Xian Zhufeng took Jiang Cheng and the two turned around the lens research and development department of the lithography machine.

The fortification of the five groups is very good.

And Jiang Cheng's familiarity with optics also brought Xian Zhufeng a lot closer, and exchanged a lot of ideas and technical matters.

The last two lens problems, Jiang Cheng also looked at it, it was indeed very difficult.

As an objective lens for lithography machines, the flatness of its surface is very high.

If the lens is enlarged to a diameter of several thousand kilometers, the undulation error produced by processing is smaller than that of the ping-pong ball.

"Jiang Dong, I really didn't expect ah, you have such research on optics, the academy chose you to lead the research and development of the lithography machine, originally I was not convinced, but now I am really convinced."

At the dinner table in the evening, Xian Zhufeng said to Jiang Cheng with a wine glass.

Jiang Cheng said modestly, "It's too prestigious, this lithography machine still depends on everyone's joint efforts."

Li Weiguo interjected with a smile, "Xiaojiang's scientific research ability is indeed strong, this year he graduated with a doctorate in computer and microelectronics, and it has only been 4 years since he entered the undergraduate program!"

Xian Zhufeng was a little surprised, "It's really incredible."

"That's not it, the first person in Mizuki's history." Li Weiguo raised his thumb.

Mizuki dared to be so out of the ordinary.

The key is that Jiang Cheng's research results are too awesome, and his master's and doctoral studies have not fallen behind, almost full marks.

"Genius is so, our Hua Guo science and technology is prosperous!" Xian Zhufeng praised again.

Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed to hear this time, and toasted again and again, "Academician Li, if you put a high hat on me again, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it, this Hua Guo science and technology, the key is the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the majority of scientific researchers, I personally learned a little bit of things in some fields of computer and microelectronics!" Several

people laughed heartily.

"By the way, Jiang Dong, the other two sets of shots, we will gather our forces to tackle the key problems again, and strive to come out preliminarily before the end of September." Xian Zhufeng patted his chest and said.

Jiang Cheng nodded and drank some wine, making his face also red, "Xian Dong, I have some ideas at present, I want to study and study with you tomorrow, I don't know?" "

The objective lens is the most expensive and critical system in the lithography machine, and if this point is unplugged, the problem of the whole machine will be greatly reduced.

Xian Zhufeng was stunned, "Oh? Isn't Jiang Dong laughing?

"Of course not, although I can't drink as much as you, I'm not drunk."

Li Weiguo glanced at Jiang Cheng and did not speak.

Xian Zhufeng couldn't help but think of the magic capital Wei He Ming under the rumors of the rivers and lakes.

At the beginning, it seemed that this was also the case, Jiang Cheng wanted to lead the research, but in the end, He Ming was not cooperative and supportive, but was pushed down.

At that moment, Xian Zhufeng's face changed into a smile, "Of course it's no problem, Jiang Dong is willing to help, we can't ask for it!"

As he spoke, he instructed the people next to him, "Prepare tomorrow, let the R&D personnel of the last two sets of shots be present, let's follow Jiang Dong to study hard."


After the meal, several people were arranged by Xian Zhufeng to the hotel.

In Li Weiguo's room, Xian Zhufeng deliberately stayed and chatted with him.

"Elder Li, if you tell me the truth, shouldn't you also remove me like He Ming?" There were no outsiders, Xian Zhufeng asked directly.

Li Weiguo was stunned, "What do you say, as for?"

"Hehe, this is not spread within our state-owned enterprises, offend anyone, and dare not offend Jiang Cheng." Xian Zhufeng smiled helplessly.

In the Lithography Machine Industry Alliance, everyone knows that He Ming was killed and frightened.

It is also official, after He Ming came down, many state-owned enterprises in the chain became more nervous, and the boss personally took the lead, recruited people and re-developed them.

Mom, whose boss didn't work hard, if he was taken down like this, would he be wronged?

Li Weiguo laughed, "You guys, just doubtful, didn't Minister Yi also say it!" This is a major concern of the chiefs, and it is necessary to develop it carefully and strive for early results.

"Already working on it!" Xian Zhufeng sighed, "You can also see that the camera is really difficult."

Li Weiguo nodded, "Okay, you don't have a burden of thought, Xiaojiang is very talented in scientific research, cooperate with him well, it's okay."

"Understand, then Cheng, it won't disturb your old rest." Xian Zhufeng answered and left first.

As soon as the others left, Li Weiguo laughed heartily, thinking that he would have to talk to Minister Yi Guobin about this next time, but he really didn't expect it, a He Ming's removal also made everyone more honest.

He Ming, this tool man, withdrew well!


Jiang Cheng and Li Weiguo stayed here for another three days.

Under the personal accompaniment of Xian Zhufeng's scientific research and scheduling, all of Jiang Cheng's ideas were unconditionally implemented.

Every day's situation is in line with Jiang Cheng's vision and meets the experimental requirements of Jiang Cheng's new technology.

The 23rd group of lenses was successfully developed.

According to the results of the tests, the parameters are very good.

This made Xian Zhufeng admire Jiang Cheng even more.

"Okay, Xian Dong, just send it here, thank you for your support and cooperation this time!"

When leaving, Xian Zhufeng specially sent the two of them to the airport.

"Okay, Academician Li, Jiang Dong, the last shot, we will definitely speed up the development according to your methods and ensure that we will not delay our legs."

"Okay, then wait for your good news!"

--- (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧----

Guanglin County.

This new year, for Guanglin County, the construction of Jiangluo Hot Spring Town has become the largest project introduced that year.

County Magistrate Ouyang Xing personally grasped it, and everyone attached great importance to it.

Jiang became this and selected a manager from the group company, named Chen Zikai. During the construction of the headquarters, I specialized in specific docking, and I had a lot of experience.

Not only that, the overall design also hired a design and planning company to investigate and design in Jiangluo Township.

According to the plan, the county has launched a vigorous land acquisition.

Jiang Cheng'an, as a local, better docks with the county, of course, the operation of specific hot springs is still dominated by him.

"Manager Chen, have you Jiang Dong read the design draft?" Jiang Chengan walked towards Chen Zikai, who was walking around, and asked.

Chen Zikai stopped, "It's President Jiang!" Now Jiang Dong has not replied, waiting for his news.

"This design company is different, as soon as they design, they feel that our poor backcountry is going to become a tourist attraction." Jiang Chengan scratched his head and said.

Chen Zikai smiled, "That's for sure." However, the view on your side is really good, the hot spring water output is sufficient, although it is a little far, but fortunately, it is close to the highway exit. "

Of course, more importantly, this is Jiang Cheng's hometown, and the big boss is ready to invest in his hometown, what is it farther away?"

Jingle rings on the cell phone.

"Hey, Jiang Dong is calling."

While speaking, Chen Zikai hurriedly picked up the phone and answered it.

"Jiang Dong!"

"Zikai, are you in Guanglin?"

"Yes, Jiang Dong, I'm here in Jiangluo Township."

"Well, the planning I looked, the design is not bad, that is, the parking space and scenic avenue design is stingy, in addition, the greening of this piece, mainly the original greenery and local trees, do not fix those precious exotic trees, no need." In addition, there are a few minor modifications, I sent them back to you, according to this to settle down, speed up the construction. Jiang Cheng said directly on the phone.

Chen Zikai hurriedly responded, "Understand, promise to complete the task ahead of schedule." Jiang

Cheng's words are the clarion call to start the project, Chen Zikai looked at the landscape in front of him, full of energy, at most a year and a half, he will definitely make this blueprint a reality!

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