At the beginning of 2015, the Chinese mobile phone market looked different.

Near the Lunar New Year, someone on the Internet broke the news that Meizhu was looking for investment.

Compared with the hardship of Meizhu, the 2014 mobile phone shipment ranking stimulated a large number of people.

Thousand yuan machine market, sales are actually so large?

Even if it is a profit of 50 yuan, if there are 20 million units sold, it is also a profit of 1 billion yuan!

It is also at a time when China is promoting 4G networks, and large-scale traffic fees have been reduced, allowing smartphones to enter thousands of households in an instant.

Those parents who have been using functional machines, because thousands of yuan can be used a large number of machines, ushered in waves of replacement frenzy.

Last year, the competition in this area was a little messier.

But as soon as the New Year passed, the market felt the killing spirit in the thousand-yuan machine.

In January 2015, a new sub-brand of Meizhu Bamboo was released, aiming at the thousand-yuan machine market.

It opened the prelude to this year's thousand-yuan machine war.

In February, Huang Yang posted a paragraph on Canglang Weibo

: [Huang Yang V: Benefited a lot! ]

The picture is a photo with Ma Yun of Ah Li.

At this time, only then did the information report come out, Jiangdong Ali invested 600 million yuan in Meizhu, accounting for 30% of the shares.

Everyone shouted "no wonder"!

There is money, with a large amount of money, no wonder a bamboo blue mobile phone has been produced, and all of them are staring at the thousand-yuan machine market.

In this market, there are already mobile phone brands such as rice, Lianxiang, and Kushuai in it, that is, Warwick also has a sub-brand Ronghua mobile phone to enter.

Mo Tianqing wanted the entire sub-brand very much and also entered the fight.

Jiang Cheng thought again and again and agreed that he would explore the price, not build a sub-brand, and set up the Maple Fire SE series, but in any case, he needed to take into account the quality and system fluency.

By April, Mo Tianqing was already preparing for the new product launch.

Initially scheduled for April 25, a new product launch conference will be held, when several new machines will be released, including a wide range of prices!

In front of Jiang Cheng, there was a row of mobile phones of different models and colors.

"Jiang Dong, take a look, this is the new mobile phone we will release in three days, a total of 3 models." Mo Tianqing was very happy and smiled.

Jiang Cheng nodded, took the first mobile phone, pure glass texture, and felt very good when he looked at it.

The appearance is somewhat similar to Fruit 8, the rounded corner treatment is very moist, the upper part has been as narrow as possible, but there is no way to achieve a full screen, after all, there is a front camera and the latest 3D recognition sensor module.

The chin bezel is only 2.3mm, and the screen is almost along the bezel.

The screen size is 5.45 inches, and the overall size is slightly larger than that of the EX1, but the proportion of the screen has been improved, reaching 83%.

Mo Tianqing then introduced, "This Maple Fire EX2 is our main model, the processor is the Phoenix 210 processor, the 20nm process is more stable, compared to the Phoenix 201 chip, it has become a 4-core, 4-small core architecture, and the running score has exceeded 75,000 points." "

This processor architecture advantage is slowly unfolding.

Everything still comes from Jiang Cheng finding such a core design among thousands of designs.

The advantages of the RISC-V architecture are brought into play with the low power consumption and logic processing performance.

"Well, it feels good, and the appearance has also taken a lot of thought." Jiang Cheng praised, then turned on the machine, and the Logo animation of Maple Fire appeared for 5 seconds, and then directly entered the new machine guidance interface.

"Hehe, Jiang Dong, we follow your method, the first boot speed is faster." Mo Tianqing flattered again.

Jiang Cheng smiled and did not speak.

This is what he suggested later when debugging the system, that is, in the factory pre-installed in the memory system, first expand the pre-run, store it in the new resistance memory.

In this way, when booting for the first time, the user does not need to wait for any time, and after the "longest" time Logo animation, it directly enters the system interface.

As for the other mobile phones, Jiang Cheng also looked at them one by one without asking more, allowing him to play to his heart's content at the press conference.

Just pay attention to the time.

So many new mobile phones, plus peripheral products.

"Jiang Dong, Meizhu is now said to be engaged in machine sea tactics, preparing to release a series of new mobile phones, including MX6, Zhulan mobile phones." Mo Tianqing said, "In addition, rice is currently mainly working on the thousand-yuan machine, and their black rice series is selling very well.

"President Mo, we must have our own determination and not be lost by the wave of the thousand-yuan machine." Jiang Cheng looked at Mo Tianqing and reminded, "Now is the era of functional machines replacing smart phones, maybe one or two 4G mobile phones for six or seven hundred yuan can make them get used to smart phones."

"However, you must always believe that people's demand level will not only stop at a few hundred dollars of mobile phones, this little money, spelled out mobile phones, what quality can speak of?" Jiang Cheng continued.

Mo Tianqing pondered for a while, "Jiang Dong, I see, what you mean is that instead of losing money and competing with rice and even wanting to compete with rice that has been in business for a long time, it is better to polish our mobile phones better."

"Yes, if the image of a mobile phone falls, it is difficult to get up." So I don't recommend you to pull the price too low, you want to expand the product line, I agree, but still stick to the bottom line of 1,000 yuan. Jiang Cheng nodded.

Mo Tianqing answered, Jiang Cheng's vision was much higher than him.

This time the mobile phone release was carefully set up according to Jiang Cheng's suggestion.

It will not form a duplicate competition with the previously released Maple Q1 and Kind 2 mobile phones, and at the same time enrich the product line.

Jiang Cheng took 2 "testing machines", one black and one white, as usual as his usual model.

After changing the mobile phone card, it took about ten minutes to transfer the data of the old mobile phone EX1 to the new mobile phone through the one-key replacement function.

In addition to a few commonly used applications and several games of Maple Fire, there are very few pictures and video materials in Jiang Cheng's mobile phone.

Most of the data, Jiang Cheng is stored in his own body supercomputing.

"This time, Li Lei, the head of the marketing department of Jinggou, was invited, and no more Taomao was invited," Mo Tianqing reported.

Don't invite Tao cats, or because you can't put eggs in one basket.

Jinggou's self-operated store, Maple Fire's mobile phone also sells well, and their logistics are still good.

Of course, it is not aimed at Ah Li's stake in Meizhu.

Jiang Cheng is not so careful, in his eyes, Meizhu can bounce in the past two years. When the loss of the four billion yuan invested in this stake is finished, they will know the cruelty of market competition.

Without core technology, why should you compete with others?

"Be ready, this time, it is an attempt by our maple fire to hit the high-end brand in the market, don't be afraid that our mobile phone will not sell well, he is there to establish an image, just with his several black technologies, especially the resistance memory chip."

Mo Tianqing let out a long sigh, "I'm relieved when you say so, I've been worried, at this price, we rushed up to find death." "

It's okay to sell less, but be confident, we are not moths to the fire, our mobile phone has leading technology that others do not have, with this, it is enough."

Jiang Cheng raised the black EX2 in his hand, the corners of his mouth raised, and seemed to see that this mobile phone became a scene that people were proud to have him.

He believes that this day will definitely come!

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