Last time, under Zhang Meng's soft and hard bubble, Jiang Cheng still agreed to teach her, especially the multi-dimensional pulse neural network.

First, Zhang Meng really has this talent, and second, it is because of Xu Siyuan's affairs.

In terms of talent, Zhang Meng's research in this area is stronger than Wang Sichen, although now because he has just learned, he is not as long as Wang Sichen, but he has a high degree of understanding of this model developed by Jiang Cheng.

It is a good thing for Jiang Cheng to have a disciple who can inherit this theory in the future, whether it is Mizuki or Kyoto, and pass it on.

On the other hand, it is Xu Siyuan.

The two found a milk tea shop and sat down.

"I know what you're trying to ask." As soon as he sat down, Jiang Chengcheng raised his hand and directly interrupted Zhang Meng's question, "I just want to ask, what do you think?"

Zhang Meng asked weakly, "Is it really him?"

"What do you say?"

Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically.

"I always felt that he shouldn't have been such a person." Zhang Meng shook his head, his face was always a little haggard.

Of course, there was no smile either.

"Maybe it's not necessarily him, but the plan must have leaked from him." Jiang Cheng said directly.

"Does that mean to your company..."

This plan was given up by Jiang Cheng knowing that there was a problem, and although he had thought of many ways to avoid it, there were still hard injuries.

That is, when repeated reading and writing reaches a certain amount, the oxide substrate will be broken down.

Then everything is gone.

And this amount, even the best power management program, will not exceed 100 times.

The particularity of this chip also puts forward new requirements for battery power management, making Sanxing's already problematic battery even worse, and it seems that the time of explosion is a little earlier than in the previous life.

"When will he be back?" Jiang Cheng suddenly said, "Just say, Jiang Cheng has something he wants to ask him."

Zhang Meng nodded, "Good." As

he spoke, he directly opened the button and contacted Xu Siyuan.

Jiang Cheng quietly drank boiled water.

Originally, Jiang Cheng did not have any suspicions about Xu Siyuan.

But Zhang Meng, who has never intersected, suddenly asked curiously about the content of Jiang Cheng's research, especially microelectronics, and Jiang Cheng had a plan in his heart.

Let me ask, in addition to Jiang Chenghui, how many people can there be in the world who study computers and microelectronics at the same time?

It was just a simple test to try Xu Siyuan.

After a while, Zhang Meng's face turned pale.

"What's wrong?"

"He, he blacked me out..."

Zhang Meng was stunned.

Jiang Cheng was also stunned.

This kid is a little weird.

If there is any problem, if you don't communicate with Jiang Cheng directly, you have to come through Zhang Meng, a transit station, and get 500,000 walking.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Jiang Cheng sighed, looked at the godless Zhang Meng in front of him, and asked lightly.

Zhang Meng shook his head, put down his mobile phone, and looked at the milk tea in front of the table with some distraction.

Jiang Cheng then sent a message to Hao Yongjun and asked him to come over.

He has a lot of things on his own, but he doesn't have so much time to be sad here with Zhang Meng.

Or let your roommate and junior brother come.

Jiang Cheng paid the bill and left first.

And then Hao Yongjun arrived here and saw Zhang Meng, who had lost his soul.

Hao Yongjun did not speak, quietly accompanying her.

---┗|'O′|┛ Wow~~---

On September 2, 2016, Sanxing officially announced that it recalled 2.5 million Sanxing Note7 mobile phones sold worldwide.

However, the exception is Hua Guo.

“...... Since the version released in China uses different battery suppliers, it is not in the scope of this replacement, and Chinese consumers can buy it with confidence.

——Hua Guo

Sanxing Electronics" This stone has stirred up thousands of waves, and many people are fighting Sanxing on the Internet.

"Damn, this dog day Sanxing, just don't treat us Chinese consumers as people."

"Didn't he say that the battery of the Hua Guo mobile phone is not from the same manufacturer, is the upstairs too excited."

"Fart, that means that our Hua Guo's mobile phone is different from others, that is a special supply, there must be cutting corners."

"What if our Note7 in China also explodes? Do you pay?

"I said no, why are you in a hurry?"


These comments, quarrels went on and on.

Until September 6, a golden Sanxing Note7 in China also exploded.

Everyone was stunned.

The mobile phone was sent to the headquarters of Hua Guo Sanxing for testing.

"Case, it's just case." An UP master at the BI station "cold snap is the mainstream", and directly explained his point of view at the beginning.

"Here I got the latest information, the detection found that the explosion of the mobile phone battery has obvious traces of heating, should be artificial, put the mobile phone into the microwave these places, want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a gimmick."

"I've seen this kind of person a lot."

"Sanxing's technology, I feel very good, especially the quality of the design, that is much better than many domestic mobile phones, that is, the Maple Fire's mobile phone is slightly better, and the rest is garbage."

"System Sanxing uses the original Android version, very smooth, unlike rice, my entire UI is said to be the system, which is simply shameful."

"I use the Note7 myself, and I firmly believe that this phone must be fine." While speaking, he also showed the beautiful golden Note7 in his hand.

In the barrage, a large number of voices supporting the UP master, because other voices with different opinions were mostly deleted by him.

Only left a few comments to make his fans tough.

All of a sudden, many people expressed strong dissatisfaction with Sanxing's approach.

It is Jiang Cheng's trumpet, and on the account of "Master Jia", there are many people asking for the truth in private messages.

Because for them, this account is really awesome, if they ask for the truth, they may be able to grasp it.

As for the other people who camp dogs, they are either those who earn dog food or those who have cold brains.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the account of "Master Jia" was finally updated at 11 o'clock that night.

[The truth of the explosion of the Sanxing Note7]

only saw its voice, not its people.

But the special effects of the video are still very powerful.

A Sanxing Note7 mobile phone became a super fine modeling in the video, and then it was disassembled, and one part after another was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

"Many friends privately message this master to pull and pull Sanxing's Note7, to be honest, I don't want to, because I'm afraid of death."

"Sanxing Note7 mobile phone, as you can see, the design is indeed very beautiful, or 2K screen, black technology is also quite a lot. But the recent explosion, I think Sanxing gave us a bigger surprise.

Immediately afterwards, "Master Jia" began with the introduction of related parts, and soon arrived at the battery, and the special effects showed the internal structure of the battery.

It's self-explanatory.

“...... From this, it can be seen that there are two main problems: first, Sanxing is too much pursuit of perfection, and there is no reliable design, the battery design is slightly larger, and when the assembly leads to external forces, it is easy to let the positive and negative poles of the battery break through the isolation board, causing a short circuit and fire. "

Second, is the insulation of high-temperature glue, this is problematic, they almost save this, which makes this battery very unstable, adding heat dissipation design is also a piece of, resulting in a high temperature is very easy to burn and explode."

"This mobile phone, obviously a defective product in a hurry, oh no, it should be said that it is a flammable and explosive contraband, advise everyone to have it, hurry up, small lives matter."

This video has naturally become a popular video.

At the same time, the number of online viewers suddenly exceeded 100,000.

Of course, everyone also posted barrages and comments.

"666, although I can't understand it, looking at Master Jia's diagram, I can understand it."

"I'm glad I don't have the money to buy this bomb."

"It is said that this phone can be sold to Iraq."

[Sanxing Note7 explosion truth] This hot spot quickly rushed up.

However, for the UP lord who "cold current is the mainstream", he has gone to bed early.

At the head of the bed, is a charging Sanxing Note7.


Suddenly, there was a "Boom!" The loud noise exploded in his ears!

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