The Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering.

It is already an honor to be rated as an academician of the first academy, but if it is an academician of the double academy, it is even more a big man at the level of "the heavy weapon of the country".

At present, there are only 13 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The oldest is 101 years old.

The youngest academician of the double academy is also 79 years old.

Since the 90s, 34 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering have been academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and then they have not continued to award double honors, so they have become "out of print".

So that as of 2021 now, there are only 13 academicians of the two academies in the entire country.

But now, if Jiang Cheng can develop a fusion reactor, then the academicians of the two academies may indeed make another exception after 26 years.

This gold content can be large.

However, for Jiang Cheng, he actually didn't care.

But he doesn't care, there are still many people who care.

For example, this Academician Liu Xiao.

He is an expert in rocket power and knows the importance of nuclear fusion engines.

To put it simply, it has truly changed the way of obtaining energy from "boiling water" in human history.

In Zhihu, many people are laughing at themselves, human beings have developed for so many years, but there is no change in the way of energy use, in the final analysis, they are boiling water.

The difference lies in the way water is boiled.

But even today's nuclear power plants use heat energy to produce steam, which propels turbines to generate electricity.

It is even believed that it is impossible for humans to get rid of boiling water.

However, if you can't get rid of it, it means that people will be locked up on Earth, and it is impossible to have the idea of interstellar navigation.

Because just to get rid of the Earth's gravity, from the ground to space, it takes a lot of chemical energy, and the efficiency is simply not too low.

Many aerospace R&D personnel hope that one day, a high-specific impulse aerospace engine will be developed.

The so-called specific impulse, the English name Lsp, means the impulse produced by the propellant per unit mass.

The fusion engine is the rocket engine with the most potential to fly within the solar system in the future.

It's just that although Liu Xiao is eager, he also understands that this is just cooperative research, and whether it can be achieved, especially whether it can be achieved during his own life, is a question.

Even if Jiang Chengzhen develops a fusion reactor, it is a large tokamak-like device, which is more used to generate electricity.

If you want to use it as an engine on a rocket or maple fire launch vehicle, it is still too large.

That requires miniaturization, and it is necessary to change the main power generation to plasma propulsion.

Through fusion, plasma is pushed out of the jet port to achieve a powerful propulsion power.

But there are too many technical difficulties here, and Liu Xiao has no bottom in his heart.

Forget it, let's first get the country's consent to this cooperation!

Taking out the letter of suggestion written by his thoughts in the evening, early the next morning, Liu Xiao handed it to Director Xu Shaoxiong and told the other party that he was going to give it to the high-level.

As an academician, Liu Xiao's suggestion is that there is a power to listen to heaven.

"In any case, the nuclear fusion engine is the future, the dependence and guarantee of the sea of stars. Academician Jiang Cheng has extended an olive branch, if we don't catch it again, we will regret that we won't take medicine in the future! Listening

to Liu Xiao's eager words, Xu Shaoxiong smiled bitterly, "Academician Liu, don't be so anxious, can the high-level still not know the importance of this technology?" There is already reliable news from the top management, Academician Jiang Cheng's nuclear fusion reactor is already under construction, and it will definitely be completed next year, and the leadership is very concerned!

"Ah, that's wonderful!" Liu Xiao was so excited that he didn't sleep for half a night, and then he relaxed, "I suggest starting to draw people now, forming a research and development team, and acting a day earlier, we will realize this dream one day earlier."

"I can't wait!"

Xu Shaoxiong fully understands Academician Liu Xiao's idea, according to the legal age, people who are going to retire, but for the sake of this transformative engine, I hope to see it in my lifetime, this psychology is very normal.

"You can go through the rankings first, and the character is important, and then the highest level of scrutiny is required." Xu Shaoxiong did not discourage the enthusiasm of this academician, let him go to find out the candidates first, and after the cooperation project is decided, it can be started quickly.

When Liu Xiao heard this, he was overjoyed, "Cheng, then I'll go to touch the row now."

"Be careful to keep it secret." After seeing him cheerful like a child, he shook his head and said to himself, "What an acute master." Jiang

Cheng will stay in Kyoto for a few days, and wait for the high-level news to reply.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Cheng went back to Mizuki, had an interactive exchange for the special class students, and explored their learning situation by the way.

The special class students led by Yao Shunyu have a good theoretical grasp of carbon-based chips, especially with the blessing of "Fengzhi Memory", all of them have become masters in this field.

One by one, they are revising their doctoral dissertations.

This exchange is the exchange of these projects.

Jiang Cheng also commented on the first draft of their papers one by one and proposed revisions.

After the exchange, seeing that there was still some time, Jiang Cheng asked.

"For various reasons, I don't have time to come over to guide everyone in this class, but fortunately, Yongjun and Zhang Meng are also very responsible, and everyone is very conscious, from the quality of the paper, I am very satisfied."

Here, Jiang Cheng looked at it, and the papers of several people like Yao Shunyu and others were more brilliant, and they would be more useful in the future.

As for the others, they are slightly worse, but they are also very good topics and have achieved good research results, and they are not the kind of water-filled papers at all.

Hao Yongjun and Zhang Meng on the side also smiled slightly and did not speak.

Jiang Cheng continued, "Graduation is approaching, let's talk about where everyone is going." "

I have passed the spring move of the Maple Fire Group." Yao Shunyu raised his hand and said first.

"Me too."


At one point, nine people raised their hands.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Coming out to work is also a choice, as the chairman of Fenghuo Group, I also congratulate you on choosing Fenghuo."

Another person said, "The two of us are going to stay in school."

"I went to Kyoto University, and the conditions over there were good."

"I'll go to Changgong University."

"Aurora University."

"Huazhong University."

The other two students were a little embarrassed, "We haven't decided yet." "


Jiang Cheng glanced at these two people, the names naturally remembered, but also knew in his heart, they were not undecided, but they were struggling with which offer to choose.

There are not too many companies that pull out olive branches to them.

As far as Hua Guo's enterprises are concerned, there are Huaxin Micro, Huaxin International, and even Hua Wei.

There are more foreign enterprises and schools, Sanxing, Intel, agricultural enterprises, valley valley, moss chicken electric enterprises, Sfortan, Harvard and other famous schools have waved a large number of banknotes to attract them.

Like the conditions given by Intel: as long as you agree, the green card can be taken casually, the entry reward is 10 million meters, in addition to the annual salary of 6 million meters, with a car, a room, that is, women can match.

Carbon-based chips!

At present, besides Maple Fire Group, who else understands?

It is a technology that cannot be completed by engaging in secret activities.

And Jiang Cheng's class is the most researched person for carbon-based chips.

The theory, as well as the principle of manufacturing, are basically understood.

It's just that there is no key technology.

The first batch of carbon-based chip talents in the Jiangcheng belt is only 18 people, and one of them transferred to Jinling University halfway, and these companies and schools have all contacted others, but there is no effect.

They all have a firm life plan.

But like Chen Yuanliang and Guo Yuxuan, they did not completely decide, received the surprise of the opening conditions at the beginning, and prepared to shop around in the back to see which one maximizes the benefits.

However, after all, after graduation, where to work, it is not something that Jiang Cheng can control, and he does not disdain to control.

When there are more people, there are more ideas, and Yao Shunyu and other 9 personnel can enter the maple fire, which is enough.

As for the others, it is better to go to school and work, it can be regarded as a branch.

No matter how powerful the technology is, it needs to be passed down from generation to generation.

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, will continue to climb the peak of science and technology.

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