"Xiao Jiang, it's been almost a year, you can come to us this time," Dean Xu Wei, who was in the laboratory of the Institute of Microelectronics, put down the matter at hand and let Jiang Cheng do it with confidence, "Go to Lao Luo's place for 2 classes." Jiang

Cheng rolled his eyes in his heart.

His academy has just been established, let Jiang Cheng come to class and there is nothing good to do, such as the memristor piece, Xu Dawei is specialized in this, he speaks much better than Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng's subordinates were still very stable, "Teacher, with you, where can I be used to come to class!" "

That, you guys are serious, learn from your senior brothers," Xu Wei looked at the few doctors next to him and said loudly, "Your hands-on ability is far behind." Several

doctoral students looked at Jiang Cheng, a little embarrassed.

Wang Xiaogang is also there, currently studying graduate school, and he worships Jiang Cheng all.

Jiang Cheng was helpless, he couldn't fight these junior brothers and sisters every day, right?

"Teacher, are you still doing memristor research?"

"Yes, we have successfully prepared this and proved that this direction is feasible. I'm still digging deeper to improve the process. Xu Wei simply sat down and watched Jiang Cheng work while drinking tea.

This kid has a rare time to come, and he must be allowed to get started.

"Didn't you make a whole neural network chip?" Xu Wei asked next.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Yes, but it can only be regarded as a semi-finished neuromorphic chip studied by the teacher, I just use the memristor chip as an auxiliary chip, auxiliary logic calculation, artificial intelligence."

"I bought a laptop for you, took it apart and studied it, and felt that your solution was still very innovative, avoiding shortcomings and playing his strengths." Xu Wei praised, "However, I think it is still not enough, the ability of the memristor chip has not been fully demonstrated."

"I'm going to use this chip to complete artificial intelligence."

"Artificial intelligence?" Xu Wei pondered, "This is also a direction, I think, in face recognition, intelligent driving, you can also use this chip."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Teacher, you reminded correctly." "

This is an application direction, and before, Jiang Cheng was still a little conservative and did not give full play to the capabilities of this memristor chip.

It seems that when I go back, I will have a good talk with Ding Chengjun and set up a special business department to make the memristor chip widely used.

And not just Jiang Cheng's Shenlong chip.

That is not conducive to the development of this chip.

It is also easy to be overtaken by others in corners.

"You, the scientific research ability is very strong, but the application research of this chip is not as good as me." Xu Wei was a little proud. "By the way, let me tell you, this year's Hua Guo Science and Technology Progress Award, our memristor research results, have been applied for reporting."

Xu Wei paused, "It is a collective result, written by Xu Wei and Jiang Cheng's research team."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Teacher, you still care about me so much." "

At the beginning of the research, Jiang Cheng was the deputy, of course, his contribution was relatively large, but Xu Wei was able to report the team like this, which still highlighted his contribution.

Xu Wei smiled, "I'm old, it's the end of being this dean, you're different, you can still be an academician."

"Hehe, teacher, you can also be an academician."

"My achievements are still close, I hope to put out the real neuromorphic chip." Xu Wei shook his head and smiled.

Jiang Cheng's work in his hand stopped, "Okay."

Xu Wei then noticed that Jiang Cheng had finished his work.

"So soon?"

It should be more lively.

"Well, look at it, the oxide layer effect this time is okay." Jiang Cheng "guessed" and said, "However, there are several metal oxides that the teacher can try." In addition, the characteristics of conductive oxide interface layer modulation devices can be studied again..." Xu

Wei noted down, "So, I still want you to come back more, sometimes our research will also go to a dead end, but you won't."

Jiang Cheng thought in his heart, I will too, but I walked through the simulation laboratory in the body, and when it was shown, it was the person who came.

"If the teacher has any problems and I can help, just contact me." Jiang Cheng patted his chest, "Hehe, it's just our school-enterprise cooperation, which is also something that our company pushes again." "

As a school-enterprise cooperation, Jiangcheng's Maple Fire Company can share patents for free or at low cost."

It is not in vain that Jiang Cheng spent all this time and energy.

"Okay, I know you're a capitalist now." Xu Wei said jokingly.

"I also want to invite the teacher to come to our company as a special technical vice president, but you don't want to." Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"I am still willing to teach and research in peace." Xu Wei waved his hand.

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Cheng left for a while.

However, as soon as I came out of the microelectronics institute, I saw a girl waiting at the door.

"Zhang Meng, are you waiting for someone?"

Jiang Cheng quickly recognized the person.

Zhang Meng was wearing a navy blue dress and was walking around the door.

"Senior Brother Jiang!" Hearing Jiang Cheng's voice, the other party was a little surprised and stretched out his hand to wave.

"You, wait for me?" Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled.

"Yes, I originally wanted to ask you a few questions, but I didn't expect you to run here at the Institute of Microelectronics all of a sudden." Zhang Meng paused, and then spoke.

Jiang Cheng thought about it, looked at the time, and it was almost noon again, "In this way, I will ask Yongjun and Zhu Jian to come out, and we will have a light meal together and talk while eating."

"No, no, can I talk to you alone?" Zhang Meng was stunned and hurriedly refused.

Jiang Cheng frowned.

This little nizi feels weird.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay, then go to Seven Ports and Nine Ports."

Zhang Meng answered, his head slightly lowered, and then followed Jiang Cheng behind.

"What are you trying to ask?" On the way, Jiang Cheng asked.

Although he is the same age, Jiang Cheng at this time, whether it is his studies or career, he still gives people coercion.

"Xu Siyuan, what kind of person is he?"

But to Jiang Cheng's surprise, in Zhang Meng's mouth, he asked about this matter!

Jiang Cheng stopped.

The other party still walked with his head down and almost bumped into Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng turned around, "Aren't you his middle school classmate?" You should be familiar with him. "

Moreover, it is somewhat inexplicable, why did you ask about Jiang Cheng?

Speaking of which, those who stayed longer with Xu Siyuan were Hao Yongjun and Zhu Jian.

When Jiang Cheng was a sophomore, he didn't live much in the dormitory!

Zhang Meng shook his head and sighed, "Originally, I thought I should be familiar with him, but now that I think about it, I actually just admire him.

"What kind of person he is, what is going on in his heart, in fact, I don't know at all, he and I don't seem to be from the same world in the first place."

Jiang Cheng turned to continue walking slowly, "Xu Siyuan, I feel that he is a person who cares about his own image, and he is also an extremely strong person.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's mind flashed the scene of Xu Siyuan taking out the mirror to straighten his hairstyle when the reporter came, and the scene of studying cutting-edge foreign papers with his mobile phone.

This scene is so clear, but far away.

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