With the shadows of the Chinese security department, Jiang Cheng felt much safer.

However, Jiang Cheng cannot rely on others for his own life, he will still strengthen the security work within the group, and at the same time, pay more attention to his own and Yu Xinran's personal safety.

It may be better now, but what if more black technology comes out, and even one day knocks out enterprises such as fruit and Sanxing, and knocks Intel, agricultural enterprises, and the three major memory factories into bankruptcy?

At that time, when it came to the competition of core interests, no one would be soft.

The United States has a strong military force guarantee, and Jiang Cheng is the same, and he needs a strong backing from China.

Jiang Cheng, who left the Ministry of Industry, still thinks about these things.

However, these preventive work is to do it in ordinary times, pay attention to it carefully, and it is impossible to worry about people every day, but do nothing.

By the time Jiang Cheng returned to the company, Ding Chengjun had been waiting in the reception room for a while.

However, he was very leisurely, quietly brewing Jiang Cheng's good tea.

Well, this tea is much better than that wine.

"Brother Chengjun!" As soon as Jiang Cheng rushed back, he went directly to the reception room, saw Ding Chengjun, and happily stretched out his arm.

Ding Chengjun coughed lightly and waved his hand, "Don't fix these useless things."

Jiang Cheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, I just went to the Ministry of Industry when I had something temporary." "

It's okay." Ding Chengjun shook his head, "Where is my territory?"

"Why, don't we talk about treatment first?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile, and then sat down, "Let's drink tea first, this tea is a good tea purchased by the company, and I drink less myself."

Ding Chengjun took a sip of fragrant green tea, "Why, you don't like to drink tea?"

"It should be said that I am not used to it, and I drink more plain water." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Okay, can you send me some good tea later?" Ding Chengjun asked with a smile.

"No problem, I'll ask the office to give you this tea when I turn back." Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "By the way, I am ready to let you be the manager of the neural network chip R&D department of the group company, with an annual salary of 1 million, and give rewards according to the project situation, how?" "

Okay." Ding Chengjun nodded.

This treatment is very high.

Of course, with the development of the company and the launch of EDA design software, such as Bing Shaoqing and Yang Ziqian, their salaries are almost to this annual salary.

Jiang Cheng was a little happy and stretched out his right hand, "Then welcome Brother Chengjun to join our Fenghuo Group Company!"

Ding Chengjun stretched out his hand and shook it, "Jiang Dong."

"Go, I'll take you to the R&D center." Jiang Cheng smiled, then turned and walked out.

Fang Ya saw Jiang Cheng come out and followed.

Several people took the elevator and headed to the 17th floor.

"The neural network chip research and development center is located on the 17th floor, and currently has more than 120 R & D personnel, including 16 chip architecture engineers, 14 chip design engineers, chip verification..." When in the elevator, Jiang Cheng told Ding Chengjun about the current R & D team.

Compared with the dozen or so people who were transferred at the beginning, a lot of R&D personnel of the project have been recruited through recruitment and other means.

Of course, this is not enough for the design of a complex instruction set chip.

In the follow-up chip research and development, at least two hundred to three hundred people should look.

In addition, with the success of the project and the iterative research and development of chips, a large number of corresponding basic software research and development personnel are needed.

Previously, Jiang Cheng transferred Chen Xiao, who developed IC chips, from Maple Fire Semiconductor Company to temporarily supervise research and development.

However, although he has rich experience, he is still a little unable to cope with this new complex processor chip, and the progress of research and development is not as fast as Jiang Cheng expected.

So when Ding Chengjun agreed to join Fenghuo, Jiang Cheng asked Chen Xiao to go back first.

Let him continue to develop RF chips, as well as baseband chips.

4G is just gaining popularity, but for the next generation of 5G, companies such as Warwick are already working on it.

Jiang Cheng has the impression that the relevant standards will be determined in 16 years, that is, next year.

Of course, Jiang Cheng does not want to go down to the field to formulate communication standards, but to take precautions and start the research and development of chips first.

Jiang Chenglai came to the neural network chip research and development center, Fang Ya has notified this department in advance, and everyone is sitting and waiting in the large conference room.

The first to come was Jiang Cheng.

Tall, wearing a plaid shirt, short hair looks very sunny and handsome.

Behind him, a man slightly shorter than Jiang Cheng, about one meter seven or five, with hair combed seven points.

In terms of handsomeness, although he is worse than Jiang Cheng, he is also a handsome man.

Many people know in their hearts that this is probably the new manager of the R&D department.

Soon, Jiang Cheng sat down and looked at the 100 or so people in front of him, and the entire conference room was full.

In this, the dozen or so people who were transferred over were in front, most of them were responsible for a piece of content, Jiang Cheng was more familiar, as for the recruitment in the back, Jiang Cheng had not seen much.

"Everyone, today I will come to the R&D center, two things." Jiang Cheng sat in the main seat, facing the open microphone, and said loudly, "First, introduce the new department manager to everyone."

"This handsome and talented doctor of microelectronics from Mizuki University next to me, Comrade Ding Chengjun! Everyone is welcome! "

Sure enough, it's the new manager!

Everyone applauded enthusiastically, this appearance was much higher than Chen Xiao before.

I just don't know what the level is?

Ding Chengjun got up and bowed slightly, "In the future, I will also be part of the chip research and development, and I hope that with everyone's joint support and efforts, we will strive to make new results as soon as possible!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Manager Ding is a personal disciple of Dean Xu Wei of the newly established School of Integrated Circuits of Mizuki University, he has deep research on memristor chips, and his scientific research ability is also one of the best, I believe that after he joins, our first chip product will soon be developed and manufactured, do you have confidence!?" "

Yes!" The R&D personnel under the field, led by the first batch of people in front, roared loudly.

"Well, the spirit is not bad." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then said, "Let's introduce each of you supervisors, and by the way, talk about the current research and development progress."

At this time, Jiang Cheng signaled to Xia Ya, and Fang Ya also understood, and left first.

This internal research and development details of things, after all, she is not in this department, avoid it as well.

Subsequently, the six directors reported on the chip design and development.

Jiang Cheng and Ding Chengjun both listened carefully, and Ding Chengjun occasionally took notes.

At present, the overall design progress is good, not particularly slow.

In the large neural architecture, Jiang Cheng proposed a central chip, 6 auxiliary memristor chips of the large design framework.

But how to exchange data according to the model of the neural network, the design engineer put forward some ideas, but the effect is not particularly obvious.

The central chip is combined with the underlying circuit design of Jiangcheng's original RISC-V phoenix chip, and this part has progressed slightly better, and it is currently a continuous iterative experimental version, integrating desktop-level processing requirements to enrich and improve the instruction set.

In addition, as a new chip design, there are many things in the process of exploration.

Now through the design, the chip can achieve the process, the central chip is 20nm, the memristor chip 45nm.

The performance of the central chip processor is about half the level of Intel's E8400 dual-core, and there are many bugs.

"I hope that by this time next year, our chip can come out, the processor logic performance can reach the level of E8400, plus 6 memristor chips, so that users can use it comfortably!"


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