The operation of the subsidiary is generally relatively smooth.

This also made Jiang Cheng worry a lot less.

The EUV lithography machine R&D team Lou Xiangwan is still recruiting manpower, and Jiang Cheng also needs time to continuously carry out scientific research experiments in the in vivo simulator.

For this lithography machine, Jiang Chengcheng has no way to touch it.

At present, only enterprises such as Taiwan Chicken Electric and Samsung have them, and one is about 200 million meters.

There was no way to engage in reverse engineering, and Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry, spending his time looking for a new way.

Naturally, this time and a half will not achieve a breakthrough so quickly.

In terms of EUV lithography machines, there are more patent barriers and the implementation is more complicated.

May 14 is the wedding day of Lou Xiangwan and Gu Yuan.

Jiang Cheng deliberately took a moment to go.

Lou Xiangwan is a native of Ningzhou, Jiangdong, so working in the magic capital can be regarded as a lot closer to home.

The wedding was held in Ningzhou, and he chose the New Century Hotel, of course, he specially arranged several private rooms for some leaders of Maple Fire Group and the leaders of Modu Microelectronics.

Jiang Cheng saw the two newcomers at the door of the hotel banquet hall.

Suits and leather shoes are also a talent.

"Jiang Dong!" Lou Xiangwan quickly walked over with Gu Yuan, "Thank you so much for coming." "

The bosses of the two groups, and being able to attend his wedding at this time is indeed a great face-saver."

At least, the middle and senior executives of the company will see it.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and took out a red envelope, and said with a smile, "You two are talented men and women, I wish you a white head and old age, and an early birth of a noble son!"

Gu Yuan was a little nervous, "Thank you Jiang Dong."

"You came to the greatest affirmation of me, I can't accept red envelopes." Lou Xiangwan refused to take it.

Jiang Cheng made a slight face, "Okay, Xiao Lou, I'll take it for you, in addition, the newlywed Yan'er, it's not good to break up your little two, let Gu Yuan go to Peng City to build a team together." Lou

Xiangwan was moved in his heart and nodded heavily, "Thank you Jiang Dong!" Gu

Yuan was naturally also happy, knowing that he had planned to go to a different place for a while, but he didn't expect Jiang Cheng to let her follow directly.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and just as he was about to leave, he saw a familiar person.

So there was a pause.

"Old building! You stay, I'll take your guests over!" Lou

Xiangwan just wanted to take Jiang Cheng in by himself, but as a groom, it was not very convenient, so he would be busy, "Exactly, A Bing, trouble you!" This is the chairman of our group, Jiang Dong!

The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth smiled slightly, "Jin Bing! "

The short man, the dark skin, the tuft of goatee on the chin of his face is still very conspicuous!

The other party looked at Jiang Cheng, stunned, and couldn't recognize people for a long time

, "Are you..." Lou Xiangwan also fainted, "Jiang Dong, do you know each other?" "

Met at the ACM International Competition in St. Petersburg." Jiang Cheng explained.

Jin Bing only reflected at this time, pointed a finger with one hand, and asked tentatively, "Are you Jiang Cheng?"

"Why, have I changed a lot?" Jiang Cheng said funny.

Jin Bing hurriedly waved his hand, "It's not, I didn't think about it for a while." Of

course, he would never have thought that Jiang Chengcheng was the chairman of Lou Xiangwan!

Lou Xiangwan smiled and said, "Jin Bing is my hair, the two of us are very familiar, he just graduated this year, but he is not a major in the lithography machine, otherwise I want to pull him in."

"Okay, you can continue to greet the other guests, I'll just go in with him." While speaking, he patted Jin Bing's shoulder with one hand and led Zhang Xiaoyong into the hall.

Jin Bing still has some pressure in his heart, which is greater than when he was in the ACM competition.

"Which direction are you studying?"

"Computer Science Direction." Jin Bing replied, "Just graduated." "


"Hmm." Jin Bing nodded.

However, this doctor really did not have any capital to be proud of in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Ready to stay in school or?"

"It's not decided yet, there is no good place to go, just stay in school, it's good to be a teacher."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Come to my company, right?" "

Huh? Your company? Is Modu Microelectronics? Jin Bing was a little surprised, knowing that Lou Xiangwan had actually invited him.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "No, Fenghuo Group.

"What do you want me to do?" Jin Bing asked directly.

"Intelligent voice assistant development."

This field is a direction for the development of artificial intelligence, and the current development is better, that is, the Siri of fruits, and the development of voice assistants on the Chinese side is still slightly slower.

The big love assistant of rice mobile phone is one of them.

Jin Bing did not immediately answer, "I need to think about it."

"At your level, you can come and lead the team directly." Looking at the box, Jiang Cheng stopped, "Leave a phone, I forgot to leave my contact information in Maoxiong Country." Jin

Bing took out his mobile phone, added Wei Xin friends with Jiang Cheng, and sent him a phone call.

"Okay, I'll go here to help pick up the guests, you are busy." Jin Bing touched the little goatee and left.

This made Jiang Cheng think a little.

In the box, Li Silin and the others were already there.

When Lou Xiangwan was in the company, his popularity was always very good, and this time he also came many department managers.

"Jiang Dong, now we can have a small meeting." Li Silin, who took Jiang Cheng to sit, said jokingly.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't talk about work today, people's small buildings have a good day, we can't be discouraged."

"That's a good feeling, let me say, Jiang Dong, you haven't been so unworkable with us for a long time." Li Silin said.

She is more casual, and she will not be restrained in the face of Jiang Cheng.

Others such as Fang Ya, Gu Yiran and others are different, and they will pay more attention when they speak.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Then I have to blame you, the company's activities are not rich enough, so that everyone has not been able to relax."

"Yes, or I didn't do my job well." Li Silin slapped her head and laughed at herself.

Jiang Cheng then glanced at Fang Ya and them, and said, "By the way, our group company, more than 30 years old and not married?"

"A little, but this is normal, in the big city, this age is still the age of struggle, these young people, they are career-oriented." Li Silin said.

Jiang Cheng frowned, "But the woman is older, which is not good for giving birth." I think ah, our company still needs to be more humane, encourage female employees to get married and have children at the right age, can be rewarded.

Fang Ya spoke, "Hey, it's still Jiang Dong who is considerate of us."

"He, that's considerate sister Xinran!" Li Silin said with a smile.

It seems that this married has children, and the thoughts and concepts of this chairman have also changed.

Jiang Cheng was noncommittal, "Remember this matter."

"I know, you just said you didn't talk about work." Li Silin nodded and answered.

"Done." Jiang Cheng then stopped mentioning this, and took advantage of this time to chat with the people present, including some current hot spots, current affairs, entertainment gossip and so on.

After the wedding, Esunari returned to Kyoto.

Of course, with his super charm, he successfully abducted Jin Bing into the Maple Fire Group.

Roughly calculated, Jiang Cheng has already pulled a lot of familiar classmates in.

And all of them are elite talents.

Like Yang Ziqian, Ding Chengjun.

At this time, there was another golden soldier.

Jin Bing strong general!

Immediately after, it was the consultation meeting of the Huaguo Procurement Center.

And Jiang Cheng is ready.

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