"I have also seen some of our domestic systems, such as Kirin of the National University of Science and Technology, which is also developed based on Linux, but I don't know what innovations your system has." Lian Feihong was still calm and said lightly.

The implication is that even if they want to pre-install a domestic system, they can choose Qilin, why choose Jiang Cheng's Shendu?

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Domestic system, based on Linux development is not difficult, the difficult thing is to do a good job, both user experience and ecological support." The Shendu system should be the best at present. "

This system, with Jiang Cheng's high requirements and financial support, has reached a cooperation agreement with major software companies, and will launch special software for the system and update it regularly according to the frequency of light and soft system software updates, of course, in previous years, Jiang Cheng had to pour some money to them.

In order to do ecology, how is it possible not to spend some money in the early stage?

Bai Chunhua glanced at Lian Feihong, who still didn't care much, and spoke, "Xiaojiang, you bring it to me."

Jiang Cheng responded and took the notebook to Bai Chunhua.

He could also see that this company director was not interested in his Shendu system.

Or maybe it's not so urgent to make this localization requirement.

Bai Chunhua tried it and felt that the operation was more in line with habits, and the built-in software was designed to be very good-looking, which was more in line with the minds of young people.

Even the Kirin system mentioned by Feihong has also been seen, and compared with this, it is indeed too monotonous, using the thinking of science and engineering to do it, and the user experience is also very general.

Bai Chunhua looked at Lian Feihong, and then said, "Director Lian, President Jiang's system is indeed good, smooth, and beautiful, it should be able to compete with the light and soft system market, and it is our domestic independent operating system, and we still have to support this piece more."

Then, he said casually, "When the leader visited President Jiang a few days ago, let us also increase our support for such self-developed private enterprises!"

Lian Feihong's face changed slightly, "... In this way, Mr. Jiang, you leave this system, and I will organize the personnel to take a look first. "

The attitude has improved significantly.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Then it's a lot of trouble!"

Bai Chunhua smiled, "Okay, Director Lian is an expert in this area, just leave it to him." Subsequently

, the laptop was returned to Jiang Cheng, who transferred it to Lian Feihong.

"President Jiang, if there is nothing else, my side will leave first." Lian Feihong carried his notebook bag and got up and said.

"Director Lian is busy with official business, and I am disturbed today, next time I will be the host, and invite you to come to our company to guide the work." Although Jiang Cheng had a bad initial impression of him, he was not a person without emotional intelligence, and the superficial courtesy was done.

Lian Feihong nodded, did not reply directly, said to Bai Chunhua, and left first.

As soon as the person left, Bai Chunhua said, "He is a person who is notoriously stubborn, and he is also such a character, if your system and products are good enough, I believe there will be no problems."

"Understood, thank you Dean Bai for helping." Jiang Cheng understood that it was Bai Chunhua's casual words that made Lian Feihong's attitude change.

And Bai Chunhua can be willing to help, it is also a human favor.

Bai Chunhua smiled happily, "Thank what, I still want to thank you for this lithography machine." "

He is the president of the league, the results are out, and it is indispensable to praise him.

Jiang Cheng smiled, and no longer said this, but turned to say, "Dean Bai, I want to set up a scientific research center in the field of cutting-edge science and technology, the current project, there are new LCD display technology, new sodium lithium battery technology, new sensor technology, etc., if you can, I think we can deepen cooperative scientific research."

When Bai Chunhua heard Jiang Cheng say this, he seriously thought for a long time, "It stands to reason that with your scientific research ability, you don't need to cooperate with us, and the span of scientific research projects is so large all of a sudden, are you busy?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head and smiled, "After all, I have limited energy, and when I finished the lithography machine last year, several studies of my Maple Fire Company fell.

"As for the large span of the project, it is also good, it is all the technology that our country lacks, and it is also a new track, and foreign countries are still just starting technology." Instead of following others to develop their backward technology, it is better to find another way to surpass them on a new track.

Jiang Cheng then spoke his thoughts.

Bai Chunhua bowed his head, looked at Jiang Cheng, and sighed with some emotion, Hua Guo is really lucky to have someone who can see through.

And Jiang Cheng's scientific research ability against the sky also made him see hope.

"You're right, that's how we should be!" Bai Chunhua let out a long sigh, "In the past, many people held the concept of free trade, making it better to buy than to buy, buying than renting, and let us waste at least ten years of technology. "

Large aircraft and aircraft engines, lithography machines and chip design and manufacturing, high-precision instruments and equipment, etc."

Although Jiang Cheng experienced it like Bai Chunhua, his angry youth experience in his previous life made him have a good eye in this regard.

After all, he also knows and sticks, and also reads related online novels, and he doesn't dare to say that he understands very well, but he still knows which weaknesses.

"So, we have to hurry up, overtake early, and leave them behind." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth fluttered.

"I agree, we will fully support the cooperation project." Bai Chunhua nodded and said solemnly.

"We are already building a team, in these fields, if the Chinese Academy of Sciences has relevant personnel, willing to come, we will pay additional salaries, if there are results, patents, the name can be added to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and major contributors, successful commercial use and appropriate rewards."

In this way, a chain of interests is formed with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Mutual support developed.

Money is not enough, Jiang Chengdu feels a lot.

Spending lavishly, it doesn't cost much.

It's better to continue investing and grow the company.

Bai Chunhua smiled, "We'll talk about these details later."

"By the way, Xiaojiang, didn't you say last year that you would form a team to study EUV lithography machines?" How are you preparing now? Bai Chunhua suddenly asked.

Jiang Cheng said, "Now we are building a research and development center in selected places, and I initially want to build it in Pengcheng." "

Aren't you coming to Kyoto?" Bai Chunhua asked with a smile.

"The Kyoto environment is still not very suitable." Jiang Cheng just said simply.

Bai Chunhua still smiled and did not ask, he also understood that Kyoto has many advantages compared with Pengcheng, but in terms of scientific and technological innovation, external competition, and foreign trade exchanges, Pengcheng is better.

Jiang Cheng's ambitions are very large, and he will not be limited to Kyoto.

"Fortunately, the theoretical design of this lithography machine is very important, although we all know that ASMAL's technology is that light hits the tin target droplet twice, producing extreme ultraviolet light." But how to circumvent the other party's patent is the key. Bai Chunhua reminded.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, he knew much more about this than Bai Chunhua.

The difficulty of building an EUV lithography machine is not only due to patent barriers, but also to the lack of higher precision instruments, higher precision processing, higher level of testing systems, and key light source problems.

And there are talents, funds.

ASML invests 10 billion yuan in R&D every year and has more than 10,000 R&D personnel.

Although Jiang Cheng has an internal supercomputing and a simulation laboratory, which can reduce a certain amount of capital investment, it cannot be much less, and it is expected that there are 100,000 components, which Jiang Cheng alone can solve.

It can accelerate, but how much speed can be added is still a question.

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