On July 26, Guanglinxian County Government Conference Center.

Jiang Xulin is a high school graduate this year.

Since his cousin was admitted to Mizuki University, his cousin, who was originally listed as a negative example, turned into a role model very bluntly.

Jiang Yi'an often reminded him when eating.

"You look at your cousin, the grades were also poor at the beginning, and when I worked hard later, I was admitted to Mizuki, you just weren't serious, you didn't work hard, and your grades couldn't always be raised."

"Your cousin is now the richest man, you look at the famous university is different, we have no culture, so we can't make money, this loss we can eat, you yourself must be admitted to a good university, understand?"


Jiang Cheng took the college entrance examination, he was only in the first year of junior high school.

My cousin and cousin who have been listening to it for 5 years.

The ears can hear the cocoon.

Sometimes the pain of learning, will also blame their cousin, why is it so good, the pressure is too much!

However, when I contacted this year, when I was contacted, my cousin said that I would give myself a Maple Fire EX3 mobile phone.

It's still good cousin!

This time, he performed beyond normal in the college entrance examination, scoring 618 points and being admitted to Renmin University in China.

This is 985 and 211 universities!

Jiang Yi'an and Li Liangyu were overjoyed.

Chanting about my cousin's example every day, I didn't expect it to be really effective.

However, this year's Hiroshi did not admit Mizuki and Kyoto University, which is a slight pity.

In the college entrance examination of small counties, it is difficult to attract people's attention to many other figures, and only Mizuki and Kyoto can talk about it.

It wasn't yet 9 o'clock, but the students entered early and sat down.

"Jiang Xulin, I heard that your cousin will come?"

The short-haired female classmate sitting on the side turned to him and asked.

"Hmm." Jiang Xulin nodded, and his heart was a little expectant.

Cousin is amazing!

"Is your cousin rich?"

"How old is your cousin?"

Jiang Xulin listened to this girl and asked, and did not reply to her much.

The two are not very familiar, but they know that they have passed the same school and are considered college alumni.

Her name is Fang Fei, and she is not in the same class as him.

"Oh, we're all in the same school, let's leave a contact information, right?" Fang Fei held his mobile phone and prepared to write down his number.

But don't mention that this fat guy is Jiang Cheng's cousin, that is, the same school, sometimes there is always a companion to and from school.

Jiang Xulin nodded, holding the EX3 aerospace joint version, ready to add a Wei Xin.

"Wow, are you Maple Fire EX3? It's beautiful. Fang Fei's eyes lit up and said enviously.

"Well, it was sent by my cousin." Jiang Xulin said truthfully.

Fang Fei smiled and added Wei Xin to him, "I really envy you for having such a powerful cousin."


Xulin didn't reply, at this time, the athletes' march sounded, Ouyang Wen from Guanglin County walked in front, and Jiang Cheng wore a casual short-sleeved shirt in the back and walked to the rostrum.

The black-pressed students under the stage all stared at the stage.

And Jiang Cheng on the stage, this time also swept the stage, and soon saw Jiang Xulin, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

“...... Leaders, dear students, good morning. ...... Today, we are very honored to invite Mr. Jiang Cheng, Chairman of Maple Fire Group, our proud and exemplary senior, to attend our 2016 Annual Student Aid Recognition Conference.

"Mr. Jiang Cheng graduated from Guanglin Middle School in 2011, was admitted to Mizuki University with the second highest score in the province, obtained two doctorates in computer science and microelectronics, and founded Fenghuo Group Company, which currently has a market value of hundreds of billions of yuan."

"Mr. Jiang Cheng did not forget his hometown when he became rich, and successively invested in the construction of Jiangluo Hot Spring Town, donated to build Jiangluo Primary School, and also provided Maple Fire Scholarship for our students admitted to undergraduate universities in the college entrance examination.

Soon came the commendation session, from the score and the general ranking of the admitted schools, selected some representatives, a group of 10 people.

Jiang Xulin admitted a good school and was the second batch of people to come to power.

And it is also in the middle, and Jiang Cheng will present the award.

"University is also very important, work hard, do not lose Shaohua!" Jiang Cheng handed him an envelope with 30,000 yuan written on it, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Jiang Xulin suddenly felt a little nervous, "Thank you, brother." "

Go ahead." Jiang Cheng nodded.

After taking photos, Jiang Xulin stepped down and returned to his seat.

"Next, let us welcome Mr. Jiang Cheng's speech with warm applause!" Liu Rong, director of the county education bureau, is presiding, and this agenda is to Jiang Cheng.

Turning on the microphone, Jiang Cheng began his speech.

"I can't talk about speaking, just as a big brother a few years older than you, take this opportunity to communicate with everyone."

"Two questions for communication."

"First question, why should I donate to my education?" Jiang Cheng threw out the first question, and this question is actually very curious to everyone, "I do not specifically target poor students, but for all college entrance examination students, as long as you work hard to achieve bachelor's degree or above, I think I should reward you and encourage you!"

"Because this society is a society that encourages struggle and refuses to lie flat."

"Ten years of bitter hardship, won the overnight fame. When I was a junior in my career, I wanted to give you a material encouragement in such a way, but also an affirmation of your studies, you have crossed the one-wood bridge of the college entrance examination, you are very powerful! "


“... So the second question, what do I expect from you?

"Some people think that companies donate to finance education to gain fame and compete for talent," Mr. Jiang said, "but I don't think so."

"I only hope that you have gratitude for this society and feelings for this country, instead of feeling that the moon in a foreign country is more beautiful, and studying is to go abroad to live a better life." I can tell you clearly that foreign countries are far less good than our Hua Guo!

"Today's Hua Guo, the development of science and technology is rising, and we need you and me to accelerate it for him; Today's Hua Guo, life is better, you and I need to work together to operate..."

After the meeting, Ouyang Wen and Jiang Cheng sat and chatted for a while.

"Jiang Dong, your company's business is getting bigger and bigger now!"

Jiang Cheng smiled modestly, "Compared with those well-known large enterprises, it is still worse."

"I read the news, you bought Carlin Lithium? Do you plan to invest in related companies in our county? There are also more spodumene mines in our county, and the labor cost is also low. Ouyang Wen invited.

He is still very concerned about some news of Maple Fire Group, and being able to attract some more investment is a very big performance for him.

"Spodumene?" Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "This depends on whether Fenglin Battery Company has the corresponding demand, and I will let them arrange a team to investigate and investigate."

"That's great!" Ouyang Wen slapped his thighs and was very happy.

"When I come back this time, I am also going to Jiangluo Hot Spring Town to take a look, I wonder if Secretary Ouyang has time to go together?" Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and invited.

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