The launch continues.

The next new product is Maple Fire TV F55 and F65, equipped with the Candle Dragon Z33 chip specially developed by Maple Semiconductor for TVs, plus ISP image processing chip.

The TV body is 35mm thick at its thickest point and only 10mm at its thinnest point.

The system is developed based on the FIUI system, the FH TV system.

In addition, there are other new products, such as speakers, Bluetooth headphones, and power banks.

This piece is mainly a product developed by Xinran's Jiangyu Company.

A press conference lasted 3 hours before it ended.

But everyone's heart is still on the black technology of the Maple Fire EX2 mobile phone.

However, what they didn't know was that this speed was still due to the current process level limitations and the speed under the influence of Jiang Chengquan's patch.

If it is a full version of the resistance storage, the speed is at least 100 times more.

Of course, Jiang Cheng also knows that some technologies cannot be lifted out at once, but need to be slowly promoted.

As the joke goes, when you travel back and get RTX3090TI graphics card to show off future technology to Lao Huang, he will take you to his warehouse, take out a RTX9090 graphics card, and teach you a set of ancestral knife techniques.

Nowadays, in the resistance memory, Jiang Cheng can also slowly promote the process process, and has always let foreign followers follow suit.

Look to catch up, but always one step behind.

As soon as the press conference ended, Jiang Cheng received a call from Yu Shengdong of Warwick.

"Jiang Dong, your black technology is also too fierce, right?!" As soon as Yu Shengdong opened his mouth, he praised, "To tell the truth to the old brother, can the chip be supplied to us Warwick?" "

If there is this chip, then for mobile phones, software installation and operation will be smoother, and non-volatile characteristics can bring more changes."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Mr. Yu, the current yield of our chip is not particularly high, and the cost is also expensive, so it is temporarily impossible to supply to the outside world."

"Oh, that means that we can still adopt the process and output later, right?" Yu Shengdong said happily, "Jiang Dong, then please be sure to give priority to our Warwick."

"It definitely will." Jiang Cheng promised.

"The co-research system you proposed when you came back to Warwick last time to communicate, Ren organized us all to discuss in depth, and we are willing to work closely with you to jointly develop a new Internet of Everything system." Yu Shengdong then said, expressing his willingness to agree.

However, if you don't say it early, don't say it later, but say it immediately after the release of the Maple Fire EX2 mobile phone, which is naturally meaningful.

It can be regarded as a move to return the favor.

But no matter what, Jiang Cheng wanted to achieve the purpose of cooperation. "Mr. Ren and Mr. Yu have a long-term vision, and this cooperation will not disappoint us. Then pick a time next time, let's discuss it properly.

"Okay, I'll come to Kyoto in a few days, and I'll talk about it later." Yu Shengdong said with a smile.

The two then hung up.

Warwick is the fastest to respond, and as for the other companies, they are reporting and discussing countermeasures.

----≡ Ω ≡----

Meizhu Company.

After Li Dong was in charge of the bamboo blue mobile phone, he was organizing personnel to accelerate the research and development of thousand-yuan mobile phones with different appearances.

Of course, the effect is very obvious.

The sales of bamboo blue mobile phones have more than doubled that of Meizhu mobile phones, and in recent months they have easily exceeded the sales of last year's entire year.

Bamboo Blue Note2 is about to be released, this mobile phone, not only has the exquisite beauty of Meizhu, but also will be a big killer in the thousand-yuan machine.

However, the release of Maple Fire EX2 still stimulated Huang Yang.

Subsequently, he backhanded and posted a sentence on Canglang Weibo.

[Huangyang V: Mobile phones are not blindly expensive.

Although there is no name, during this time period, fools can guess who is targeted.

Mo Tianqing was "dug", and the grudge between Meizhu and Maple Huo was already able to compete with Rebs of rice.

However, Mo Tianqing was not a good lord, and half an hour later, he also paid tribute on Canglang Weibo.

[Mo Tianqing V: Brittle as thin bamboo, it burns when it meets fire. Below

, there is also a cartoon of burning bamboo.

In an instant, the majority of netizens shouted "666", holding a small bench and preparing to eat melons in the front row.

It's hard.

"Hmph, actually dare to sell for 4,000, is this maple fire crazy to find death?" Huang Yang, Li Dong, and Bai Zhantang were discussing countermeasures, and directly sneered.

Bai Zhantang said lightly, "Anyway, we have to get the Maple Fire EX2 as soon as possible, disassemble it and study their so-called barrier memory chip, if what Mo Tianqing said is true, the speed difference is too big."

Li Dong nodded, "However, it is estimated that his memory is not cheap, according to the cost of 10% he said, a 3GB memory should be more than 300 yuan." "

It's more expensive than a processor chip." Huang Yang snorted.

For example, the thousand-yuan machine they are now entering, MediaTek's CPU plus motherboard set of solutions, are less than 200 pieces, and the amount is better than that.

"Maple Fire is to test consumers' acceptance of their impact on high-end brands, but I don't think the market will accept this big step at once." Li Dong added, "It should be noted that their SE mobile phone, 999 yuan, must also want to eat the share of the thousand-yuan machine, and will compete with us Zhulan." "

Is our Bamboo Blue Note2 priced?"

"Preliminary plan 2GB + 16GB, 899 yuan." Li Dongdao.

"Another 100 yuan lower!" Huang Yang made up his mind.

Li Dong took a breath, "Then at this price, we basically can't make any profit."

"Now our goal is to occupy the market, there is a difference of 200 yuan, in the thousand-yuan machine, who will choose Fenghuo's SE mobile phone?" Huang Yang waved his hand, "Our opponent is still Black Rice Note 2."

Bai Zhantang nodded lightly, "Not bad, now Fenghuo is the kind of person who wants to fight for a thousand yuan, but still wants to be a and stand up, maintain the brand image, and there is no Lizi brand, but take out an SE series, this is a faint trick, they will definitely suffer from this." Huang

Yang felt a lot better when he heard this, "We are not short of money now, mobile phone varieties should be developed as soon as possible, starting in July, we will hold a press conference every month, and invite the band to come, this year to consolidate sales." "

Who said Meizhu is a small factory? Is it niche?

This year, I must let everyone open their eyes to see, my Huangyang Meizhu mobile phone, that can also enter the top five.

In the future, please call me Meizhu Dachang!

Li Dong was a little helpless, but the boss spoke, and it was naturally executed.

Thousand yuan machine, what good design can be, is nothing more than the integration of the Lianfa brother program, change the screen, change the size.

No matter how much more the whole point, this cost will be uncontrollable.

As for the issue of strengthening after-sales construction, Li Dong raised it again.

"Mr. Huang, our after-sales service system, this time must be determined to rectify, otherwise with the increase in sales, after-sales service can not keep up, and it will cause a huge crisis."

This time, Huang Yang, who had deep pockets, did not refute, but thought about it and said, "Cheng, we will take out 400 million to set up an after-sales system and establish Meizhu authorized service centers, and within this year, 300 authorized service centers must be built!"

Li Dong smiled on his face, so that Meizhu was really saved!

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