The person who called again was Li Anping, the head of the new lithium battery research and development center of Fenghuo Group Company.

This is the second department to develop results after the breakthrough in display technology.

That is a sandwich type safety battery proposed by Jiang Cheng.

Prior to this, Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Company and Yadi Company were authorized or shared relevant patents, so that their research and development progress has been rapidly improved, coupled with Jiang Cheng's guidance, the progress quickly caught up.

Jiang Cheng was in a good mood at this time, and returned to Kyoto from Pengcheng with a smile.

There are nearly 10,000 R&D talents in various subsidiaries, and the existence of these talents allows many of Jiang Cheng's ideas to be truly implemented and implemented.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, he is just one person, and he can't do everything himself.

In the company's R&D center, Jiang Cheng looked at the research and development results, sandwich safety batteries, and somewhat crudely realized the predetermined requirements.

In the acupuncture experiment, the performance was relatively stable, only slightly expanded, and there was no spontaneous combustion or explosion.

"We used a new composite polymer material as the matrix, coated with aluminum to form a sandwich current collector, and added a low-impedance fuse inside..." Li Anping introduced Jiang Cheng while letting people do experiments.

Jiang Cheng listened and simulated as usual, but he was also very serious.

His face was serious, but he soon showed a smile, "Not bad, the next step is large-scale commercial use, how about the cost?" Because

these designs were all proposed by Jiang Cheng, the overall effect produced was basically the same as he expected.

Li Anping was a little embarrassed, "The cost is still a little high, compared to the current lime battery, the cost of the same capacity is about 50% higher, which is still in the case of mass production." "

That's a high cost.

Even if it is indeed safe, but everyone does not have to buy Maple Fire's battery, after all, like the batteries of other manufacturers, it is generally very safe, and there is no problem.

Jiang Cheng held his hand, his fingers lightly tapped his arm, and thought, "Find a way to reduce the cost." There are two paths, one is to optimize the preparation method, and the other is to try to change the material.

Then, Jiang Cheng brought up what he was thinking.

Including which materials, you can study and improve the preparation method, which materials can try to replace, and so on.

These things, in just a few minutes, Jiang Cheng threw them out, and while talking and thinking, he actually proposed seven or eight ways for these specific directions for improvement.

And not casual nonsense, but really feasible.

Li Anping listened to it and suddenly became cheerful, "Understand, we will start to optimize the process, and strive to achieve a good battery with cost, performance and safety as soon as possible."

"We also have a reward mechanism, no matter who it is, as long as the proposed solution can achieve process optimization, we have to give a considerable reward." Jiang Cheng said, "Therefore, don't limit yourself to the plan I proposed, and everyone should use their own wisdom." "

Jiang Cheng is worried that everyone will rely on Jiang Cheng in scientific research, but he is too lazy to use his brain, which is not good."

He prefers to dream of blowing out new technologies as long as he lies down.

Li Anping replied, "Understood! Everyone, Jiang Dong has high expectations for us, everyone turns their minds and works together to achieve great improvement in craftsmanship! "Good


Jiang Cheng smiled, seeing that everyone was still very energetic, and revealed, "In the near future, our company will acquire Carlin Lithium Company, change its name to Fenglin Battery Company, and build a new lithium battery project with an annual output of 20GWh in Qianzhou City, Karin Province." "

Qianzhou City, Carlin Province is one of the richest areas in China with rare earths, and the advantages of building battery projects here are great.

"That's great!"

"Therefore, you have to take everyone to research and development, and as soon as possible to produce a commercial battery that can be mass-produced, the position of technical vice president of Fenglin Battery Company is waiting for you." Jiang Cheng patted Li Anping's shoulder and smiled slightly.

Before that, Li Anping was just a supervisor, but now he is very valued on Jiang Cheng's side, and today's vice president of technology is already very good for him.

Li Anping's face was rosy, "Jiang Dong, don't worry, by next month at the latest, we will optimize this process!" "

Directly pat your chest and give a military order.

Jiang Cheng nodded, and then waved his hand, "Okay, then I'll wait for your news." Then

, with some happy steps, he left first.


6·18, the e-commerce festival, will soon arrive.

Jiang Cheng didn't have much time to pay attention to the marketing situation of various companies on this day, but he still looked at Fenghuo's mobile phone, computer, and Dajiang solid.

The overall situation is good, especially the sales on the Jinggu side are more stable.

Maple Q2 mobile phone, sales soared, especially through coupons, down to 2699 yuan Maple fire memory version of the mobile phone has become one of the main sales force.

This phone is very good both in terms of configuration and experience.

It turned out to be the largest sales figure.

This made Jiang Chengdu a little incomprehensible.

But think about it, this phone is too cost-effective.

The processor is high-end, and you can also experience the black technology of Maple Fire.

On the high-end aircraft, the aerospace co-branded version of the Maple Firemobile EX3, including the couple's model, is very powerful.

Rich business people are willing to spend more money to choose him.

"Jiang Cheng, what are you busy with?" Yu Xinran, who was holding the evening evening, walked into the study and watched Jiang Cheng tinkering on the computer.

Jiang Cheng put down his work, reached out and hugged Jiang Xinwan, and said with a smile, "I'll change this workstation." "

Change?" Yu Xinran was a little puzzled.

It was weird to see a large motherboard on his desktop.

"I specially customized the colorful cloud motherboard a while ago, which can install 2 Shenlong N1700 chips, and I am ready to use this to change it to our own desktop computer." Jiang Cheng explained.

While talking, he also reached out to tease the child.

Yu Xinran hurriedly said, "Your hands are dirty, don't touch them."

Jiang Xinwan stared at Jiang Cheng curiously, yawned, and looked like he wanted to sleep.

"Okay, then I'll fix it first, I'll go to sleep late." Jiang Cheng hugged the person back.

"Okay, okay, I'll take her to the room first." As Yu Xinran spoke, he left first.

After a while, a person came over, and at this time Jiang Cheng had already installed the motherboard and was ready to boot up.

"Hee-hee, she's sleeping, mom is accompanying her, I'll accompany you." Yu Xinran said with a smile, sat to the side, and watched Jiang Cheng busy.

He looked serious, but he really looked good.

Jiang Cheng turned around and said, "Okay, right away." Subsequently

, Jiang Cheng installed the system.

Shendu system V16 version.

The speed was fast, and Jiang Cheng only took 10 minutes to install the system.

"Now the latest processor is Shenlong N1700, this core is still 8 cores, but the main frequency of the central chip has reached 3.2GHz." Jiang Cheng explained.

In fact, with the improvement of the process, the main frequency of the central chip has increased a little.

At present, Ding Chengjun is developing another chip, he will have 12 cores, the main frequency of 3.2GHZ, can support the super channel 3.4Ghz chip, named the chip of Shenlong M1800, will be used in desktop computers.

The purely domestic DIY market is expected to arrive at the end of 2016!

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