On January 21, after Jiang Cheng reported to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on January 25, Jiang Cheng built Keyu Light Source Co., Ltd.

The registered capital is 310 million yuan, and there are currently 3 shareholders.

Jiangcheng's Fenghuo Group Company, accounting for 51.6% of the shares;

Ren Fei's Warwick Company, accounting for 32.2% of the shares;

School of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, accounting for 16.2% of the shares.

At the end of the month, Jiang Cheng had already seen that there were more than thirty people under him, and the rest of the group would come back after the end.

Experimental equipment is temporarily funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and many equipment has just been purchased by personnel.

But the time for research and development can't wait, and Jiang Cheng must take them to start first.

According to the suggestion of Dean Bai Chunhua, Jiang Cheng will temporarily replace a doctoral research and development director with seven points, his name is Geng Ziru.

It is said that he loved playing with light since he was a child, and he learned light in the end.

"Guys, regarding ArF excimer lasers, there is currently no real commercial product in China, I know that when you are researching this field, there are some good methods, and you have also applied for patents," Jiang Cheng said about patents after introducing the relevant situation at the mobilization meeting.

"These patents, as long as they can be truly commercialized on our lasers, we will pay the patent fees and give huge rewards."

Of course, as for the patent generated by the subsequent research, in principle, it belongs to the company, but the contributor will be given the right to the name of the patent, as well as the corresponding reward.

When everyone comes to study, it is naturally impossible to rely on feelings alone, and relevant safeguard measures must also be taken.

Including rental subsidies, transportation subsidies, overtime pay, etc., all given with high standards.

"I don't know much about the research and development of excimer lasers, but I understand the technology." Jiang Cheng's purpose is also very simple, "I hope that everyone will immediately carry out research and development on the 193nm ArF excimer laser, I propose a few ideas to communicate with you."

Subsequently, Jiang Chengcheng discussed the specific design ideas with everyone.

This made Geng Ziru and the others immediately throw away their contempt.

Do you know this in particular?

At least the whole technical implementation has its own ideas, right?

"You can see that the excimer laser system is composed of multiple modules, mainly including gas discharge module, linewidth compression module, gas module, monitoring module, wavelength meter, control module and other parts..."

In China, excimer lasers have actually developed, but that is in the medical field, and the ArF excimer laser used in lithography machines is different.

He demanded narrower linewidths and more stable wavelengths.

This requires constant research and experimentation.

In this area, Jiang Cheng couldn't guide too much, because he really didn't understand much about the in-depth things.

If he is allowed to follow and watch, he will be able to squeeze out the relevant knowledge of these doctoral and master students about the research and development of excimer lasers in half a month.

But now Jiang Cheng doesn't have so much time here. ~

is the general manager, Jiang Chengdu has to find a way to trust someone to serve here.

No matter how awesome Jiang Cheng himself is, he can't be the general manager of so many companies, right?

Nowadays, after being busy with the lithography machine, several research and development progress of Maple Fire Group has slowed down.

Jiang Cheng has also become a magic capital and a two-headed runner in Kyoto, mainly focusing on the research and development of the lithography machine and promoting the research and development of other components.

And after knowing that Lou Xiangwan seemed to be dating a girl from Modu Microelectronics, Jiang Cheng simply asked Lou Xiangwan to reside in Moduwei, as the assistant to the general manager and the manager of the personnel department, to help master and transform some bad customs of Moduwei.

This can also be regarded as slowly releasing Lou Xiangwan out to exercise.

If you just follow Jiang Cheng, although there is also a certain improvement, but it is more about coordinating the relationship, figuring out people's hearts, and more importantly, you need to exercise and improve your ability in practice.

----( '-' )ノ)'-' ) ----

took a break, and Jiang Cheng came to the Maple Fire Mobile Phone Company.

It was already February 6th, the eighteenth day of the lunar month.

School has been closed, and even the company has begun to have a taste of the New Year.

The year-end bonus is also in full swing, and all employees are paying attention to the day of the official holiday and the payment of bonuses.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng did not treat them badly.

Since the negotiations between Ellens and Mo Tianqing on January 20, the fruit company has continued one after another, and they have talked five times.

Approaching the second trial, Ehlens also became nervous, and asked Mo Tianqing to compensate for the cost of reputation loss of 150 million meters, and it began to slowly loosen.

At present, the price talks about 60 million meters, of course, it is not a reputation loss fee, but a patent mutual sharing fee.

That is to say, he does not pursue the problems of Maple Fire in rounded rectangles, aluminum alloy frame design, etc., but he Maple Fire must no longer continue to correct with similar designs, including earpieces, sensor placement layout, etc.

"President Jiang, the price feels good, that is, the fruit would rather die than talk about this as a compensation fee." Mo Tianqing smiled, he had just talked again yesterday, and he had already touched the bottom of Ehrens.

Jiang Cheng sat down on the sofa and smoked a rare cigarette, "That's okay, just give them face, it's true to get the money." "

60 million US dollars, that is also nearly 400 million Chinese dollars!"

After getting this money, he can use it to build a mobile phone production line.

Although the OEM is good, sometimes the quality control and scheduling are too easily limited, or you have to the entire production line, even if the production volume is less, but still have confidence.

For example, Warwick and Blue-Green Factory have their own production lines.

"Okay, then Jiang Dong, I'll reply to him later tomorrow." Mo Tianqing replied, still planning to grind this proud Ellens for another day.

Jiang Cheng looked at the sales for a while, and it has been more than a month since the new machine launch.

The Kind 2 sold the best, with monthly sales exceeding 1.3 million units, and there is no suspense that this mobile phone has exceeded 10 million units a year.

The sales of the Maple Fire Q1 are also good, with the new machine on the market for a month, with sales of about 760,000 units.

The Maple Fire EX1 mobile phone has also stabilized, and the new machine is mainly light and thin, which does not match his one, so the sales volume was somewhat reduced before the release, but it was up later.

Monthly sales were stable at 800,000 units.

"The new model, we are ready to release a few more models in March after the year," Mo Tianqing has studied, must send a few more machines, and also have to invade the market of about a thousand yuan.

"Including the Kind 2 Youth Edition, EX1S, and the new series of phones featuring music."

Jiang Cheng looked at Mo Tianqing's plan and the design draft of the design designer, simulated it several times in the supercomputing in the body, and revised and improved it with a pen. "The overall design is good, some small details, you follow this to make them better."

"Okay, I'll let them quickly revise it," Mo Tianqing said happily, "I have long wanted to ask you to come and guide the design."

"Eh, I just adjusted a little on the basis of them, the key is to rely on everyone." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "It's us, there is still continuous research and development of truly full-screen mobile phones in the later stage, this is a key point, and people must be arranged to follow up the research and development."

Mo Tianqing wrote it down, "Jiang Dong, do you think the full screen is the trend of the future?"

"Of course, don't you see that many mobile phones on the market now learn us to cancel the physical button on the chin?" Jiang Cheng pointed to the EX1 in his hand and smiled, "Naturally, the next step is to cancel the above part." However

, although everyone understood some of the direction of the prospect at this time, they did not feel very confident about Jiang Cheng.

"By the way, how is the development of the new memory docking going?" Jiang Cheng suddenly asked.

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