Bai Xiao is a die-hard fan of Maple Fire, and this matter is completely public in the BI station.

He has also been paying attention to the release of Maple Fire's new products, and as early as the middle of the year, he had already broken the news of the new product release conference of Maple Fire on the Internet.

This made him strange.

Because on Canglang Weibo, the official announcement picture released by Mo Tianqing is an item covered with a red curtain, and this time people don't know what it is.

The accompanying text is as follows:

"The world, as you can see.

"This, what the hell!" Bai Xiao was a little inexplicable.

According to Fenghuo's consistent urine, mobile phones that are generally released in September, for example, the Kind 3 released at the beginning of the year, there will be a Kind 3S at this time, which is also right.

After all, after more than half a year, some technology has improved, and the small modification of mobile phones can improve the sales life of mobile phones, and can also clear the original components and materials.

However, this cover is so tight, it is certainly not a mobile phone.

It's kind of like a TV.

But what is there to cover the TV, although the maple fire's TV is also good, but it is just a general Internet TV, and if it is better than the rice's, there is no advertising.

The system is more comfortable to use, and the audio piece is willing to pile up material.

Nothing else is particularly good.

Looking through the comments below, there is not much to guess, all chatting and farting.

"Sit back and wait for Old Mo to brag."

"The world, as I see it."

"Old Mo, are you ready to release any technology that is far ahead?"

Bai Xiao looked at it and felt that he didn't see what he wanted, but this thing was a little like being tickled by a cat, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to know.

At this time, he opened the BI station and read the private message, and many people were asking him about Fenghuo's new product launch.

Bai Xiao looked at it, as if he didn't see it.

A UP master who is also some fans, Sisi, also sent a message, which made him still open it and look

, "Bai Xiaosheng, Fenghuo's new product launch party, will you go?"

"I haven't had a ticket yet."

For example, Maple Fire's new product launch conference, in general, will invite some media and self-media to participate, as for fans, that is, some fans will be selected through the lottery.

Bai Xiao used to be a fan and often went there.

But this time, I don't know what's going on, the fans didn't choose him to go, and from the media side, they didn't invite him to go.

Yes, it's a two-way street.

But he was still looking forward to the new product, so he still sent a button message to Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Da, can the Fenghuo new product launch still go through the ticket, hehe."

Up to now, the former online literary god Jiang Cheng has retired to the rivers and lakes, but the group of book friends managed by Bai Xiao has always been there.

Occasionally, I would discuss it when remaking the TV series, but it slowly began to fall silent.

As time goes by, those enthusiastic young people should work hard, start a family when they should start a family, plus the use of buttons is less, and the cold silence of the button group is inevitable.

Of course, Bai Xiao rarely sends messages to Jiang Cheng in the buckle, after all, Jiang Cheng is now his big boss.

However, Jiang Cheng's message replied quickly, "You, the head of the fan, were not invited? Was it a staff mistake?

"Well, maybe I've not spoken positively enough lately." Bai Xiao typed back a little embarrassed, "I was busy with the special effects of the immortals a while ago. "

Oh? Are the special effects of "Xianxian" complete?

"Yes, our company attaches great importance to this and spends a lot of energy in order to make the special effects the best and the most extreme."

"Well, when the show starts, I'll go and see it."

Then, without waiting for Bai Xiao to reply, a reminder was sent to the message on the mobile phone, which was a message from the Maple Fire Community APP.

"Congratulations on winning the qualification to participate in the Maple Fire Autumn New Product Launch, please..."

Bai Xiao jumped up happily, then sent a message to thank Jiang Cheng, and proudly shared the information with "Sisi".

"Hey, go with you."

--- (* ́I'*) ---

September 27, and the time is fast approaching.

Not only the hot fans attach great importance to it, but also those new media, such as Canglang News and Soaring News, which are also very important.

Bai Xiao arrived at the door of the conference center early, but Chen Sisi, who came earlier, that is, "Sisi", was already waiting.

Reach out and wave at him.

"Bai Xiaosheng!"

It is normal to be recognized, Bai Xiao prides himself on showing his face many times at the BI station, and he is very famous.

However, the girl in front of him was wearing an off-white T-shirt, a shirt printed with blue and white on the outside, a fleshy face, a tuft of bangs in front, and bright eyes below, wearing slightly red lipstick.


Bai Xiao's heart moved inexplicably, and he asked a little nervously.

Something is wrong!

Women are never a thing.

The other party generously stretched out his hand, "My name is Chen Sisi."

"When Maple Fire's first EX2 mobile phone, you won the lottery, right?"

"Yes, that time was really lucky, haha, and it also strengthened my heart to be a fire fan." Chen Sisi said happily.

Both of them are fire fans, and there are quite a lot of topics at this time, and they entered the scene while chatting and sat together.

Chen Sisi is not very tall, but he also has a look of 1.63 meters, looks a little like a porcelain doll, very delicate, and also has a fragrance, which makes Bai Xiao, who has been single for 33 years, a little dizzy.

"After watching it, it should be TV." Chen Sisi patted Bai Xiao's arm and said.

"Well, it is estimated that yes, I don't know what black technology is used, otherwise it would not be so fanfare publicity." Bai Xiao was a little strange, and when he looked at it, he saw that Jiang Cheng and the others had arrived.

"Oh, Jiang Dong is here."

As soon as Jiang Cheng arrived, the press conference almost began.

This time, it was Liu Zixuan of Maple Fire Company.

She is also a female product spokesperson specially trained by Mo Tianqing.

"Guests, friends, hello, I'm Zixuan, today I and you will release the new Fenghuo autumn products."

"In January this year, since we released the Kind 3, it has been loved by consumers, and up to now, the sales have reached 8.48 million units, and the Kind series, intimate, understand you, has become a classic." Liu Zixuan's voice is very good, so that everyone can't help but be attracted by her voice.

"Well, today we brought the Kind 3S, the classic appearance has not changed, but the internal functions have been improved a lot, such as our camera..." Of

course, these small facelifts also have many highlights, but they are not amazing.

Everyone listened, of course, the modified Kind 3S, the cost performance is still very high.

Then there's the Kind SE4 phone, and there's no need to talk about that.

"We know that for TVs, whether the display effect is good or not is a key indicator to evaluate the quality of a TV. And how the display effect, the key depends on the display technology, that is, we often call the panel. "

From the emergence of the color TV industry so far, display technology has always been accompanied by its keywords, from the amazing appearance of CRT, to today's LCD and OLED shine, major manufacturers have their own unique display technology, but today, those technologies will become synonymous with backwardness, because our MiniLED was born!"

"He will break all the current display technology landscape and bring a new and unparalleled display experience to everyone!"

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