Since May, Jiang Cheng has begun to sell stocks one after another.

Looking at the crazy market, I just feel very dreamy.

If it weren't for his general memories of his past life, he might have been carried away by this crazy stock market.

The stock of Boom Technology rose more than 40 times.

With such a stock, Jiang Cheng earned nearly 100 million.

And Wei Zhicheng's institutional customers, the stocks invested by the public welfare fund, will all temporarily withdraw at this time, and the next investment opportunity will have to wait for this wave of bear market to stabilize a little.

Now, Jiang Cheng himself has more money on hand.

In addition to the dream of a technology company, in fact, he lives normally, and Jiang Cheng is not worried about money.

After all, this small goal, that is also a lot of money.

How many people can't earn so much in a lifetime. Zimbabwe dollars are excluded.

The Bund of the Magic Capital.

Jiang Cheng took Yu Xinran to find a special restaurant, and the two ordered two steaks.

"Why did you come to the magic capital?" Jiang Cheng was a little strange.

"I took people to Changzhou to see Aier Company on the spot, wanting to see if I could invest in the shares." Yu Xinran lightly stuck out his little tongue and explained, "Seeing that it is so close to the demon capital, I will come to find you."

Jiang Cheng thought for a moment, "The one who makes the balance bike?"

"Uh-huh, I think the company also has to find ways to enrich the product line, and closely link smart devices and products with mobile phones." Yu Xinran said, "The rice company has just acquired SEG and will definitely enter this field.

Jiang Cheng praised, "Your idea is very good, I support you." So how was the talk going?

"They have a willingness to cooperate, but for the time being say they do not accept acquisitions or investments." Yu Xinran shook his head.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, the technology in these fields, to be honest, is not particularly high, it's really not good, let's recruit people to develop it ourselves." Jiang Cheng reached out and gently squeezed her jade hand and said.

In the past two years, he has devoted himself to the lithography machine and has not paid too much attention to science and technology in other fields, but several technology research and development of Maple Fire Group and Maple Microelectronics are slowly yielding results.

For example, new processor chips are currently iterating on the basis of architectures in the lab.

The 3D NAND storage under Maple Microelectronics has exceeded 64 floors in the laboratory, and is currently ready for commercial use, and the construction of a plant in Luzhou has begun, and the second round of financing will be opened at the end of the year.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng is not very eye-catching about the technology of these smart devices, and if he can acquire or hold the best, he really does not want to cooperate, then there is no problem, it is nothing more than his own competition.

"Well," Yu Xinran smiled and asked again, "You've been very busy these days, all in the lab, right?" How's R&D going?

"It's okay overall, the specifics will be kept secret." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Don't worry, your husband is out of the horse, no matter how difficult the lithography machine is, it will be solved."

"I believe that." Yu Xinran said with adoration.

While eating steak, Jiang Cheng thought about the smart home, "How is the liquidity on the account of Jiang Yu Company now?"

"Now there are more than 230 million on the account, in addition to normal product iterative research and development, I want to take 100 million to invest in new development directions." Yu Xinran remembers these qualities very well, which is also an advantage of her ability to handle company affairs decisions very calmly and decisively.

Jiang Cheng stopped and thought for a while, "I asked Zhicheng Investment Company to inject another 300 million yuan into Jiangyu Company, you have built a Maple Fire intelligent ecological chain in the past two years, mobile phones, TVs, tablets, notebooks Maple Fire Company will research and development, you will focus on headphones, audio, watches, cameras these four pieces of research and development, while building balance cars, blood pressure monitors, body fat scales, game consoles, printers, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines These find suitable companies to form ecological partners."

Yu Xinran was a little surprised, "Is it such a big deal?" "

In 15 or 16 years, we have to set up a good situation, so that we will not be helpless later." Jiang Cheng explained.

When this ecological chain is perfected, it will be very difficult for others to rush in in the future.

Warwick is better at making this piece, and rice is also good.

Jiang Cheng let Yu Xinran be responsible for ecological construction, because one piece is indeed more important, but these cores are on Jiang Cheng Fenghuo's mobile phones and other smart terminals.

Yu Xinran nodded, "Okay, then I'll make this piece in the past two years."

"Well, it's not very important cooperation, you don't have to go in person, just let those vice presidents go." Jiang Cheng felt sorry for her, followed herself, things are indispensable.

And after embarking on this road of technological development, it cannot be easily stopped.

The cruel Chinese market, but only recognize the product, if Fenghuo's products and other people's iteration is slow, innovation is insufficient, it is easy to be abandoned.

Unless you have a technology that others can't match, a few years or even a decade ahead, you are eligible to take a little rest.

Yu Xinran stayed in the magic capital for one night before leaving for Kyoto.

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, continued to stay in the magic capital, and he had to put this lithography machine out.

The next days will be much more boring.

The parameters of the controlled experiment, and the problems found, were improved one by one.

By the end of July, the immersion system had been added, commissioning had begun, and the immersion process had been optimized.

But at this step, Jiang Chengcheng was a little helpless.

Because this ultrapure water Jiangcheng has no way to simulate, it must rely on the R&D engineers of Headphone and Moduwei to continue to work hard.

However, the distance to success is just a normal countdown of time.

Back in Kyoto, after listening to Jiang Cheng's report, Dean Bai Chunhua was very happy, saying that he would form a team to check it next month, of course, it was a bit like a field inspection.

After all, if the real research and development is successful and accepted, it will definitely welcome the visit of the chief.

This is very likely.

At that time, the information will also be announced to the public.

The Hanxin incident has already happened once, and it is impossible for him to appear a second time if he is cautious.

This is not a distrust of Jiang Cheng, but a necessity.

Moreover, the fifth meeting of the Bureau was held.

These important component companies, naturally, know the progress of research and development, and they are all smiling and very happy.

Less than a year!

Even if the immersion system still takes time to debug and improve, but after all, it is not the most difficult problem, no matter how difficult it is, I believe that it can be completed by the end of this year, then it is only one year.

Originally, they thought that it would be good to have results in two years.

However, under the leadership of Jiang Cheng, he personally went to important component enterprises to guide research and development, and also specially established Keyu Light Source, and took only half a year to move the laser patent of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from the laboratory to the commercial stage.

This scientific research ability is really strong!

Too strong!

Strong to envy and jealousy.

Fortunately, everyone is in an industrial chain, and the success of the lithography machine means that their input in this piece has output.

There is also a profit.

“...... At present, the problem of the whole machine should not be big, but in the research and development, we also found that there are still many parts of the quality, parameters, which are not very up to standard, affecting the lithography accuracy, of course, will also affect the yield. Jiang Cheng said at the meeting, "Our whole lithography machine, not to say that it can achieve a lithography process within 28nm, we also have to consider his commercial level." "

I have probably sorted out 76 process and accessory requirements that still need to be improved, and I suggest that in the name of the alliance, enterprises in the industrial chain be required to improve technical standards, unqualified products, and components that fail to accept."

The voice is firm and powerful.

Everyone in the room could hear it very clearly.

And I think what Jiang Cheng said makes sense, it should be like this!

Bai Chunhua nodded and agreed, "I think what Jiang Dong said is very reasonable, and then I asked the office to cooperate with Modu to micro-develop a process specification, we are not here to make a publicity machine, but to withstand the market test, let us FAB factories rush to buy!"

"Yes, that's how it should be!" Everyone agreed.

For a while, I felt that everyone had one heart, and the dawn was just around the corner!

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