In order to ensure the more authenticity of the weapons and equipment of various countries in the "World War", Maple Fire Game Company specially hired military experts from Hua Guo, Beautiful Country and Mao Xiong Country to guide the research and development.

Relevant weapons and equipment are designed on the basis of the disclosure of various countries, and military enthusiasts can know the relevant data and parameters.

The modeling block is also designed according to these parameters.

Of course, it is impossible to be exactly the same as the real weaponry, but the basic parameters can be achieved.

Like this game design, it is generally to implement the function first, and then slowly optimize it, and do a good job of the texture, material, and light.

But for a virtual game, for the Maple Fire game team, it's a whole new field.

“...... At present, we have designed 30 pieces of small arms from various countries, mainly pistols, rifles, machine guns and other weapons, and designed 11 types of ships; The map design team initially designed a beautiful country map and chart, but the map is too large, and we intend to roughly design it according to the realistic terrain, but the map is scaled down on a large scale. "

After all, this game, it is impossible to say that it is completely designed according to reality, then the entire map package is super unbearable.

Therefore, the details will be constructed in important cities, mountains, passes, ports, etc., and other parts will be omitted.

According to Jiang Cheng's design, the entire game continues to have vitality by opening dungeons every year.

For example, the Great Wall Watch, the Furious Sea, the Winter is Coming, the Tower is still there, and the fog is orphaned, the whole series comes out.

Let everyone live a war addiction in the game.

If Jiang Cheng's game is designed to be extremely classic, maybe you can also select a group of talents with military talent!

Of course, this is just some of Jiang Cheng's cranky thoughts.

But these cranky ideas, because Jiang Cheng now has money, technology and team, can slowly realize him.

Even if the initial version is not good enough, details, design, NPC intelligence, etc., but everything starts this way, Jiang Cheng believes that he can achieve higher and farther goals.

Jiang Cheng listened carefully to Chen Canghao's report and nodded slightly.

It has been nearly half a year since the project was initiated, the team has been built, and the idea of the first copy has already been obtained.

That was the Battle of Guandao.

The plot is set as follows, around 2020, a medium-sized naval battle broke out near Guandao Island due to the military local conflict of the four major forces.

Up to 30 warships, submarines, etc. will participate in the battle.

These designs are shown through the screen, and judging by the model, they were designed with some thought.

"From the perspective of model design, it is still good, but the overall design progress is too slow," Jiang Cheng said directly when commenting, "In addition, our game is a new VR virtual reality game that can break the current technology, and let people enter the virtual world in a real sense through neural access instructions."

Zhou Chengan spoke, "Jiang Dong, but at present, we don't have this kind of virtual reality device at all, and there is no way to test the effectiveness of the design." Before

this, Jiang Cheng had already told them the relevant design specifications, but after all, it is a new game concept, which is completely different from the current mainstream VR games.

But after being surprised by Jiang Cheng's wild imagination, he will also wonder if this game he designed can be played?

Even Zhou Chengan thought about simply designing a 3D end game, which is also their advantage.

"I know that your design ability in mobile games and mobile games is indeed the top in China, but I don't want everyone to think that this game is too far away." Jiang Cheng reminded, "My VR technology company has been established in Hongzhou and is developing such devices, and in order for our devices to enter the mainstream and make our games become dominant in a new field, we must start and develop as soon as possible." "

Developing a big game is not an easy and easy task.

Jiang Cheng does not expect to be able to achieve public beta until at least this time next year.

And just then, when that time, epoch-making virtual reality technology and equipment can be fully promoted, and this game is an important part of it.

Without playability, enthusiasts won't easily pay for an entirely new tech product.

Zhou Chengan nodded heavily, "Jiang Dong, I understand." "

It is really a blessing for the company to have such a chairman who shows them the way forward and guides their technological development.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the company will slowly lose competitiveness and then become the next to take off, relying on huge volume and copying games for a living.

Jiang Cheng took out a U disk and inserted it into the notebook in front of him, "This U disk is a player for converting a virtual game into a 3D game that I initially designed, you can use this to initially check the design effect, and modify and optimize it according to the previous design software."

"At the end of the year, there will be a large-scale virtual game development and design equipment here, and you can design games through this device."

Jiang Cheng estimated the time and felt that he could complete the equipment at about this time.

Not only that, to truly realize virtual reality, Jiang Cheng must develop a brain-computer interface, receive EEG information through special sensors, and then convert it into photoelectric signals to directly control the device or realize the operation in virtual reality.

In Jiang Cheng's simulation design, people can access the whole person into virtual reality through the device, like the real world, and then all the actions of the person can be realized through neural induction.

That is, you can do a lot of actions in the virtual world, and even speak, but in fact, in reality, you don't need to move, but your nerves make you feel, you say, do, the corresponding virtual world feelings, will also be transmitted to the nerves.

But this idea is too future, like what is written in many online novels.

It is a virtual game of the future.

People can log in virtually through headband devices or nutrition pods.

Even most of the time in the game, truly realize the metaverse.

But this requires extremely powerful servers, artificial intelligence, and stable data connections.

For now, Jiang Cheng has no way to truly achieve this goal.

What he is proposing now is just a very preliminary virtual reality game design to make the immersive experience more realistic.

But this is the direction of Jiang Cheng's research and development.

In the area of artificial intelligence, Jiang Cheng has preliminarily designed Xiaofeng, and the latter is nothing more than version iteration, as well as learning and growth.

As for the server, Pangu, it is only the first generation, and more powerful supercomputers are needed later.

As for the data connection, there are three major operators in China, which is nothing more than technological innovation and rollout is too slow.

Jiang Cheng did not specifically talk to them about his super grand idea, but only put forward some of his own views and views on the design of this game.

Of course, he did not speak out in a word, and communicated with these backbones very seriously, listened to some of their questions and suggestions, some of which could be answered on the spot, and some suggestions that fit the scene for the team to record and optimize.

Li Silin is also a game director, and is also very interested in this piece, saying that she will pay attention to this game design process and hope to experience it first.

"However, we are fighting artillery in naval battles, and you are a woman, and you also like it?"


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