"President Jiang, I haven't been in touch for a long time!"

After coming out of the Ministry of Industry, Jiang Cheng received a call from Wang Laifu of Pengcheng Yadi Company.

"It's been more than half a year!" Jiang Cheng replied with a smile, "But the customized Tang has news?"

"Mr. Jiang is right, after more than half a year of research and development in our company, we have basically created a new Tang, which is really amazing." Wang Laifu said, "Now that we are undergoing road testing, the customized version that President Jiang needs, we have also arranged engineers to customize it, and I will let people forward some details to you, do not have any comments."

"That's a good feeling, I've wanted to change cars for a long time." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

For now, Jiang Cheng mainly takes the company's high-end commercial vehicles or Rolls-Royces, and for business vehicles, it is more necessary for work.

And Rolls-Royce this car, bought when you got married, sits comfortably, but it's a little too old-fashioned.

It doesn't quite match Jiang Cheng's age of 23 years old.

Wang Laifu smiled, "If there are not many modifications, it is expected that the car can be delivered in December, just when our new Tang is listed, can you invite President Jiang to attend the delivery ceremony?" Naturally

, in Wang Laifu's eyes, he also wanted to make a wave of big publicity by giving Jiang Cheng this delivery ceremony.

Jiang Chengdu, who is young and golden, chose Tang of Yadi Company, which shows that their car is very young and sporty.

Coupled with the story of Jiang Cheng helping to design the new Tang, it can also give both sides a mysterious gimmick.

"Okay, just the next two months, I'm busy in Pengcheng." Jiang Cheng immediately responded.

Wang Laifu was very happy after hearing this, "Then I will wait for President Jiang in Pengcheng."

"I heard that your company has developed a blade battery?" Jiang Cheng then asked.

This concept, Jiang Cheng has only heard some in his previous life, this time and Wang Laifu said, more importantly, this model is more suitable for lithium iron phosphate batteries.

Wang Laifu said with a smile, "Not bad, the current research progress is still fast, it is estimated that it can be applied next year, when our e 2.0 platform will definitely amaze the world."

"The entire Chinese automobile industry, there are not many people I admire, Mr. Wang insists on self-research for many years, and has his own core technology in the battery, and in the future automotive field, there will be a place for Yadi among the top three." Jiang Cheng praised.

Wang Laifu smiled like a child, "Then I will accept your auspiciousness!" By the way, your company acquired Carlin Lithium and formed Fenglin Battery, is it also ready to enter the automotive industry?

"There is no such plan for the time being, the current battery, mainly used in mobile phones and other mobile terminals, the pursuit of the ultimate safety and fast charging speed." Jiang Cheng explained.

To be honest, he can also understand that all walks of life in the entire Chinese country are a little afraid of Jiang Cheng's intervention.

As long as he enters the industry, he will soon be at the forefront of the world, and then they will die more easily in the competition.

Wang Laifu's Yadi company is also very large, but when Jiang Chengzhen entered the battery industry, he still had some hidden worries in his heart.

It's not that I'm afraid of competition, but Jiang Cheng's reputation has risen.

His scientific research ability is too strong.

The strategic vision is also accurate.

Wang Laifu smiled, "With Mr. Jiang's research and development capabilities, I believe that entering the automotive industry will definitely become a giant."

Mr. Wang said and smiled. Jiang Cheng said modestly.

The two carried each other's sedan chairs before hanging up the phone.

As soon as the phone hung up, Jiang Cheng shook his head funny, and now as the company grows, he has unknowingly become one of the leaders of technology companies.

Maple Fire Group, plus the two major companies of Moduwei, is enough to make any entrepreneur respect three points.

---₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ ----

home in Kyoto.

Jiang Yiping, who has been idle, went from not getting used to it at the beginning, to slowly getting used to the rhythm of life in Kyoto.

I got up early in the morning to go to the nearby supermarket to buy vegetables, and after shopping, I took Jiang Xinwan to play in the community.

At this time, Chen Ru was making breakfast with her aunt Ah Lian.

Since Yu Xinran also returned to work in the company, these two people have also been very busy, if the Kyoto company is okay, they usually go home for dinner, and if they have a business trip, they may not see anyone for several days.

Fortunately, she gave birth to a granddaughter, Jiang Xinwan, so that these two can help take the baby to kill time.

Otherwise, the nature of the two will not be idle.

Jiang Cheng exercises while boxing on the terrace, while Yu Xinran practices yoga.

Although he gave birth to Jiang Xinwan, his whole body recovered very well.

"Jiang Cheng, the cooperation of FGPA chips, has been negotiated 6 so far, Gerry, Haier these several have agreed, but we have not negotiated with them on the piece of the big ginger drone."

"Big ginger? Then they probably considered technical secrecy. Jiang Cheng took the towel and wiped the hot sweat on his body.

For Dajiang, radio chips, flight control systems, gimbal structures and mechanical design are one of the most important core technologies.

As a chip that carries software, it is normal for the other party to consider it.

But Jiang Cheng believes that as his FPGA chip is promoted, everyone will realize the excellence of this chip.

At least 50% of the cost can be saved for enterprises on the chip.

Yu Xinran's body was very soft and made movements, "I guess too, I have contacted the company's manager Ding Chengjun here, and the first batch will not be shipped until early next year." "

The group company still has a lot of money-making points. With the core technology, there will be a future, and this saying can not be wrong anywhere. Jiang Cheng sighed with some emotion.

In the past, when the group was established, it mainly relied on subsidiaries to hand over profits, but now the group company itself can make a lot of profits.

Although the profit of EDA software is not particularly high, it is durable and stable; The business unit led by Ding Chengjun, the main Fenghuo memory, Shenlong chips, and now FPGA chips, are all relatively profitable points and are the most profitable departments of the company.

As for other departments, most of them are mainly research and development.

Yu Xinran smiled, "Sometimes when I think about it, the past few years have been a bit dreamy, technology has developed a lot faster, and the company has developed like a leap." Jiang

Cheng's memory is very good, and he can sort out the context of each development, but he doesn't think, "The development of Jiang Yu Company is also on track, come to the group headquarters, you can help with some work."

"Are you going to attack the EUV lithography machine?" Yu Xinran asked.

As smart as her, she suddenly thought of Jiang Cheng's plan.

Aren't you sanctioned?

Then I'm going to show you.

Make him a joke.

Jiang Cheng nodded and hugged her in the past, "Well, I'll go to Pengcheng in a few days, I will stay there for a few months, and it is estimated that I will not come back until the New Year." "

Since the establishment of the talent team, according to Jiang Cheng's design plan, everyone has been busy, and Keyu Light Source has successfully developed a laser module under Jiang Cheng's occasional attention.

This gave Jiang Cheng the conditions for the next step of research and development.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Cheng had great ability, he would not be able to do that riceless cooking.

Yu Xinran nodded, "Okay, don't worry about the company here, I am here." "


It is faint and fragrant, with the taste of early morning, and it is somewhat sweet.

(PS: Try not to write about those sensitive anymore...) )

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