Kyoto West Station.

A new air-conditioned express is about to arrive.

Chen Ru wore a short-sleeved shirt with flowers, carried a canvas backpack, and pulled a large suitcase in one hand.

Listening to the voice on the radio, "Kyoto-West Station, the terminal of this train, is coming, please bring your luggage and prepare to get off the train..."

Sitting on a hard seat, sitting for one night in a row, plus a morning, my butt hurts.

I finally looked at the scene outside the window, and when I arrived at the station, I hurriedly pulled the box and went to the door.

The phone rang, "Mom, have you arrived at the station?"

"When I arrived, I got out of the car."

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the exit gate." Jiang Cheng reminded and hung up the phone.

When he got out of the car, Chen Ru was a little dazed, but fortunately he followed the army, and the exit was still found.

The big suitcase is a little heavy, Chen Ru pulls a little hard, but there is a wheel that is still a little broken, pull and move, do not move, helpless.

And Jiang Cheng, who was at the exit gate, took Yu Xinran's hand and looked at the crowd at the exit.

On the display board, the air-conditioned express train of K572 has arrived at the station.

"Let my mother buy a sleeper ticket, she won't listen, this time she will sit for nearly 20 hours, it is estimated that she will be exhausted." Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly.

I said before that I would come out immediately, but after all, I have to deal with things at home.

It turned out that the shop in the old attic was transferred to my aunt, but the 3 storefronts of the Jade Pavilion were there, and they still needed to be dealt with, so I found relatives to help look at them.

So it took two days before it came.

Yu Xinran said, "My parents have come from a hard time, and they are reluctant." "


After waiting for a while, Jiang Cheng's eyes were sharp, and he saw Chen Ru, who was carrying a big bag and pulling a big box, and stretched out his hand and called, "Mom, here!" As

he spoke, he went over and took the heavy backpack and carried the suitcase.

"No need, I'll pull it," Chen Ru said hurriedly, but where could he cross Jiang Cheng.

Yu Xinran also came over, "Mom." With

a smile on his face, he walked towards Yu Xin, "Eh, Xinran, I originally said that you are busy, you don't have to come to pick it up, I know the words, you can take the car by yourself."

Jiang Chengdao, "Don't, Kyoto is so big, I'm afraid you're lost."

Then, he said wordlessly, "Mom, what did you bring, so heavy, wouldn't you bring all the clothes of the four seasons?"

"No, just the clothes worn in autumn and winter, then I heard that winter in Kyoto can be cold." Chen Ru said presciently, "I brought several thick coats, well, I bought them for me."

Jiang Cheng shook his head, a little helpless.

Yu Xinran pursed his lips and smiled, but he was held by Chen Ru's hand, and he talked as he walked, and ignored him.

"Eh, over here." Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly, called, and pulled his luggage to the underground parking lot.

Zhang Xiaoyong was already waiting, and hurriedly came over to help put it in the trunk.

Jiang Cheng sat in the front row, while Chen Ru and Yu Xinran sat in the back.

"Naruko, last time you said you bought a wedding house in Kyoto?" Chen Ru suddenly asked.

"Well, I bought it, over there in Yizhuang." Jiang Cheng turned around slightly and said.

Chen Ru said again, "What about the set you bought before?"

"Where is it empty, there is time to prepare to sell." Jiang Cheng said casually.

"Oh, Kyoto is so expensive, why buy it again?" Chen Ru has some flesh pain, in her eyes, if she sells it, she will have to lose a lot of money.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "Mom, Kyoto is too big, you don't understand." The house on Wanliu's side is too far from the current company location.

Yu Xinran also explained, "Yes, Mom, it turns out that it takes an hour and a half to get to the place of work." "

So far." Chen Ru was a little surprised.

"Uh-huh, so, a different one, not far from my company and Xinran's company." Jiang Cheng said simply.

"Well, then the original house was sold earlier, otherwise you will lose money." In Chen Ru's eyes, after becoming a second-hand house, it is even less valuable.

Jiang Cheng didn't explain either, and smiled.

When he arrived at the place, Chen Ruyue felt frightened. "Chengzi, where is this, why are there all the villas?"

"Yes, Jiang Cheng bought a villa here, with 360 square meters." Yu Xinran said.

At this moment, the car stopped, and in front of Chen Ru, it was a two-and-a-half-story villa.

Chen Ru opened her mouth wide at this time, "Tian, Chengzi, this is the new house you bought?" "

Uh-huh, it's similar to the duplex structure at home." Jiang Cheng smiled and said.

Zhang Xiaoyong helped take the things before leaving.

Chen Ru seemed to have entered the Grand View Garden, a little cautious, and a little curious, "This decoration is really good, it's very expensive, right?" "

It's a little expensive, more than 50 million." Jiang Cheng said honestly.

Chen Ru only felt a little dizzy, but fortunately Xinran supported her by the side.

The original house said that it was 5 million, and she felt that it was not expensive, but she did not expect that this villa was directly ten times more expensive.

"Oh, you boy, you really enjoy it when you have money, it's a luxury car, it's a mansion," Chen Ru's face was not so happy, she knew her son's character, but now she spent money lavishly, she still couldn't agree.

Jiang Cheng heard what she meant and explained, "The car is more about display, the house is for self-living, just be comfortable." (Actually, readers think it's too low-key to have money...)

"Okay, now you are rich, but don't be blinded by money, do more good deeds and good deeds if you have more money, let's not ask for too much luxury in life, just live a life of peace, health and joy." Chen Ru Dun Dundo taught.

"Understood, understood." Jiang Cheng pushed Chen Ru and asked her to choose her favorite room.

In the end, Chen Ru still chose the master bedroom on the first floor, according to what she said, it was too troublesome to go upstairs, and the first floor was convenient.

I opened my backpack and found some food, balls with machines, some fresh white lotuses, and some sausages or something.

As for the large suitcase, there were several sets of clothes, as well as two thick winter clothes, and toiletries, towels and so on.

Jiang Cheng was speechless, "Mom, these things can be bought in Kyoto, you don't have to bring them all the way."

"Then there is another family at home, why spend money." Chen Ru waved her hand, "I'll clean up by myself, wait a minute, you teach me to use the kitchen, and I'll cook at night."

"No, no, we'll eat out in the evening." Jiang Chengdao.

"That's not possible, there is a lot of gutter oil outside, but there is a baby in the belly, and I make it at home, clean and hygienic."


Cheng was a little helpless.

Yu Xinran also pursed his lips and smiled, this time, Chen Ru came over, but it made Jiang Cheng deflated.

Chen Ru, who had just settled down, quickly started doing housework, mopping the floor, scrubbing furniture, and cleaning up messy clothes.

Let Jiang Cheng feel that he is usually at home, too lazy?

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