"Jiang Dong, at present, Jili, Changan and other automobile companies have sent teams to negotiate the supply of carbon nanobatteries, and there are many people at the top who suggest that we Maple Fire also enter the new energy automobile industry, but this is a big thing after all, I can't make up my mind, please tell Jiang Dong let's do it or not?"

At the end of September, Jiang Cheng returned to Pengcheng from Kyoto, and as soon as he came to the headquarters, Mo Tianqing talked about this matter again after expressing his congratulations to Jiang Cheng on his promotion to academician of the Academy of Engineering.

Although he is the rotating CEO, whether the entire company of Fenghuo Group wants to enter the automotive industry, it is still necessary to ask Jiang Chenglai.

Jiang Cheng invited Mo Tianqing to the reception area and sat down and made a cup of tea.

"Don't worry, tell me what everyone thinks."

It was rare to relax, Jiang Cheng also planned to have a good chat with Mo Tianqing, and by the way, listen to the recent operation of the company.

Mo Tianqing smiled, relaxed his mood, drank a cup of tea, and said, "Jiang Dong's craft of making tea is getting better and better."

"Cut, don't compliment me, I'm just making bubbles casually, but this tea is good, the green tea from my hometown is quite fragrant." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Guanglin also hopes that I will invest some money at home, I want to think about it, that is, this can be done."

Mo Tianqing naturally understood, "Understand, I will arrange for a manager to go to Guanglin to inspect in the past two days."

"Hmm. You don't have to invest too much, just take care of it. Jiang Cheng took a sip of tea, "Let's talk, who plans to enter new energy vehicles?"

"The suggestion of Chen Feng and Zhicheng directors is that we have a strong battery and can enter this lane, after all, the whole vehicle is more profitable than the battery."

"Si Lin thinks not, she said that vehicle manufacturing and marketing, it takes time to accumulate word of mouth, instead of putting down your body to compete with those companies, it is better to grasp the key technology of batteries to continue to develop."

Jiang Cheng did not rush to express his position, "What about your own thoughts?

"I think it's a joint venture."

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Tell me what you think." "

I think that if we have carbon nano batteries, and even nuclear power batteries in the future, we can always be a leader in this field, and under the premise of this advantage, just being a battery supplier is indeed a bit wasteful."

Mo Tianqing continued to analyze, "But directly spread out the stall to do the car yourself, experience, qualifications and the market have to start again, and some are too slow to keep up with the pace of next year's battery release." Moreover, at present, Maple Fire Group is too large, and if it directly enters the automobile market, social resistance will be great.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "You see it right. "

No matter how big the enterprise is, it is impossible to occupy all 360 lines, so it is a living target, and it will develop under great pressure in the future."

Carbon-based chips are currently a de facto monopoly position in Maple Fire, which has made many people's lives sad.

But this is the trend of the times, and it is an industry promoted by the state, and everyone has nothing to say.

But the car is directly off the field, and it is easy to be targeted.

After a while, it will be "spontaneously combusted", which is also a headache.

Mo Tianqing's idea is more suitable, this money can be earned, but it is best to earn it in another way, through the joint venture, it is not a big problem to take a part.

And Fenghuo's huge volume is there, at least it must be the second largest shareholder and have considerable power, otherwise once the battery is cut off, the car company will wait for death.

In this way, it will not be so attractive.

It will not spread the stall too big, and the tail will not be large.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's praise, Mo Tianqing was a little excited in his heart, "So, what does Jiang Dong mean?"

"According to your method, Yadi has its own battery factory, and also purchased carbon nanomaterials to research new batteries, he is the representative of self-research, we have 1.5% of the shares, want more, the other party will not agree."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Let's take a look at Wuhu Qirui."

"Okay, I'll communicate with Qi Rui first. With our battery advantage, I believe it will agree. Mo Tianqing answered.

Subsequently, Mo Tianqing reported to Jiang Cheng on the current development of the group company.

It also clicked on the rollout of the "Maple Wisdom Memory" product.

Starting in the second half of today, under the promotion of the high-level of China and the consent of Jiang Cheng, Fengzhi Memory basically released the supply, but like the vaccine, it needs to correspond to the ID card, DNA and individuals according to the requirements, otherwise it will not be effective.

To a certain extent, it helped China to establish a population DNA bank.

Of course, this rollout is aimed at students.

However, Fengzhi memory is only a bridge for everyone to read, so that everyone can better improve their memory ability, but it does not mean that just injecting is equivalent to not forgetting.

This requires memory training, plus individual effort.

Let everyone who works hard get the reward, and not obviously work hard but remember nothing.

However, there are still gaps in the level of students' achievements, including differences in talent, logical ability, etc., but on the whole, the knowledge reserve and ability quality of students across China have been greatly improved.

Some experts predict that in the next 5 to 10 years, a group of world-class or leading scientists and humanities experts will emerge in China, and these talents will be the hope of rejuvenating China.

Of course, Hua Guo made Fengzhi's memory a reality through subsidies and the company by reducing purchase prices.

This has also become a scene that other countries are extremely envious.

Many countries can obviously see that the rise of the Chinese country is a foregone conclusion, although they can't inject Fengzhi's memory, they can become Chinese through marriage!

After this method was promoted, many foreign beauties poured into China.

That is, there are more foreign sons-in-law.

That's all for later.

But at this time, the biggest headache is the Ministry of Education, which is rolling out the reform of education.

After negotiating these things, Wang Laifu's phone suddenly called.

Through the virtual image, Jiang Cheng saw the fat Wang Laifu.

"Jiang Dong, long time no see!"

"Mr. Wang, your company's new energy vehicle butcher, congratulations!" Jiang Cheng smiled slightly.

Wang Laifu smiled, "Now the sales and orders are good, but we have to think of danger in peace!" I heard that Jiang Dong's carbon nanobattery came out and can be used in cars?

"Yes, the energy density and charge-discharge parameters are not bad." Jiang Cheng did not shy away and said directly.

"Jiang Dong, to tell the truth with your brother, will you come to make a car?"

Jiang Cheng said amusedly, "Why, your dignified new energy brother is also afraid that we will come in?"

"Now who doesn't know, as soon as you Maple Huo comes in that industry, the world will turn upside down." Wang Laifu smiled.

"To be honest, we have ideas, but for now, we want to do a joint venture." Jiang Cheng smiled, looked at Wang Laifu, and said, "Your company has its own battery factory, presumably it won't let us make a joint venture, right?"

"Where would you be unwilling, our company, don't you have shares!"

"That's too little."

Wang Laifu smiled and asked, "I wonder how much Jiang Dong plans to want?"

"If it's Yadi, I want 30%."


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