"Protect Jiang Dong!"

When the sudden gunshot sounded, Zhang Xiaoyong, who was protecting Jiang Cheng in the back row, was instantly hit in the arm, and the powerful sniper bullet directly burst his left arm!

Blood splashed all over Jiang Cheng's face.

The next moment, the bodyguards who reacted, under Zhang Xiaoyong's shout, instantly surrounded and hugged Jiang Cheng towards the base room!

And Deng Lian, who had just greeted at the door, was even more stunned.

This killer is really too rampant!

Right on the doorstep of the base!

The heavily guarded space company command center building!

Someone actually dared to assassinate Jiang Cheng!

"Quick, notify the security personnel, quickly investigate, be sure to find out the person!"

"What about the doctor! Send someone to the health room! "

Call 110!"

For a while, everyone was in chaos.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Xiaoyong, who was holding his arm and screaming in pain for a while, and his heart was extremely angry!

Clenching his hands into fists, Jiang Cheng violently touched the blood on his face, "Where is the sniper?"

"It should be on the side of the mountain!" Zhang Xiaoyong gritted his teeth and said.

"Xiao Feng, notify the first team of guards to take to the air immediately!" Jiang Cheng's eyes were red, and he ordered through gritted teeth.


Deng Lian still didn't understand what was happening, and the next moment he heard countless buzzing sounds, and through the glass, he saw dozens of black phantom drones flying into the sky!

"Dig three feet into the ground, and find someone for me!"

Jiang Cheng brought the single-mirror Maple Fire EX8, and through the projection, he projected the video shared by the drone in front of everyone's eyes.

At this time, Deng Lian did not have the heart to look, saw that the doctor had arrived, and ordered the security guard and the doctor to send Zhang Xiaoyong to the base hospital.

Emergency treatment is carried out first, but it is estimated that it will be sent to a large hospital in Qionghai or even Pengcheng.

But apparently, Deng Lian also knew that Jiang Cheng was very angry now.

A swarm of 20 drones, under the control of artificial intelligence Xiaofeng, formed 5 columns and searched for the mountain!

The area around here is no man's land, and if it weren't for Fenghuo building a launch base for electromagnetic ejection here, there would be basically no one except for the small villages farther away.

But the drone quickly spotted suspicious people.

It was a tall, tightly wrapped man who was running briskly down the hill.

There is a mountain bike there.

"Damn, it must be him!" Deng Lian was furious, "Take people over and stop them!" The

base guard captain immediately saluted, "Yes!" This

captain was also full of anger in his heart, and it was the biggest mistake of his life that this kind of thing appeared under the nose of his defense!

Now if he doesn't arrest people, he himself has no face.

With personnel, all loaded with live ammunition, driving two off-road vehicles, directly rushing out, starting is drifting, and the speed directly dried more than 120 yards.

Jiang Cheng ignored the actions of the guards, and under the control of his mind, a drone flew steadily in front of the other party, and just as he got on the motorcycle, Xiao Feng's voice sounded without emotion.

"Stop immediately and hold your head on the spot! First warning! "


The white man could not understand the Chinese dialect, but also knew that he had been discovered, cursed, lit a fire, opened the throttle, and rushed out directly.

"Stop immediately and hold your head on the spot! Second warning! "

“Pull over now! Second Warning!"

Xiao Feng's big speaker was transmitted through the drone, this time with a foreign language.

Obviously, the other party was desperately trying to escape, and even he thought that this drone was just tracking.

But he thought wrong.

Under Xiao Feng's dispatch, two teams of 10 drones leaned over closely and flew above each other's heads.


Jiang Cheng gave the order expressionlessly!

The belly of the Phantom drone opens, and a small patrol missile falls, directly igniting the target and flying!

“OH! NO! Hearing

the sound, the white man saw a scene that shocked him incomparably, a small missile flying directly towards him in front!

The white man was also very decisive and immediately chose to jump the car.

The next moment, the patrol missile hit the motorcycle.


With a loud explosion, the entire motorcycle was blown to pieces, and the shock wave rushed towards the white man with steel fragments.

The next second the white man lost consciousness, he knew he was finished.

Ten drones patrol the side high or on the ground, or hover and wait.

In less than a minute, two SUVs that had driven nearly 200 yards arrived, and several people got out of the car with guns, first removing each other's weapons, and only then arrested the white man, who had passed out.

What awaits him will be tortured in any way.

Jiang Cheng then glanced at Deng Lian.

"Jiang Dong, blame me for being too careless, I didn't expect that the enemy could actually hide 2 kilometers away..." Deng Lian lowered his head and honestly admitted his mistake.

Jiang Cheng's voice was cold, "What about the other person?"

"After you sent the instructions, the maintenance worker has been secretly controlled." Deng Lian said.

Dealing with a bribed spy inside the base, Jiang Cheng has already monitored it through artificial intelligence Xiaofeng, and when he is on the road, he has already ordered Deng Lian to control people, and the people in the security department are also asking.

But the other party only knew his mission, that is, at the time of launch, find a way to approach Jiang Cheng and detonate it with a human bomb.

Deng Lian also felt that there was no problem after catching people, so he was not so closely guarded.

Otherwise, when Jiang Cheng gets off the car, there should be security personnel in the location of possible problems.

And not only Jiang Cheng's bodyguards.

"Okay, contact the national security department and check it well, who is it!?" Jiang Cheng said coldly, "I will definitely make the other party pay a terrible price!"

"Understood!" Deng didn't even dare to breathe.

This time, he also saw Jiang Cheng's own drone defense force.

This is a small formation that he left at the space base.

Most of the time in the drone depot head intelligent charging maintenance, and there is a special person to replace the aviation fuel regularly.

According to Jiang Cheng, this is the air defense force of the space base.

For example, during the launch mission, several drones will be escorted in the air.

But his power, Deng Liancun saw for the first time.

It can carry patrol missiles, and can even carry small cannons, which is a reconnaissance and combat integrated UAV in the true sense.

I didn't expect Jiang Cheng to be able to have it.

When Jiang Cheng went to the base hospital to see Zhang Xiaoyong's condition, the senior leader's phone called.

"Xiaojiang, you were assassinated?"

"Yes, just now, at the gate of the Maple Fire Space Command Base, there was a white sniper, and my bodyguard was unfortunately injured."

"Someone caught?"

"Caught it."

"My side will arrange for the special task force of the Ministry of State Security to come over and find out together with you!" The leader was also very angry, "These people are simply lawless, do they treat our Hua Guo as sick cats?"

Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement, "Okay." Leader, you also reminded correctly, as soon as nuclear fusion was announced, sure enough, these foreign forces were completely desperate.

"That's natural. Maybe ordinary people only see that nuclear fusion can generate electricity, but they don't know that this is an energy innovation, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the fourth industrial revolution!

"They made it clear that they didn't want to see the rise of our Hua Kingdom!"

Jiang Cheng said calmly, "But no matter who it is, no matter what means, it can't be stopped, the more crazy they are, the more it means that their end has come." "

The field of science and technology has developed rapidly over the years, but the military lags a little behind, Xiaojiang, after the fusion engine comes out, our No. 4 aircraft carrier can go on..."

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