What Jiang Cheng never expected was that in this 2016, it seems that several technologies that he is focusing on are rapidly blossoming and bearing fruit.

Display technology, under the guidance of Jiang Cheng, let Dong Junyu and Chen Yao and their group find the next direction, the rest of the work, although Jiang Cheng will also participate, but will not spend too much effort step by step guidance.

Because there are more talents, some technologies do not mean to open up the world, but there is such a direction, and half of the success is achieved.

Including the selection and preparation of some materials.

If you choose the right one, you will be successful.

If you are wrong, you have to go in a different direction.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng's existence made them a lot less wrong choices.

If Dong Junyu's huge drive technology is successful through neural network chips, then Jiang Cheng can consider mass production.

Simultaneous research and development of microLED technology is carried out.

Of course, this is already the stage of waiting for results.


Although the Asmail prosecution has slowly faded, its impact on China is still far-reaching.

On the Internet, "Master Jia", known as the true master, was urged by countless people, and in just two videos, all coins exceeded 1 million.

However, as Asmer retreated, the number also seemed to sink.

But in the follow-up, many domestic self-developed things began to be publicized and promoted.

Including Longxin, Jingjiawei's graphics card, in addition, there is a domestic system, Shendu.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Shendu Company took out 200 million yuan of funds under Jiang Cheng's instruction and started extensive publicity.

For a time, platforms such as BI stations and Douyin, as well as online media such as Tengfei and Canglang, were all propaganda.

It is Maple Fire Chinese Network, which has advertisements for domestic systems.

At this time, Bai Xiao used the account of his million fans to evaluate the Shendu system, and carried out immersive hand-to-hand handover on the installation of single systems, dual systems, and virtual machine installation systems.

Bai Xiao said in the video, "Our own domestic desktop system, Shendu system is really amazing, desktop, icons, are very beautiful, some different from light and soft systems, he seems to be more inclined to mobile touch screen notebooks, two-in-one computers, operation logic and system interaction and Maple Fire's FIUI system is somewhat similar, are relatively simple, of course, there are some flattering small functions, much more comfortable to use than light and soft systems."

"In addition, it is the intelligent interaction with the Maple Firemobile phone, which is very well done, if your computer has Bluetooth, NFC, then you can feel the fun of interconnection, your files, pictures, no longer need to be transmitted through Weixin, buckle, etc., but point-to-point interconnection transmission."

"I heard that Warwick mobile phones will also join this system interconnection, then, maybe in the future of Hua Guo, there are only two kinds of mobile phones, one is an interconnected mobile phone that supports the Shendu system, and the other is something else..." As

a maple fire, Bai Xiao's label is very straightforward, but the video made is also very reasonable.

So many people trust him.

A senior girl from Hua Guo Minzu University, a She, named Lan Lan, from Kalin, studied journalism, but she is also a fan of games and likes games such as Maple Fire's "PUBG".

When she saw that Maple Fire Game was the first to support the Shendu system mentioned in Bai Xiao's evaluation, she liked to toss and download the installation package of the Shendu system for the first time.

6.56GB, which is Shendu System 2016.

Of course, for safety, Lanlan installed a dual system.

To do this, she used the 256GB Dajiang SSD she had just purchased.

In this way, the installation speed was also very fast, but in 15 minutes, Lan Lan entered the system.

After setting the password, boot mode is entered.

Guide the newcomer to the Shendu system, some interaction methods, screen animation settings and other prompt operations.

It's still relatively simple.

The icons are very good-looking, and a lot of thought has been put into looking at them.

Desktop wallpaper is also beautiful, not monotonous or intense, but very pleasing.

Open the Software Center, which has some software categories and installation leaderboards.

There are Weixin, buckle, WPS and other common office software, in addition, is the game, Maple Fire's games are all there, even soaring games, there are a lot!

Lan Lan took a look at the versions of these software, many of them are the second generation or the third or fourth generation versions that have just been ported and updated, but they have kept up with the version of the light and soft system!

"It's okay! What I was most afraid of was that our own system did not have an ecology, and I couldn't support it if I wanted to, so if it was comfortable, I would use this system.

Lan Lan smiled happily.

Of course, they don't know how much subsidies Jiang has given to let this domestic manufacturer support and cooperate with the development of the Shendu system!

Fortunately, these subsidies are only for one year.

In other words, this year Jiang Cheng spent money to buy their transplants, and after this year, they left it to them to choose.

If the user retention rate is large, then these vendors themselves will pay attention to updates and operations.

If the user retains less, then, in the business business, interests are the most important, and Jiang Cheng can't blame them.

It's a gamble.

Therefore, the Shendu system waited until April 25 to truly release the whole network!

This day is also the time when the covenant of the year begins.

Almost all the cooperative manufacturers agreed to Jiang Cheng's plan.

Most of the money is Shendu company, and he also asked for a praise that supports domestic production, and no one is happy.

To this end, Jiang Cheng spent a full 600 million yuan to develop this year's ecology.

And the state is also quite powerful, exempting Shendu from taxation for the next 3 years.

Some national level software is required to adapt to the Shendu system first, and newly developed and purchased software is required to give priority to the Shendu system software.

At this time node, the Huaguo Procurement Center will hold a consultation meeting on the pre-installed domestic systems of notebook computers and brand desktops purchased by the Huaguo Authority.

Before the meeting, the procurement center, the Ministry of Industry and other departments jointly issued a document to solicit a scoring table for the pre-installed system and software of the computer purchased in the future.

At that time, this scoring requirement will limit the conditions of the entire procurement, so that the products supplied by the manufacturer can achieve the functions they need.

In the past, the general procurement was mainly Lianxiang.

However, with the development of science and technology, there are also confidentiality requirements, and the requirements for the purchased computers are getting higher and higher.

Of course, at this time, there are no requirements for localization, but the idea of pre-installing domestic systems has already been at the top.

Therefore, this document will be issued at this time, and this scoring rule will be solicited from domestic qualified manufacturers for comments.

The situation is very good, and this is also an extremely rare opportunity.

Jiang Cheng must catch it.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Lian Xiang and other enterprises to mess up this matter.

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