Kyoto, China Space Agency.

Deputy Director Xu Shaoxiong and Jiang Cheng had a discussion in the reception room.

For the sake of confidentiality, there were only 6 people in the entire meeting.

Jiang Cheng brought his bodyguard Zhang Xiaoyong here, and Xu Shaoxiong had several engineering academicians and an assistant on his side.

The content of the discussion is the important content of Jiang Cheng's special visit to Kyoto.

"Jiang Dong, please take a look."

With the assistance of Xu Shaoxiong's assistant, in front of Jiang Cheng, a map was opened.

But it is not a map of China, but a map of the world.

Or a topographic map with contours.

The exhibition area is a region of Africa.

Jiang Cheng knew the map of the entire world in his heart and immediately recognized it. This is Kenya.

"Director Xu wants to build the base here?"

Xu Shaoxiong nodded, "Yes, the equatorial region, among the countries that have good relations with our country, Kenya is more eligible."

"In terms of geographical conditions, El Dogua is more suitable, after the ship is transported, it can directly board the carrier of the ejection base and eject and take off directly to the east."

"More importantly, from the port to the right peak, a 12-kilometer catapult track can be built along the mountain!"

Jiang Cheng agreed that since the senior management of China's aerospace industry conveyed their willingness to cooperate to Jiang Cheng, they have begun to search for suitable bases not only in China, but also around the world, especially in the equatorial region.

It can be said that El Dogua is the most ideal space launch base for China.

But Nair's country is in South Mi, too close to the United States.

For now, when Huami's relations are becoming more and more tense, it is too unideal to build a space launch base there.

Kenya is different, located in eastern Africa, this country has good relations with China, and China also has a lot of aid there.

It's just that geographically, it's slightly worse.

In addition, Gabon on the west coast of Africa is not bad, but the topography of Gabon is not so good.

The space elevator built by "The Wandering Earth 2" in Maple Fire Film and Television Company is in Gabon.

It can be said that it has a relatively large popularity.

The space elevator project is good, but the requirements for materials are too high.

It is necessary to overcome not only gravity, but also georotational deflection.

But not without solutions.

Carbon nanomaterials are one of the solutions.

And this material is also an important part of Jiang Cheng's construction of a carbon material factory in space.

Through the ejection launch mechanism, slowly build a base in space, and then rely on this base to build a space elevator from top to bottom, from bottom to top, in both directions.

Make this sci-fi a reality.

Of course, this is all a very late afterthought.

Jiang Cheng carefully recalled the topographic map in his memory, looked at the map displayed by the assistant, and patiently listened to Xu Shaoxiong's introduction before he spoke,

"Kenya can."

Jiang Cheng's words are the characterization of this idea.

Xu Shaoxiong's heart was a little excited, and he just wanted to speak, but saw that Jiang Cheng continued to speak again.

"But African countries have always had frequent wars, so are our bases guaranteed?"

Xu Shaoxiong is full of confidence, "As long as it is feasible, the safety and security work behind is a matter for the state." Academician Jiang, rest assured, this base is no more than other industries, it is a military important place, and it will be armed to the teeth at that time.

"No matter which one does not open his eyes, he must face the iron fist of Hua Guo."

Even if there will be turmoil in this country, Hua Guo must let him not be turbulent.

"That's good." Jiang Cheng nodded. "When will the project start?"

"Within a month at the latest." Xu Shaoxiong said, "At present, the top management attaches great importance to the construction of this base, and as one of the most important projects in the next five years, it will fully support and guarantee. Of course, some things in principle, we need to communicate first. "

Are you talking about the share percentage?"

"Right. Because this is related to national security and is also a national-level space program, the state needs to hold a controlling interest, but we can protect the rights of your company, and the formal operation is carried out by you and me, and the management is formed. "

Xu Shaoxiong also has a saying, and does not fight sloppily.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, nodded and agreed, "Our company accounts for 49% of the shares, but our technology needs to be converted into account."

"Of course."

Immediately afterwards, preliminary planning and discussion were carried out, and it was initially estimated that 85 billion Chinese yuan would be needed to build the base.

With a registered capital of 100 billion yuan, Maple Fire Group Company accounts for 49% of the shares, only needs to invest 10 billion yuan, and the rest is invested as technology.

Hua Guo Aerospace Company invested 51 billion yuan in the shares, and invested another 23 billion yuan as the base construction investment.

Of course, in addition to building the base, the Chinese top management also decided to build an artificial city near the base.

At that time, it can accommodate military personnel, scientific research personnel, logistics personnel, family members, etc. free of charge, the scale of the first phase is 100,000 people, and the long-term plan is controlled within 2 million people.

It integrates military security, logistics services, scientific research and design, manufacturing and assembly.

As for the construction period, it is planned to be initially completed in 3 years.

It is naturally impossible to build it for a while.

But it's a dream that can be realized.

"Think about the near future, we will be able to quickly transport personnel and materials into space, our space station can be built more boldly, our moon landing can be accelerated by at least 5 years, and even Mars exploration will be at least 15 years ahead of schedule..."

After deliberating, not only Xu Shaoxiong, but also the old academician with white sideburns on the side said with emotion.

"Academician Jiang is the leader of our Hua Guo science and technology take-off!"

"Yes, in the past, we were still thinking about sending rockets, especially for safety, the stable and mature plan will not change for ten or twenty years, although the space program is steadily advancing, but there is no such a big technological innovation as Academician Jiang."

"Our old man has to learn from Academician Jiang."

Jiang Cheng was also a little helpless when he listened to the praise, and said, "All academicians have made great contributions to the development of China's aerospace industry, and this kid of mine has made small achievements on your shoulders."

"To be able to create a new career on the basis of our astronauts, this achievement is yours is you, too modest is not a good quality." The old academician said with a smile.

"Yes, Academician Jiang, you are just too modest. Your small achievement has greatly improved space launch, and if you make another ordinary achievement, it will not rewrite the course of space history.

Jiang Cheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then said, "Seniors, don't hide from everyone, I have an ordinary technique on my side that I want to share with you." The

old academician who just spoke was stunned, really "ordinary technology"?

"Ordinary technology, what the hell is ah, Academician Jiang, you don't want to sell Guanzi." Even Xu Shaoxiong is also a little itchy.

"Plasma engine, everyone should have research, right?" Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry, but he asked.

"This is natural, and when spacecraft are currently operating in space, they use plasma engines." The old academician nodded and said.

Jiang Cheng nodded first, and then shook his head, "I'm not talking about your electromagnetic plasma engine.

"What does Academician Jiang mean?"

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