If there is any more lively thing at the end of September 2016, it is the melon of even thought.

The voice of promoting Maple Fire Technology Company on the Internet only bubbled up and disappeared immediately, but the revelation against Lian Xiang lasted for several days.

Until September 29, it was close to the National Day of China, because of the intervention of some departments in China, this melon was temporarily calmed down.

However, it is said that the Chinese high-level will verify the matter.

However, this is only said.


A sound of a cup cracking sounded harshly, and the atmosphere in the entire room suddenly condensed, making people dare not come out.

Liu Wannian, who was wearing a gray Zhongshan suit, had a scowl on his face, "It's been a few days, have you found out?" Who the hell is thinking about us?

Another executive, Liu Zhihua, said carefully, "We checked, and it was mainly the waves of trolls in the industry that spread these news on the Internet, and with their impetus, many ignorant netizens are following the trend, and they can't tell the difference."

Then, the other party glanced at Yang Qing again, "These water armies, several leaders initially accepted our list to mobilize and publicize Maple Fire Technology Company, but the next day they turned around to deal with us..."

Liu Wannian slapped the table fiercely, "What are you doing?"

"We don't know this, these trolls have always had a good reputation in the industry." Liu Zhihua is also aggrieved, he is responsible for these propaganda things, and if something goes wrong, it is all his own pot.

Yang Qing explained with a solemn expression, "Old man, I think someone must have specifically targeted us, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

Liu Wannian thought of what happened a while ago, and his face changed slightly, "It's not Warwick, it's Fenghuo." Now the two of them are good like wearing a pair of pants.

"Yes, it is the mobile phone system, which is all jointly developed, resistive memory, and at present, Maple Fire is only supplied to Warwick, don't they know that they are also competitive?" Yang Qing was puzzled.

Liu Wannian felt tired in his heart, "They want to jointly eat all the Chinese market." "

Huaguo's huge market, the annual sales of mobile phones is about 450 million units, that is, 100 million units can be shipped, that also has tens of billions of profits.

"Now it's collusion of interests, but sooner or later they will also be counter-purpose because of competition." Yang Qing predicted.

"Now the high-level has temporarily suppressed this matter, but the big guys don't take it lightly, wait for this wind to pass for a while, and then study and judge the countermeasures," Liu Wannian began, "They will unite, we can also unite, it is impossible for the two of them to monopolize the market, right?"

Yang Qing nodded and said, "In addition, the market of the United States, Warwick and Fenghuo, cannot enter, and the markets of other countries in Europe and Asia, we can join forces with Sanxing to suppress together, and we can't let them grow easily."

"Well, you definitely can't be so careless next time!"

"Understood. We have suffered this loss, spent millions of dollars, but let them deal with us. Liu Zhihua said irritably.

They can't make this matter public, let alone get the money back through litigation, they can only swallow this loss themselves.

Liu Wannian closed his eyes and waved his hand, not wanting to say anything more.

Several people resigned and left, but their hearts were still full of indignation.

When did they suffer this loss?

This account, they will definitely find a way to get it back.


River Fishing Company.

Since Jiang Cheng took out the FPGA chip, Yu Xinran also chose time to communicate with these ecological chain partners who have established close cooperation.

Here, Gerry's Dong Ming was the first to express support.

This 60-year-old female boss is also a well-known entrepreneur in the field of air conditioning in China.

In the process of communicating with her, Yu Xinran also had a good relationship.

Dong Ming, who has always been straightforward, agreed very heartily after Xinran put forward this suggestion.

"FPGA chip, I have also let people check some of this, I heard that it is a good technology, but this thing is too high-end, how to use it, we people will not be." On this day, the two met in Kyoto to sign an in-depth cooperation agreement.

Yu Xinran said with a smile, "Now through this technology, Mr. Dong, you can put forward the requirements, and let the special FPGA engineers design and implement it."

"That's true, professional people do professional things." Dong Ming nodded, and then said, "I still admire Fenghuo Company, you Jiang Dong started from technology, in just a few years to achieve such a big family business, it seems that this technology is the core competitiveness, is really not wrong."

"That's right. Jiang Cheng is still very willing to spend money on technology research and development. Mr. Dong, don't your air conditioners also have a lot of core technology. "

Compared to chips, it's still not enough." Now the traditional air conditioner sells we feel the shortcoming," Dong Ming said, "Now young users hope to control the air conditioner freely through a mobile phone, in the Internet track, who is slow to compete, is easy to be eliminated."

"I heard that Mr. Dong wants to enter the field of new energy?" Yu Xinran suddenly asked.

"How do you know?" Dong Ming was a little surprised.

"President Dong, this matter is not a secret." Yu Xinran said with a slight smile.

Dong Ming glanced at Yu Xinran, "You guys, you have a very thorough understanding of my company, yes, I have this intention."

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "Jiang Cheng knows that he wants to sign a contract with you today, and before he returns to Guanglin, he asked me to tell you, the silver dragon is a pit, who goes to plant it." Dong

Ming's face darkened slightly, "Why does your family Jiang Dong look at me so badly?"

Yu Xinran pursed his lips and waved his hand, "He's just straight." However, what he said is not unreasonable, Mr. Dong, you can also consider it.

"Okay, he's not here today, or I'll have to look for his theory." Dong Ming felt that his strategic vision was questioned by a young man, and he was somewhat uncomfortable.

Yu Xinran changed the subject, "Let's not mention him." By the way, Mr. Dong, this chip we Maple has prefabricated a batch, when you arrange engineers to come, you can clarify the chip design requirements, if the progress goes well, you can use our FPGA intelligent programmable chip in the first half of next year. "

Line. For this chip matter, I asked professional engineers to dock with you. Dong Ming replied, "It is this chip, and it is also the core of the core technology, and your family Jiang Dong is very strategic!" "

From now on, the use of Fenghuo's FPGA chip, while obtaining new technology upgrades and bringing a new interconnection experience, is equivalent to this lifeline being pinched by Jiang Cheng."

Didn't Dong Ming know about this risk?

No, but she is currently unable to enter the chip industry, chips originally rely on procurement, the purchase of Maple Fire's chips, is nothing more than forcing closer in the ecological chain, for sales and profits is no impact.

As long as the cooperation between the two parties is pleasant.

But if she refuses, then she will face whether these competitors in Meidi will turn to Maple Fire.

This risk is even greater than before.

Yu Xinran smiled slightly, "President Dong, you are overthinking!" We Maple Fire, only one FPGA chip supplier. "


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