo Group employees were full of heartfelt smiles.

It's time for a whole new working environment.

It is said that there are also staff dormitories and staff canteens!

You know, in this place in Kyoto, every inch of land is expensive, and if you can save a lot of money without renting a house!

The relevant machinery and equipment still need to move in a few days, but people are moving in today.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xiaoyong got up and changed into newly bought clothes.

There is a smile on the face.

"Daughter-in-law, I don't have time today, you bring Hanlin." Zhang Xiaoyong pulled up the zipper of the down jacket, turned his head and said to Wang Hong, a woman who was busy.

Wang Hong was making breakfast in the small kitchen on the side of the room, and looked up and replied, "Well, knowing that you are moving to a new headquarters, you should be careful when driving, safety first."

Zhang Xiaoyong nodded, "I understand."

Then, he looked at the small one-bedroom apartment in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Tomorrow, we will move to the dormitory at the new headquarters." Zhang

Xiaoyong had already told her about this a few days ago.

When Jiang Cheng arranged in the dormitory, he specially arranged a two-bedroom separate suite for Zhang Xiaoyong.

This is equivalent to the treatment of a department head.

Ordinary employees live in a three-bedroom apartment for three people!

But that condition is also excellent, I only need to pay 600 yuan, compared to renting a house outside, I don't know how many times better.

"It's good there, it's too far from where Hanlin is studying." Wang Hong sighed slightly.

Zhang Xiaoyong waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about this, just transfer to the school over there when the time comes." But you, the job of the restaurant is going to quit?

"If you resign, where to find it." Wang Hong was a little worried, "It's hard to find a job now." "

And she doesn't have any expertise, she can only do some hard work.

"I'll go back and ask if the property over there is still recruiting." Zhang Xiaoyong thought about it and said.

Wang Hong hurriedly reminded, "Don't tell Jiang Dong about this, people have arranged a two-bedroom apartment for us, we are grateful."

"Good." Zhang Xiaoyong answered.

He is an honest Luhua man, and he usually doesn't talk much, just drive a good car seriously.

Including the arrangement of accommodation, he didn't mention it, and it wasn't until Fang Ya later assigned that Jiang Cheng specially changed a two-bedroom apartment for him.

There is such a boss, he is very grateful.

Wang Hong brought him a bowl of noodles, "Eat quickly, you still have to leave early, don't miss something."

Zhang Xiaoyong took the large bowl and sat down on the small stool next to him, and ate it in a big gulp.

Wang Hong sat at the end of the bed and straightened the quilt for her 9-year-old baby, "But thanks to you and the boss driving, otherwise we have to study for Hanlin, it's not easy."

But now, Zhang Xiaoyong's salary is quite high, and the company's welfare benefits are good, which makes this originally struggling family suddenly better."

"Hmm." Zhang Xiaoyong answered while eating.

"By the way, let me tell you something, recently a woman who often comes to our store has come to me several times, saying that she is looking for me to do business together..."

Zhang Xiaoyong paused, "What business?"

"What kind of face protection net, I don't understand, ignore her." Wang Hong thought about it and recalled.

Zhang Xiaoyong quickly ate the noodles, put down the bowl, and looked at Wang Hong, "Don't contact those strangers, we'll move away early tomorrow." Then

, he took the key and hurried away.

---- ( ̄) ̄) 〈 ----

everyone came to the old headquarters building early and packed up the necessary office items and work data.

At 8:30 a.m., the whole company began to assemble.

Twelve buses are parked in front of the building, which will be transported to the new headquarters.

Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran arrived together by car.

Both were dressed formally.

"Jiang Dong, everyone is together." Watching the team slowly gather, Chen Feng opened his mouth to remind.

Five or six hundred people gathered there in front of me really felt a little shocked.

Unknowingly, there are so many talents in Maple Fire Group Company and Semiconductor Company alone.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Cheng raised his hand.

Chen Feng smiled, "Do you want to say two words?"

"No, everyone can't wait. Wait until we get to the new headquarters. Jiang Cheng shook his head and got into the car first.

Soon, according to the arrangement, everyone boarded the car, and the huge traffic flowed towards the sea road of Yizhuang.

It took nearly 1 hour for the vehicle to enter the new headquarters.

In front of you, there is a curved building, estimated to be as high as thirty or forty floors, and the white jade-colored exterior wall looks very beautiful!

Yu Xinran came over for the first time, and when he saw it, he couldn't help but grab Jiang Cheng's hand, "God, so beautiful and atmospheric?"

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, "Small scene, no need to make a fuss." "

Although this is Jiang Cheng's first headquarters, it is definitely not the last.

"How much did it cost?" Yu Xinran asked curiously.

"Counting up, there are also 2.3 billion." Jiang Cheng sighed, "It's been almost two years since it was built. "

Construction, construction, these things, there are not many ways, and you have to wait.

But every year there was a change, and then, all of a sudden, one day, he built it.

After getting out of the car, everyone saw two columns of flower baskets on the huge square.

The most advanced one turned out to be taken by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In addition, there are Warwick, Moduwei and many other closely cooperating companies.

The warm winter sun was just right, and everyone got out of the car and gathered in the square, without feeling crowded.

This building is really spectacular, and the highest place is marked with big characters: "Maple Fire Group"!

Behind you is a crescent-shaped artificial lake, where fountains are springing up.

Jiang Cheng took the microphone and made a simple settlement speech.

It's a really simple speech.


"Today is a day to remember!"

"Our own headquarters building has been completed and is officially settled in today!"

"New place, new atmosphere! I hope that in the new year, everyone will refresh their spirits here, work hard, and jointly create an era that belongs to Maple Fire!

"Gentlemen, you and I fight! You and I bear witness! You and I are glorious! "

It's just a three-minute speech, but under Jiang Cheng's interpretation, it is extremely magnetic and full of appeal!

Guo Xiaoming, the manager of the semiconductor company, was also very happy next to him, such a large headquarters, it is really too comfortable.

And they are the only subsidiary that is located together.

A whole west area, 42 floors!

Several other general managers were envious.

Especially Mo Tianqing.

His Maple Fire mobile phone is now more popular, and his ability to make money is second only to Maple Fire, and I believe that he will be able to surpass them in the future.

He also wants to have his own building.

But usually a building, billions at every turn, this time the company is still in the period of growth and development, where does this money come from!

He wasn't the only grinning.

Chen Feng also smiled happily, "Everyone is in order, enter the headquarters!"

Jiang Cheng and the others walked in front, took the elevator, and headed to the 41st floor.

Of course, other employees also rushed in, and after seeing the new office, comfortable and simple decoration, they were all very happy.

Many have started shooting and sending friends.

"Greenery, sunshine, a good day, starts with a maple fire."

——Location: Fenghuo Group headquarters, No. 20 Jinghai Road, Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Kyoto City.

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