After the meeting.

Everyone left with happy smiles.

And Li Silin also has a lot to be busy, including equity incentive dividends and year-end bonuses, but think that there will be tens of millions of dividends this year, which is also full of motivation.

However, Jiang Cheng asked Chen Feng to stay with her.

In Jiang Cheng's office, he pulled Yu Xinran to sit on the sofa, and Jiang Cheng was a little cautious.

"You, you don't have to come specifically, this meeting is also an hour or two, are you tired?" Jiang Cheng said a little spoiled.

Yu Xinran shook his head, "It's okay, I didn't sit all the time, got up and rested." Are there still things to do later? Or I'll go back first.

"Nope. In this way, the company's benefits are good this year, I plan to expand the dividends to the entire group management, last year's first batch of equity objects is still less, many middle and senior management did not allocate shares, this year's second batch is basically allocated. Jiang Cheng explained.

Yu Xinran looked at him and said, "This is all earned by you leading everyone, how much and how to divide, you just decide."

"Good." Jiang Cheng squeezed her little hand lightly.

If dividends are distributed at about 20%, Jiang Cheng can get 1.8 billion.

Of course, this is also normal, because the entire group company is Jiang Cheng's.

The shares of others are restricted shares, and the shares are not high.

Chen Feng and Li Silin soon arrived and knocked on the door.

Jiang Cheng motioned for them to come in and sat directly on the guest sofa.

"Jiang Dong." Chen Feng sat down.

Li Silin reached out and took the tea set, "I'll come."

Jiang Cheng made tea by her, looked at the two, and said, "Last year, with the joint efforts of everyone, the income of the group company was very good, and on the basis of ensuring the profits of each subsidiary, the profits handed over plus the group's profits are expected to be about 10 billion."

Chen Feng nodded, from the profit situation of each subsidiary, this is indeed the case.

"In this dividend, I plan to take out 20% for dividends."

Li Silin did not speak, but calculated in her heart.

"According to this year's equity distribution, it covers all the middle and senior management of the company." Jiang Cheng continued.

Chen Feng quickly calculated and said, "In this way, the average person has more than 1.5 million yuan.

Li Silin pointed out, "That's average." "

On average, that's a lot of high-rise, about so much in the middle level, and further down, there are not so many."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Si Lin, you go to the statistics as soon as possible, and this year's year-end bonus will also be appropriately raised."

"Good." After Li Silin came to the group headquarters to be responsible for the performance, it was generally in order, and Jiang Cheng also saved a lot of worry.

The key is the elderly, trustworthy.

Later, Jiang Cheng said to Chen Feng, "The group company needs to build a high-tech research and development center this year, and will carry out research and development of several new technologies mentioned above." Moreover, it is necessary to study the world's most cutting-edge technology, which requires a lot of money to invest in it, and this research and development center is located in the laboratory in the east area of our headquarters.

Chen Feng nodded, and then said, "In the R&D center, I suggest that you need a technical vice president, of course, you are the best technical Jiang Dong, but after all, there are many specific things, and I am not familiar with this piece."

"I've thought about it before, but so far, I haven't found a suitable one." Jiang Cheng sighed, if he could, he wanted to pull Professor Xu Wei over, but it was unlikely.

However, if you are a part-time or consultant, you can consider it.

Chen Feng said with a smile, "This is also true, your requirements are high.

"In this way, I will take the lead, Si Lin will send a notice, select an assistant in the group company and semiconductor company, and I will write the written test and interview to see if I can find a suitable candidate to assist." Jiang Cheng proposed a solution.

Li Silin answered, "It's good that you have your own control, and you can recruit the right person."

"Okay, that's it, I will send you the personnel requirements of several R&D projects in the evening, let the human resources department speed up recruitment, and take advantage of the spring job fair to build up the research team." Jiang Cheng knocked on the table and reminded.

"Well, Jiang Dong, your salary is so high, I believe that many excellent talents will be recruited." Li Silin is full of confidence, and now the fame of the Maple Fire Group is not comparable to a year ago.

The two then left.

"The company is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things, I'm afraid you won't be busy." Yu Xinran looked at Jiang Cheng, a little helpless.

The stalls are still expanding.

Jiang Cheng counted the time, "It's okay. Mom said that she would go back to prepare for the New Year, I see that you and Mom will return to Guanglin first, and I will come back in a week or two.

"Well, this Xiajiang Fishing Company has Liang Hua temporarily managed, and I don't have to worry." Yu Xinran looked at his growing belly, "The little guy is starting to make a little fuss now."

Jiang Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to touch it gently, "I guess I want to come out and see this wonderful world."

"I just don't know if I will inherit his father's powerful memory ability." Yu Xinran had some longing.

"It will." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"You have to come back early, otherwise my mother makes big things every day, and I feel that I am fat." Yu Xinran leaned on him and said leisurely.

"Okay, have time to take a walk, walk more." Jiang Cheng sniffed lightly, "Let Lin Yun accompany you to celebrate the New Year in Guanglin, and wait for me to return."

"No, it's okay at home." Yu Xinran shook his head.

Jiang Cheng still insisted, "At this time, we must pay more attention to your safety."

"Good." Seeing Jiang Cheng's insistence, Yu Xinran had to agree.

The two said warm words in the office, and Yu Xinran knew that he was busy, so he left first.

The next day, Chen Ru, Yu Xinran, Lin Yun, and a personal bodyguard of a security company, a total of 4 people, took a bullet car to Linzhou, and then drove a scooter to Linzhou's Wolvo XC60 back to Guanglin, which was convenient for travel.

Jiang Cheng stayed here and continued to work on the company's affairs.

The summary meeting of Maple Fire Group was held, followed by the year-end summary meeting of Modu Microelectronics, Fenghua Micro, Keyu Light Source and other companies, just holding the meeting, Jiang Chengcheng felt a little tired.

But fortunately, the year-end inventory of these companies is very good, especially Modu Microelectronics, the successful research and development of lithography machine people, so that his market value has soared, becoming the only lithography machine manufacturing enterprise in China that can be comparable to Asmail.

In addition, Maple Microelectronics is also, fast charging technology has been developing 66W and above fast charging technology, under the guidance of Jiang Cheng, gallium nitride technology is being used.

These technologies have been ahead of the curve and let standards follow them.

Of course, as the chairman of many companies, Jiang Cheng's annual salary is very high, and it is expected that there will be nearly 10 million yuan in terms of salary, not to mention year-end bonuses and benefits.

The supermarket shopping card alone has tens of thousands of yuan.

However, these Jiang Chengdu were lost to Chen Ru, allowing her to buy vegetables and daily necessities when she was in Kyoto.

On January 22, after Jiang Cheng was busy with the year-end affairs of related companies, Ding Chengjun reported a news to him, making him immediately cancel his trip home.


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