Next, Jiang Cheng's person is Yu Shengdong of Warwick.

His trip is also for a new type of resistive memory chip.

Jiang Cheng can already expect that there will be more enterprise companies in the future, hoping that Jiang Cheng will open up supply and let them purchase and use.

But Jiang Cheng naturally won't let go easily.

Warwick is additional.

That's because Jiang Cheng wants to deepen cooperation with Warwick, including working on a new system for the Internet of Everything.

"Jiang Dong, I really didn't expect it, in just two years, you have built such a beautiful headquarters." Yu Shengdong was a little fatter again, shook his hand towards Jiang Cheng, and grinned.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "It's not comparable to your company's, let alone your new headquarters in Songshan Lake in Dongguan."

"Eh, your company is thriving, and there will definitely be a better and more beautiful headquarters in the future." Yu Shengdong sat down and said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, "Mr. Yu rarely came to our company, and arranged a light meal in the cafeteria at noon, don't dislike it."

"I heard that your new canteen Hakka cuisine is very authentic, President Jiang, if you don't say it, I will mention it myself, haha." Yu Shengdong smiled heartily.

It can be seen that compared with the first meeting, Yu Shengdong is more about Jiang Cheng than a junior brother, but a successful partner in business.

Jiang Cheng is a Hakka family, and this chef has also specially found an authentic Hakka dish.

Of course, to put it bluntly, it is made salty and spicy.

Jiang Cheng said, "Your P8 mobile phone, sales are very good, this is only more than a month, and the youth version has been released."

"Haha, thanks to your guidance, after the last exchange, Tingbo has re-optimized the 930 chip and 620 chip, and the performance and power consumption are better." Yu Shengdong said with gratitude.

Although the Fenghuo relationship with Jiang Cheng is a competitive relationship, the relationship between the two is really very close.

It is the design of mobile phone chips, Jiang Cheng has no reserved guidance, and this feeling is deepened.

Of course, feelings are feelings, and business pays more attention to interests.

So Yu Shengdong came today.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "The Hua Guo market is big enough to accommodate the two of us." I think our cooperation can be deepened. As

for other mobile phone manufacturers, Jiang Cheng is a little disdainful.

"That's what I'm here for." Yu Shengdong nodded and looked at Jiang Cheng, "President Ren also attaches great importance to this, when I came, he said that Jiang Dong is a person who sees the future, let us work more closely."

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, "Oh, President Ren actually said that?

"yes. Nowadays, in fact, in the whole of China, there are very few people who are really grasping the research and development of basic science and technology. Yu Shengdong sighed, "We Warwick are one, and you Maple Fire is also one."

Jiang Cheng also understands that as for other enterprises, most of them are developed on the basis of foreign science and technology.

Including the Internet, other mobile phones, PC manufacturers and so on.

Warwick's consumer business, which is Yu Shengdong's mobile phone and other products, although it makes money, it is definitely not their core business.

The core of Huawei lies in the communication and carrier business.

This is the enterprise that develops on the basis of the underlying technology, and is the foundation of being able to formulate standards and master the core technology.

This is also where Jiang Cheng appreciates and values Warwick.

Therefore, the competition in mobile phones, Jiang Cheng and Ren Fei do not feel that it is competition, more cooperation.

Of course, if Jiang Cheng enters the field of communications, it will really compete with Warwick again.

"Many people are not very aware of the crisis now. They think they have developed prosperously, but they don't know that all their prosperity is based on other people's technology. Jiang Cheng paused and said helplessly, "That's a castle in the air."

Yu Shengdong nodded, no wonder President Ren valued Jiang Cheng so much, this may be the hero's view!

"Regarding system research and development, I think we should not form a joint venture company to develop systems?" Yu Shengdong then asked.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng agreed.

If this system is developed by any company alone, it is prone to problems.

But Jiang Cheng then said, "However, I hope that I will control it, and as for the location, it can be placed in Pengcheng." "

Pengcheng's thinking about external competition is more active.

Yu Shengdong thought for a while, "Before coming, President Ren had already expected it and agreed that we would own 49% of the shares.

"Cheng, the registered capital is 300 million, I will give 153 million, and the R&D capital investment behind, you and I will continue to invest according to the proportion of shares." Jiang Cheng thought about it.

"That's fine."

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation." "

As for technology, there are some engineers on both sides, and then they are directly recruited and operated independently.

The whole system will have the advantages of Warwick and Maple Fire's mobile phone systems, and more importantly, the changes in the underlying logic will completely abandon Android.

Yu Shengdong added, "That is, our chip is based on the ARM architecture, and the underlying system supports it, which needs to be considered more."

Jiang Cheng knocked lightly on the table, "This architecture is actually unstable, if possible, I suggest that Warwick also study RISC-V architecture chips." This

chip, under Jiang Cheng's wholehearted promotion, has slowly been optimized.

In the past two years, Jiang Cheng's in vivo laboratory has not stopped researching and optimizing this chip.

It is based on this that Jiang Cheng can use this chip.

Yu Shengdong shook his head, "I guess it's difficult. We have already spent a lot of money on ARM architecture chips, and it is unlikely that we will change tracks.

"President Yu just needs to bring the words to President Ren." Jiang Cheng shook his head gently.

It's okay for him to be an executor, but it's not okay for a strategist.

"Done." Yu Shengdong laughed.

Then Jiang Cheng took him and visited the headquarters.

"In this area, is Jiang Dong planning to build a semiconductor FAB factory?" Yu Shengdong pointed to the place in front of him where the fence was being built.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Not bad, but what I'm waiting for is our own lithography machine in Hua Guo." "

Oh, Jiang Dong, are you really so confident?" Yu Shengdong was slightly surprised.

"Of course, I led the lithography machine myself, and I am willing to be the first to come if I want to be a guinea pig." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly.

Yu Shengdong raised his thumb, "I have few people in my old Yu life who are convinced, Jiang Dong, you are one." "

When you are a student, you are the best student; When he was the boss, he was also an extremely awesome boss.

Jiang Cheng laughed, "I'm just not convinced, why can only Omi do these technologies, we can't, making some money depends on the fucking eyes."

Yu Shengdong nodded and said, "Yes, we also have to sell high-tech products to them and make their money."

"It makes sense, I think we have to let Maple Fire mobile phones layout foreign markets." Jiang Cheng's eyes blinked, and he remembered that Warwick sold high prices abroad and low prices at home.

Of course, there is also a certain enterprise, low foreign prices, high domestic prices.


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